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Here’s a rundown of what’s coming to the channel and our Patreon exclusives for March.

The UK government announced its road map out of lockdown last week and if that all goes to plan, it’s looking likely we’ll be able to get into the studio and be able to film Demon’s Souls exactly as we’d planned sometime in the Summer – just in time for Powers’ birthday. 

We can’t thank you enough for your patience and support. We know you want to see Demon’s Souls but we hope you appreciate that we do things a bit differently to most channels and don’t want to make anything unless we can make it in the best way possible way.

Early Access - $10 per month

We’re almost ready to unleash our new show, so look out for the trailer coming soon. 

As always, Early Access patrons will receive the entire series on launch day before it rolls out weekly on YouTube. Trust us when we say, this is one you’re going to want to clear your schedules to binge.

In the meantime, here’s a little sneak peek for you…

Shield Up - $10 per month

We’re having a little refresh of Shield Up and after 2 years of loyal service we’re retiring the theme tune after Episode 110. And we need your help.

RKG Producers are going to get to vote on what the new theme music will be so make sure you tune in for Episode 110 to get all the details.

Producer Streams - $20 per month

Gav Finally Finishes Red Dead Redemption 2

Look, I’m a busy man. I’ve got a company to help run, Welsh Cakes to eat, Jurassic Park tweets to write – it’s ALL GO over here! Sometimes even games that I love get put on the back-burner. For these reasons and more, I’ve never finished Rockstar’s classic game. 

I’m currently at the start of Chapter 6 and from what I gather there’s around 12 hours left so the plan is to finish it across three nice and chilled streams.  

I’ve somehow managed to avoid all spoilers so I genuinely have no idea what’s going to happen. The FF7R streams were just incredible and we had such a lovely time together, I’m hoping for a bit more of that. 

Here’s a little taste of the kind of nonsense you can expect from me.

  • Part 1: Sunday, March 14th, 6pm GMT | 2pm ET | 11am PT
  • Part 2: Sunday, March 21st, 6pm GMT | 2pm ET | 11am PT
  • Part 3: Friday, March 26th, 6pm GMT | 2pm ET | 11am PT

Posh Slugs – $100 per month

As always we’ll be finishing off the month with an intimate stream with our Posh Slugs. This is your chance to ask us anything you like about what we’ve been watching, playing and even get little teases of upcoming projects.

  • Posh Slug Q&A – Sunday, March 28: 6pm GMT | 2pm ET | 11am PT

Whether this current UK road map out of lockdown stands true or not - it sure does feel nice to have even a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel, doesn’t it? And if things change then Gav will see Boris outside of Number 10.






Take the time you need to do Demons Souls, I think most, if not all, of us understand. Hope you guys are doing well, especially the lore master!


Is Krupes doing ok? We all miss him


You all are going a great job. The streams are really fun, and well worth the cost of being a producer. Absolutely understand you wanting to do demons souls right, and I don't think anyone of us slugs fault you for waiting until things can be back to normal.


If at all possible I’d love a link to purchase/access the old theme tune!


Where the hell is Daniel?!


I appreciate you waiting to do Demons Souls since I'm one of the many who can't get a PS5 without giving in to the scalpers and I'd rather experience it myself before I watch you guys play it. Also, I never told you guys that you were the reason I signed up for Patreon waaay back when you started RKG. I just wanted to let you know that I love the content you put out there and am glad you were able to keep it going during the last year.


You can read his December 7 statement on his Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIfPui7HB8h/


Damn, had no idea. I know you won’t see this Krupa, but I hope you’re doing well wherever you are.


Thank you so much for your support. That's lovely to hear. We hope you manage to get your hands on PS5 soon!

Jamie Matthews

A welsh spookie involving a Maid? I wonder

Max Stephens

Can't wait for DeS. Hope Krupes is doing okay! We miss him and can't wait for his return to the gang whenever the time is right.


Excited for the new show, what ever it may be I'm sure will be excellent as always.