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Hello Producers & Posh Slugs! 

Rory's just gone live playing through the first half of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - join him, why not?

We've originally planned for this to be be Rory and Gav but during all our tests (on three different consoles!!) this week, the servers just couldn't handle that much bantz and shut us down. 

Hopefully this will be fixed by next week but for this week, let Rory take you on a little 8-bit journey. 

Gav & Rory x  


Rory Plays Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - Part 1

Join Rory for Part 1 of his playthrough of one of the best side-scrolling beat 'em ups based on a movie which is based on a comic book ever.



Great stream Rory, hope you and Gav are able to team up next week