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Here it is. The first-ever episode of Retry, 24-hours early for you wonderful Patrons.

We want to say a big thank you for all your generous support – not just backing us on Patreon recently but all the messages of encouragement, comments, and fan art over the last three years. Genuinely, none of this would’ve been possible without you.

So without further ado, sit back, relax, and join us (along with new Finchy) on our biggest adventure yet.


P.S. If you’re one of the people who signed up as a Producer or Posh Slug in the last 24-hours or so, unfortunately you won’t see your name in the credits of this episode. 

Apologies, but inevitably we have to export the video at some point. But don’t worry – we’ll be updating the credits at the beginning of each month, so you’ll see your name there very shortly.


Retry: Dark Souls 2 – Episode 1: Forest of the Fallen Giants & The Last Giant

Thank you so much for all your support getting us here. Whether it's sending us lovely messages, pictures, art over the last three years, or backing us on Patreon more recently. All of that made this happen and we couldn't do it without you. Now sit back, relax, and and join us (along with new Finchy) on our biggest adventure yet. ------------ To find out more about our new project and how you can become involved, head over to our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/RKG/ And follow us on... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/RKGvideo Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/RKGvideo



I've watched this episode like 8 times already.


What a way to start, I have a feeling the health reduction penalty is going to be a fun one!