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Hey Producers,

Do you have a PS4? Do you have a copy of Overwatch? And would you like to play with us tomorrow afternoon on the stream?

If the answer is 'yes' to all of those, just fill out this form today with your details if you haven't already.

We'll be streaming Overwatch tomorrow, May 22: 4pm BST | 11am ET | 8am PT

If you're free during that time, you can play alongside the three of us and take on the world. We'll be adding people to the RKGVideo account tomorrow morning. So be sure to accept our friend request before the stream starts.



Want to Play on an RKG Livestream?

Hey Producers, we've got a bunch of multiplayer-focussed livestreams coming up this month, and we'd love to get you involved. What do you need to do? Fill out the form below. AND Be available during the stream times for the game you want to play.



Will you be playing quick play/arcade or competitive?