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This Thursday I'm going to attempt another jigsaw! 

It's 500 pieces of a scene which has probably had the biggest impact on pop culture ever: 

The time Noel Edmonds told Mr. Blobby he wasn't allowed to go to New York

Everybody remembers where they were when they first saw this clip and now you'll remember where you were the first time you saw someone do a jigsaw of it. 

I've decided to use the stream to also raise some money for CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). They're an organisation that I heard about last year because of the incredible work they do to help people talk about their mental health issues. 

Come join me for a day of jigsaw nonsense and help me raise some money for an amazing cause. Hopefully see you all on Thursday. 

Gav x 

I'll be using this page to take donations and you can find out more about the work CALM do here.  


Gav Does a Jigsaw for Charity

Gav's back with another jigsaw livestream and this time he's raising money for the awesome people at CALM or The Campaign Against Living Miserably. To find out more: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/jigsawgav



CALM is a great charity! Good job sir.


Edmunds and Blobby traumatised me as a child.... maybe this can once and for all put my demons to rest 😂


I salute you sir to doing this on my day off 🥳

Jamie Matthews

Noel tiny beard, blobby and a quite possible 12 hour stream, love it

Nolan Childerhose

EST here, see you when I'm awake for the day, lol! Sounds like a wonderful charity.

Papa Nic is a Wizard

I made it for all of the last stream. CST is going to make this an effort to make the start. *setting the alarm* I'm not crying... your crying.


CST here! Probably won't be there for the beginning (maybe I will! My sleep has been...weird lately), but hopefully, you'll still be going when I get up. The Princess Di stream is one of my all-time faves.


Supposed to be a snowy day where I am, if I'm off work I'm going to tune in! Also super cool helping out the charity, hope all goes well


Not that I ever though Gav was chubby or anything, but he's looking like he lost some Lbs, like a dapper gent. Good on em


This sounds so lovely! MST here, may or may not be awake still at the start, but will most definitely tune in once I truly wake up for work.