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Speedpaint: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84704365/

Whoo! We're on the homestretch of the first chapter, I'm really sorry that it's primarily been build-up but I promise the rest will have many more diapers ^^; 

I seriously didn't think it would take me this long to get to this point, but I guess that shows my inexperience as a comic creator. So, thanks so much for your patience <3 We've got about 10 pages before the end of this first chapter.

Like I've said before I do have plans on writing out the rest of this monster before I start working on the next chapter. I've got a much simpler, and shorter comic planned as an in-between chapters comic while I work on finalising the story and thumbnailing the rest of Universery. Which I plan on posting a poll on later this week, since I'd like a few opinions so I know that I'm giving y'all something that you'd like ^^ 




Welp if she were anything like me now wpuld be the time she'd stay 100%. Just to spite Val :D


Excuse me? Them be fightin' words! I liked Val to start but she's turned out to be a real piece of work. I don't care who you are, or how good you think your reason is, you don't just say things like that and tell people what to do based on biased and arbitrary opinions. Besides her body language is clearly saying that she doesn't have a good reason and instead is just being that person. It's also posed as a low key threat which just makes it worse.