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Hello there beautiful patrons, 

Gav here, how're you doing? 

I'm absolutely bouncing to get back to the Lands Between but before we do that we thought we'd film a little special Gav AMA edition of Roundtable Hold (similar to the one we did with Krupa a few months back). 

So, if there's anything you'd like to ask me about my experience with Elden Ring, RETRY or how we make the show, now's your chance. 

You might be wondering things like...

  • What's been my favourite boss so far?
  • Who would be in a real-life Welsh Avengers?
  • What do I love most about Elden Ring?

Remember though, I go into Elden Ring completely blind so I've only experienced what you've seen me experience in the show so please don't ask anything potentially spoilerific or that takes place after Radahn. 

If you want a chance of having your question answered, please email it to roundtable@rkgvideo.com no later than the end of Friday, 22nd March. 

Diolch yn fawr, 

Gav x 


Daniel Howlett

You’ve nailed it with the real life Welsh Avengers, exactly what I would’ve asked!