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Hello Producers & Posh Slugs,

We hope you're ready to join Rory and Gav this Friday to watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. 

We've decided as it's Friday night for us, we're gonna come up with some drinking rules for the film to make things extra spicy. Feel free to booze along responsibly with us or replace booze for another drink/snack of your choice. 

As always, you'll have to source your own copy of the film to sync up with us, we'll be using the version that's on Netflix UK which is 1hr52m11s and we'll have the usual slideshow up so you can follow along. 

If this is your first time joining one of our watch-a-longs and you're confused then you can always have a look at how we sync things up on our previous one

We're very excited to see in the weekend with you legends. 

Gav & Rory x 


Rory & Gav Watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Join us to watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World together and get yourselves some drinks because we have drinking rules.



This starts at 2:00 am here (Bangkok). I’m still considering it but...


Woke up extra early here in Nebraska to get all of my lab work done before the stream. Just made it home! I’m excited!