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Today we’re really excited to introduce our new show: SPOOKIES.

We’ve always loved playing scary games together, from full playthroughs of Resident Evil to one-off specials for Halloween. So much so, we wanted to give those games their own show.

SPOOKIES: Until Dawn will premiere on Friday, 15th November for Early Access patrons. The next day it’ll go live on YouTube for everyone else.

We’re really excited about launching something new. Before we used to put everything under the ‘Prepare To Try’ banner, even when it didn’t really fit – just so you’d know it was the three of us. But now we have an entire channel, we don’t have to do that. Retry is our flagship show – where we bang our heads against gruelling, self-imposed challenges – but as a show title it doesn’t cover everything we want to make.

Retry will return with Sekiro in January, but we want to launch new shows and formats. SPOOKIES is just the beginning.  




Was there a bit of intentional foreshadowing with the RKG VHS shirt? Spookies was on one of the cases. I see what you did there, very clever! Does this mean the next show will be called Tactics?


I've got a spooky in anticipation 😂😂😂😂 anyhoo great work lads can't wait to see what else is in the pipeline


Can't wait!

Jamie Matthews

Ive got a teepee in me pants over this, congrats dudes & i cant wait


Yes, love it when you boys play horror! I can already feel a spooky coming on...


Yes lads, I trust you guys with my life. Make content you feel is right and us scummy slugs will come sliming to watch!


The live stream was awesome so this is just perfect to continue your success. Also, the name 😂


I'd love you guys to do a long RPG like the witcher or mass effect. A game were the 3 of use can all pick a direction to take the character.


So excited!!


This is either what they say it is, or it's a show with the boys running about with mysterious erections. Either way, this is fine.

Mark Deehan

Looking forward to this! Just watched the RE2 jump scares video. Another top video!