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Spurred on by a mix of breakfast sandwiches and a lot of caffeine, this week we answer a HUGE question and get very silly.

Hopefully you're enjoying the new flavour we're sticking in the podcast right now so keep your questions, suggestions and silly stories coming: bit.ly/ShieldUp

Stay safe and keep your shield up,




Mrs. Brown

You made my day reading my email and calling me a legend. 🙂 I had the lucky fortune of meeting you guys in Orlando and flattered you remembered. ♥️

Richard Field

Awesome episode fella’s. On the boozing side of things I think the worst I ever got was drinking vodka cranberry all where afterwards I decided a footlong meatball sub was a good idea, spoilers it didn’t stay in me long! I’m super interested to try snitzel heaven now, I’ll give it a go next time over that side of town 🙂