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This week we're joined by Steffan Powell, who as well as being a good mate of ours is also a broadcaster, journalist and currently the host of Doctor Who Unleashed. Steff jumped on the podcast to talk about what it's like to go on the real Tardis and also how it feels to play against Gav in Blood Bowl.

We also talked about a Welsh horror game we've never heard of, Koudelka, which Gav will be playing for Producers on June 22nd.

Are there any other secret Welsh games out there? Obviously let us know: bit.ly/ShieldUp

Stay safe and keep your shield up,




Connor O'Connor

Great episode, I still have my copy of Koudelka sat on my shelf here in West London.

Mark Hattersley

Koudelka was the only horror game I could stomach as a kid. Cos, if I remember right, it was turn-based. So I could always take a minute to have a private little panic attack.