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Welcome, Producers.

Thank you so much for supporting RKG so generously. Producer Access gets you closer to the inner workings of RKG and all our future projects. For starters, we’ll be putting your name in the end credits of all our videos. We’ll also be asking you to decide what games we play every week once we start livestreaming in February.

From today, you’ll have access to a more exclusive chat room on the RKG Discord, where you’ll be able to talk to us directly about our current and future projects. While we’re launching with just a couple of shows, we want to make more in the future, and we’re happy you’ve decided to be a part of that conversation.

Thank you once again for becoming such a big part of RKG. Support like yours makes this entire project possible, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without you. We can’t wait for you to see the first episode on January 25th.

Rory, Krupa, Gav x



just got back from vacation in tulum only to find out that the new season drops on my birthday! cheers boys! can't wait!!!


Private slug tugs all around!