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Hey patrons,

Here's the link to this week's episode, 24 hours early. We're baffled by a boss, get a new sword, and off to a new location still in search of Kuro's ingredients.

Enjoy the show!



Retry: Sekiro – Ep. 9: Folding Screen Monkeys & the Gun Fort

We're baffled by a boss, get a new sword, and we're off in search of more ingredients for Kuro. --------- Remember: if you'd like to receive episodes of Retry: Sekiro early, and other cool rewards like exclusive podcasts and livestreams, check out our Patreon page and consider becoming an RKG patron: https://www.patreon.com/RKG Follow us on... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RKGvideo Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RKGvideo



I really wish they had played in Japanese. The english VO is really bad.


Going to watch this now! Hopefully it helps cheer me up. The big convention in Seattle that I was looking forward to next weekend is being postponed until the summer... :(

Patrick Thomas

I completely agree! It's crazy because the souls games and Bloodborne have absolutely amazing voice acting. I don't know what went wrong here, but the VO is almost unlistenable.