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Hey everyone,

Tomorrow we'll be doing our first-ever livestream!

We're very excited about it, and spent yesterday getting all set-up for it. We're going to be playing Apex Legends, because we want to see if Rory can become a 'Champion' in 90 minutes or less.

So join us on Wednesday 13th @ 6PM GMT | 1PM EST | 10AM PST to see how it all goes.

And if you're a Producer, stick around for the Post Show, where we'll be playing a game chosen by you (poll inbound shortly) and more than likely having a beer.

And... one more thing, if you can't make it live. Don't worry. All livestreams will be archived, so you can catch up whenever works for you.

See you tomorrow!

- RKG x


Jacob Bartnik

Yapoo! Can't wait Boyz




I will just be getting home from work at this time


As its 3 man squads mug man and Krups could get involved


Hopefully be able to catch this live!


Can't wait!


Ooh, I hope I get back from work in time to sit in live!


Nice one gotta rush home from work to catch this, 6pm finish 👍🏼


You guys should do the 100 nugs at the same time

Jamie Matthews

Def going to be playing in the hope get matched 👍 ha and watching on my phone haha


Gonna be great, good game choice guys. Obsessed with Apex atm so looking forward to seeing you play it. What platform will you be streaming on? YT?


Man, if I didn't have a work call right at that time I'd be there. Thanks for archiving them though.