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RKG: July Update

Hello, everyone!

When we originally shut down production on Retry and left the RKG studio, we thought like a lot of people this was going to be a temporary measure, and that before long, we’d be able to resume production.

Even when it became technically possible to return to workplaces here in the UK – with social distancing and other measures in place – we held off. We didn't want to shoot Retry: Sekiro 2m apart, as we thought it might affect the look and feel of the show too much.

But Covid-19 isn't going anywhere. Increasingly it looks like some form of social distancing will remain in place for the foreseeable future. So while it's not ideal to shoot Retry in this way, we can do it safely, and with a little ingenuity, lessen its impact for us and you, the viewer. We also think it's infinitely better than putting it on hold indefinitely.

So what’s the plan?

We're currently buying some additional pieces of equipment to allow us to shoot safely in the studio. The plan is to head back in and shoot the rest of Retry: Sekiro during the week beginning July 13th. We're going to be filming all-day, everyday. It'll be just like how we made the very first season of Prepare To Try.

We're doing it like this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, filming like this produces some of the best episodes – it's more intense, and if you get stuck, there's no way around it except pushing right on through. It also means that after a week we'll have all the footage in the bank. So if lockdown restrictions are tightened here in the UK, we can still put out the rest of the season.

If everything goes to plan, Retry: Sekiro will return on Friday, August 7th for RKG patrons and Saturday, August 8th on YouTube for everyone else.

What does this mean for July’s content?

So we’re going to do fewer public live streams during the month, so we can focus on getting the show back up-and-running. But we still have a selection of patron-exclusive content going up, in addition to Shield Up.

As many of you will know, we put our RKG Plays The Division 2 series on hold, since its content and setting felt inappropriate at the time. And while those issues still remain vitally important, we feel like it’s less tone deaf to resume and finish that series now. So we’ll be streaming every day in early July, finishing that series before we head back in and focus on Retry: Sekiro.

Here’s a full rundown of everything you can expect from RKG in July....


Keyword Countdown Returns

The quiz they won't let on TV returns at the end of the month, with a new set of rounds and guests. Krupa took the first round. Can Powers catch-up?

Find out on Friday, July 31: 8pm BST | 3pm ET | 12pm PT!

Early Access – $10 per month

An Evening with The Last of Us Part 2

Finished The Last of Us Part 2? Have a burning desire to discuss it in detail? 

Join Krupa and Gav as they present a special one-off event, dedicated to the biggest game of the year so far. There’ll be debate, features, and maybe even some tears.

  • An Evening with The Last of Us Part 2 – Saturday, July 18: 8pm BST | 3pm ET | 12pm PT

RKG Plays The Division 2

We’re returning to Washington D.C. to wrap up our lockdown series. We’re going to be streaming everyday from July 6th. We should be able to wrap it up in three more episodes. Washington’s easy to fix, right? 

These episodes will be available to watch live and early for Early Access patrons. They'll then go public on YouTube every Sunday throughout July.

  • RKG Plays The Division 2 – Part 4: Monday, July 6: 5pm BST | 12pm ET | 9am PT
  • RKG Plays The Division 2 – Part 5: Tuesday, July 7: 5pm BST | 12pm ET | 9am PT
  • RKG Plays The Division 2 – Part 6: Wednesday, July 8: 5pm BST | 12pm ET | 9am PT

Producers – $20 per month

I’ve fixed all technical problems that blighted me last time, and will return to Lothric this month in search of that Platinum trophy. And to make up for lost time, I’m going to make that first stream extra long. My aim with these two episodes is to at least get to NG+. As always, I’m going to need your help, so get your embers ready. – Krupa

  • Krupa’s Dark Souls 3 Platinum – Part 2: Saturday, July 4: 6pm BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT
  • Krupa’s Dark Souls 3 Platinum – Part 3: Sunday, June 19: 6pm BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT

  • Gav Finally, Finally Finishes Final Fantasy VII – Sunday, July 12: 6PM BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT

Gav returns and he's fully confident that he will indeed finish the FFVII remake this time around. Will he even shed a tear? 

  • Gav and Rory Play A Way Out – Sunday, July 26: 6PM BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT

Join Gav and Rory as they attempt to break out of prison and evade the cops in the co-op adventure A Way Out.

Posh Slugs

  • Posh Slug Q&A – Tuesday, June 30: 6pm BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT

Posh Slugs we’ll be hosting our Q&A on a Tuesday evening this month. We’ll see you then!




Yaahhh so excited for more Sekiro but please stay safe xx would have looked forward to the TLOU2 live but I’ve been hit with so much transphobic and racist remarks because of this game dunno if I dare to watch, but hope it all goes well xx (still love the game and trust this community to not be bigots but just quite emtionally exhausted is all 🤷


YES! I’ve been hoping they would play A Way Out eventually. I mentioned it a lot last year, glad it’s actually happening and 2 days after my birthday! I don’t even know all that much about the game, just thought the boys would enjoy it. Yay!


Also, excited to see all the new jokes that come from filming Sekiro socially distanced


While this is very exciting news, it also means I have to pull my finger out and finish sekiro.


Amazing! Looking forward to this. Thank you boys for continuing to produce top notch content even in the midst of all this madness


Thanks for all the hard work boys. Your streams are one of the few things making this whole lock-down manageable. Much love from SoCal!


I'm assuming you guys will be playing 'Maid of Sker' at some stage too. Gav has to be in control for that one!

Jonathan Cox

Great news lads! Glad your giving it a go. Looking forward to A Way Out. Keep up the great work and big love


Thank you. That's all. Your like family during these weird days. And appreciated beyond words.


Thank you for keeping us entertained throughout this pandemic! Made me laugh through extremely hard times last couple of years and even before that with PTT