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Here's this week's episode, 24 hours early and ad-free! We're deep inside Hirata Estate and are taking on a fella who can't handle his booze (or maybe he can) and the master of illusions herself, Lady Butterfly.



Retry: Sekiro – Ep.4: Juzou & Lady Butterfly

We've reach Ashina Castle and all that stands in our way is a man on a horse with an unforgettable name. There's also quite a bit before that too. --------- Remember: if you'd like to receive episodes of Retry: Sekiro early, and other cool rewards like exclusive podcasts and livestreams, check out our Patreon page and consider becoming an RKG patron: https://www.patreon.com/RKG Follow us on... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RKGvideo Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RKGvideo



holy crap!!! None of them mentioned how he was literally at 0 hp on that. What a fight!!!!!


Just want to tip my cap to Rory for handling Lady Butterfly with relative ease. I met her much earlier with one gourd, and she nearly made me quit the game. Rory is killing it with the fast bosses. Much respect!