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Hey Slugs!  

Last Friday we had a blast adventuring around Koholint Island, trying to awaken the Wind Fish and it's almost time to do it again! 

Join me this Friday, January 22, 6pm GMT | 1pm ET | 10am PT for part 2 of our journey.

The link for the stream is up above so make sure you've got all your arrows, bombs and rupees ready for Friday!  

If you missed part 1 you can catch up with it right here 



Producer Stream: Rory Plays Link's Awakening Part 2

Rory's never played Link's Awakening so join him for the second of three livestreams where he plays the entire thing.



Unrelated, but any plans to do some Hitman 3 videos? The 3-Ways of you boys playing Hitman is one of my favorites!

Paul Davies

Ah January twenty seconth, I think I'm free that day.