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This Thursday we'll be concluding Dumble Finchy's Dark Souls quest.

If that means nothing to you, earlier in the year we set out to see how far we could get in 7 hours in Dark Souls. It was all to celebrate and mark the third anniversary of Prepare To Try, and everything that brought us to this point.

This Thursday – for the last RKG Live of the year – we'll be finishing his story. Yes, that means all the DLC and the endgame.

One of the best things about that stream was playing along with you, our wonderful community. It'd be great to have some backup once again.

We're playing on PS4 and our networking password for the night is: Finchy69

So stick down your summon signs. We'll be bringing people in as often as we can (and humanity permits).

Either way, we'd love to see you on Thursday as we finish his magical quest and see out the year together in our festive-themed livestream.

RKG Live: Dumble Finchy Returns – 5PM GMT | 12PM ET | 9AM PT

See you there!

- RKG x



Can't we drop loads of humanity so they dont run out or is that cheating?

Ben Mitchell

Anyone remember which bosses / areas are left? I think I need to unlock some bits with my NG++ character.