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This week we’ve collected a bunch of stories and problems from people who are faced with a dilemma and feel like they should speak up and say something to rectify the situation but are finding it difficult. 

If you want to send in a problem, use this completely anonymous form: http://bit.ly/ShieldUp 

Also, get yourself a ticket to Knightmare Live and see us battling orcs, goblins and some naughty men LIVE on stage - it's essentially a live action Dark Souls. 

We'll also be hanging around afterwards for drinks and fun times. 

Knightmare Live: Friday April 26th


Hopefully see you all there. 

RKG x 




Hey guys, I hate to point this out as it makes me sound like a privileged knob but this is the third or fourth week that my name hasn't been in the producer credits. It's not a huge deal, I pay because I love you guys and want you to keep making content, but I just wanted to point out in case it was a genuine mistake. Again, no big deal, honestly! P.s I'm wanking whilst writing this

Jonathan Cox

It gets updated once a month dude. Depending on when you signed up it may take a month or a week to show. That’s what I was told anyway


Ah something weird must have happened then 'cause I've been signed up since day one, I only noticed with this weeks episode so went back and checked the last few as well.


Hey Matt, no worries at all, thanks for messaging. What date did you signup for the Producer level? We update the credits on the 1st of the month every month. I just checked last month's updated doc and you're not in it so if you signed up before April 1st, this is a genuine Patreon error but if it was after April 1st, you'll be included in next month's credits for sure.