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I promise, despite what it looks like I'm actually only juggling a small handful of projects ^^; As I've mentioned before, I've had this little project on the backburner for about... Since September last year, wow time flies! 

Universery is a massive project, and is actually super intimidating to work on at times since I've got around... 250+ pages worth of story planned out. And unfortunately for me, the way I've been planning out/organising the comic just hasn't been working, and unless I pull the breaks on and fix it up it I'm worried that it'll slowly turn into a train wreak.

So my plan is, once I've finished this chapter of Universery, I'll be pausing actual comic page creation while I re-work how I'll be making it. In the mean time, I'll be publishing this already thumbnailed/planned comic. Then once it's finished and Universery is sorted out, I'll start posting chapter two of Universery. I can understand if people aren't super happy with this but I really don't want spend several years writing and drawing a comic that I ultimately won't like. When I could take a few months to rework it and make it something properly memorable!

Universery is not cancelled, once this chapter is finished (approximately 9 pages) I'll be pausing production to fix it, while I post Starry Knights. 


Which leads me to introduce "Starry Knights!" A short 22 page romp through childhood theme park nostalgia, social anxiety, and one furs terribly small bladder! In Starry Knights we follow our titular protagonist who has finally gotten the chance to ride his favourite rollercoaster of all time, if he can hold it in of course~

After playing around with a bunch of designs, I've settled on one of two ^^ This choice won't really impact the story, but is more about aesthetics ^^ 

Themes/Topics: Public humiliation, sissification, (somewhat)forced diapering, omarashi, and copious amounts of geekiness over a fictional series

With all that said, time to pick our protag!


Sunny Franklin

Jasper looks extroverted whilst Axel looks introverted, so it depends on what you're fancying / what you think fits more.


I really like Jasper's hair, even though Axel dresses a bit more like how I might I find Jasper to be a more eye-catching character for a protagonist