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Here's both episodes of our A Way Out playthrough which sees us forced into working together to escape from prison and take down the man who put us behind bars. 

Our full playthrough of A Way Out takes us to so many places - physically AND emotionally - but not before we stopped to do some arm wrestling and some banjo playing. 

Episode 1 is available here.  

Episode 2 is available here.  

For a little taste of how special this is, check out this clip featuring the finest Morgan Freeman impersonator $5 can buy. 

Rory & Gav x 


Rory & Gav Play A Way Out - Part 1

This is the first part of our full playthrough. Watch us try and bust out of the joint, escape the police and make way too many Shawshank Redemption references. --------- Follow us on... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RKGvideo Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RKGvideo


Jonathan Cox

That Morgan Freeman clip is superb 😂😂😂