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Big day at RKG Towers (Gav's flat)! 

We finally got the camera we've wanted since day one.

Some of you may know about the slight drama behind this. Simply put, it's really good, well-priced camera and only came out recently. Consequently it has been in massive demand. They can't make them fast enough.

We've been renting one, which has meant we've only been able to shoot in batches, not whenever we want. That's been okay, but it's stopped us from getting into a real rhythm. It's also meant anytime we've had a camera we've prioritised Retry, since it's our main show and takes the most time to produce.

We were on a massive waiting list, and weren't going to get one until April. So we took the plunge, paid a little more for one on eBay (still cheaper than renting a couple more times), and now we have our new child.

This means we'll be able to film more, which will only make Retry better, but we also now have the time to make other videos, too.

Thank you for supporting us, and making stuff like this happen!

- RKG x




This is supposed to be the holy grail of pro grade no compromises budget cameras. Certainly a good choice and if anything, black magic cameras do keep their value if you wanna swap later on haha


The boys have done it! Got the money from posh Finchy and now they’re in debt to him for 1,000,000 tubes of chap stick. (Congrats on the acquirement gents. Looking forward to the content and turbo shandys)