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Speedpaint: https://www.patreon.com/posts/88314912

Oh jee! I'm cutting it a touch close for the last page for this month ^^; My plan for the rest of this month is to finish the final thumbnails for Star Knights, so once I've finished the final six pages for this chapter of Universery, it should be smooth sailing for the 'filler' and will make doing Uni in the background way easier! 

p.s. Special thanks to Skyler & Tyro for helping me out with beta-ing this page ^^ Turns out asking for help... well, helps! 




the needed tonal shift is welcome <3 Archie is a champ. Lily has such luck with her roomie.


I was really hoping she would offer her a diaper, you know just to blend in.


That’d only last part of one day. Wait until she finds out how much it costs to blend in for an extended period of time. She might be better off targeting the mommy or daddy role of blending in.