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Hey Producers,

We're playing Overwatch again tomorrow afternoon, aiming to go 5-0 and beat our streak from last time.

So we need your help. If you've got Overwatch on PS4, and are free tomorrow from 4pm BST | 11am ET | 8am PT, then fill out the form (unless you've done so in the past), and we'll add you to the RKG PSN account and get you in tomorrow to help us.

We had a great time playing with you on the last Overwatch stream. See you tomorrow!



Want to Play on an RKG Livestream?

Hey Producers, we're playing Overwatch again this Friday on RKG Live. We're aiming to go 5-0. Want to help us break our record? If you have Overwatch on PS4, and are free this Friday from 4pm BST | 11am ET | 8am PT, then fill out the form and we'll add you to the RKG PSN account.



Ryuuga wagateki wo kurau!


I’ve spent the week trying to “git gud” and the fruits of my labor are sour. I shall watch from the sidelines my friends! 5-0!!