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Hello you beautiful Producers, here's the details on my Producer stream this weekend.

I stopped myself from finishing FF7 Remake and kept the final chapters to experience with some of my favourite people - The RKG Producer Squad.  

If you get bored of me, I'll also have the regular Coco Cam going on too. 

I have no idea what's going to happen or how it ends but I do know that I will probably be hungover so I'll more than definitely cry so let's experience THAT together. 

Cariad mawr,

Gav x 


Producer Stream: Gav Final Finishes Final Fantasy

I stopped myself from finishing FF7 Remake and kept the final chapters to experience with some of my favourite people - The RKG Producer Squad. If you get bored of me, I'll also have the regular Coco Cam going on too. I have no idea what's going to happen or how it ends so let's experience it together. --------- Follow us on... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RKGvideo Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RKGvideo



This is almost definitely answered before Gav but what breed is coco? We’ve just bought a Pomeranian puppy and curious


Ohh looking forward to this!


Pretty sure he said that Coco is half Pomeranian, half chihuahua