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Hey RKG community,

With increasing numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK, we’ve taken the decision to work from home until we believe it’s safe and socially responsible to do otherwise.

What does this mean in the short-term?

Very little will change initially. We have three episodes of Retry: Sekiro already filmed and we’ll be editing these at home so they’ll go out live as usual. Shield Up will continue uninterrupted, recorded remotely. And episodes of 3 Ways will continue to roll out every Wednesday during March, followed by RKG Enterprise in April. Live streams from the RKG studio, however – starting with this Wednesday’s celebration of Prepare To Try’s anniversary – will have to stop.

Retry: Sekiro: we have three episodes of Retry: Sekiro already filmed and we’ll be editing these at home so they’ll go out live as usual.

Shield Up: the podcast will continue uninterrupted, recorded remotely.

Wednesday Videos: 3 Ways will continue to roll out every Wednesday during March, followed by RKG Enterprise in April.

RKG Live: all live streams from the RKG studio will stop, starting with this Wednesday’s celebration of Prepare To Try’s anniversary.

At the moment, it looks likely we won’t be able to film again within the next 14 days at least, meaning Retry: Sekiro will go on a break from April 3rd. We have no idea when we’ll be able to resume filming but we’ll keep you guys updated.

This also means there will be no Early Access show for April. We were planning on filming that this week. Hopefully we’ll be able to resume the Early Access Show in May. Again, we’ll keep you informed.

What’s next?

We’re each packing up a kitbag to take home that will allow us to stream from our homes. We’ll figure out the specifics and share them in the coming days.

We realise talking about Let’s Plays and production timelines seems trivial right now, but hopefully it’ll provide a welcome distraction during these difficult times.

Please do your best to stay safe,




This whole ronievirus thing is insane. People are losing their jobs and are unable to pay rent. Makes me happy to know that I'm part of the reason the boys still have their jobs.


Good shout lads, hoping everyone stays safe and well!


Slugs! Totally understand the decision, it’s the right one to make for sure.. and please don’t think talking about Let’s Plays as trivial. You’ve no idea how much how much these things are helping all of us quarantined and going crazy at home (I live in Barcelona and can now only leave to buy groceries!). Keep up the amazing work but above all, stay safe and healthy. 😘😘


It's better to be prepared. Stay safe 🙏❤


Yup expected this! I'm perma wfh until further notice and my city (Madrid) is currently on lockdown with police enforcing movement lol crazy shit


It’s good to hear that your taking precautions and prioritising your health! Still got Krupa’s platinum streams to watch so got plenty to keep me entertained!! Stay safe slugs! x


I think what's happening there is going to be inevitable and probably should be happening elsewhere already. Stay stay, Arman!


No worries fellas - think we all understand, and your caution during this situation is a strong reminder of the oozing, ceaseless discharge of goodness that’s at the heart of RKG. Take care!!


Some short let’s plays or vlogs from quarantine would be fun :P


Just green screen yourselves together


No problem boys. Keep you and yours safe. We need healthy RKG in these dark times!! I shall keep busy rewatching everything you've done!


Stay safe lads! London is a hot pot for infections right now, so keep the isolation going for as long as possible!


All the love boys. Everyone just need to hold up at home and we will survive. Takes more then some germs to kill these slugs