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Hello you beautiful Patrons! 

We just got back from emptying our PO box for the last time and – oh boy –  was there a delightful little bounty waiting for us. We wanted to shout-out the kind people who've recently sent us stuff and remind you of our new address should you want to send us any lovely treasures. 

Our new address for any gifts/cursed items:

Hackney Downs Studios

RKG, Other Hall

Amhurst Terrace

London, E8 2BT 

Remember if you're going to send us anything please mark the package as a gift wherever possible and don't send any items that can spoil or any homemade foods. Or spiders – that's a dealbreaker. 

We're very excited to get stuck into all the snacks, booze and... replica Jason Voorhees masks we've just got. Coco is also making a nuisance of herself with the Grrrona she received. 

We open and read every letter we get from you all and even though we can't respond individually please know that we feel extremely grateful and privileged to have such a supportive community. 

RKG x 

Special thanks to: Harriet, Lauren, Brian, Daniel, Nina, Russ, Stefan, Marion, Jasmin, Michael & The Austrian Department of Cat. 



Karine Bélair

Australian Department of Cats 😂


Man someone loves you guys. Whimzees are fantastic treats.

Mark Deehan

What a great community! Well, except me as I've never sent anything...

Ian McGarr

One day I'll finally have all the pieces for that Lego RKG set I've to send you, Lego just released PS4 controllers for minifigs so that's why I've held off.


I'm waiting until I figure out the perfect thing to send them.

Jonathan Cox

Hmmmmm??? 🤔🤔🤔 what to send?


Ehhhh I want to send a cake 😢