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Hey lovely RKG patrons,

We just wanted to give you a little photographic tour of the RKG Studio. We moved in back in September, but wanted to give you a better idea of what it looks like and how we're making progress in the space.

There's still a lot to do, and a lot to figure out. The initial priority was to get up-and-running, and then it was to make the best space to shoot Retry: Sekiro, without taking months to build a professional studio.

Swipe through the gallery above to see how it looked before we moved in, the day we got the keys, and where we're at now.

We're going to spend a lot of time this year making this place feel like home. Remember, it's because of your support that we're here in the first place!



We visited the studio while it was still a dressmakers. He's Gav testing the audio quality.
Fair to say they had more coat hanger than us.
The day we moved in back in September. This is looking down from the mezzanine over the main shooting space.
This takes you through to the small kitchen bit, and the stairs that lead upstairs.
Here's the mezzanine, which we've now turned into our desk area.
This is a bit of the mezzanine that we don't know what to do with.
We hired a van and moved all our stuff (plus Coco) in one go.
Desks and computers in place.
Here's a few months later after we upgraded the shooting space for Retry: Sekiro.



No Windows... And no one can hear the screams 👍. 🍻


Looks awesome!! If you ever need anyone to come and put some LED mood lighting in, let me know, it's like my only thing I'm good at (and I make a decent quiche I suppose)