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First off, I'm sorry for the incredibly inactive month of October. As I'm sure you've seen, I've been to 5 conventions in the last 5 weeks, so I haven't spent much time at home to craft or really be on the computer.

For the bad news, upon my return to normal life, I found that the hours I was typically given at work were given away to a co-worker who had come back from surgery sometime in October while I was away. So, I've been incredibly tight on money and I've been using this months Patreons donations to get by, only buying the necessities like food, bathroom necessities like toilet paper, soaps and toothpastes, etc. Without you guys, I don't know how I would've been able to get by during such a stressful time. You may have been wondering why I've been trying to push so hard for print sales this past week- whelp- now you guys know. I'm thankfully picking up some odd jobs (like making 50 different spine sets for a chiropractic doctor to sell, fixing sleeves on jackets, selling hand knitted hats, etc.) to also help me in my time between jobs. I am in the process of trying to get a new job, even though I know no other job will ever suit me like my last one did- my boss was very flexible with my schedule and I liked the people I worked with. I worked at my favorite fabric store in the whole world. Argh.

Anyways. Onto some good news, I've recently signed on to be with an agency! I'm in a client list with REAL ACTORS from the Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, even the creator of the Wolverine!! I'm super stoked because this means my agent will always be messaging conventions, even really new ones, to try and get me hired for as many conventions as possible to both increase my chances of meeting more of you, and also to help bring in more income!

ALSO MORE GOOD NEWS~ I had this great idea today that I want to send out Holiday cards to my Patreons! I'll only be able to send cards to the ones that have their address attached to their account. I'm excited to go out and buy blank cards to draw on! <3

I'll be updating you guys soon with some unseen content. I'm going through all my older photoshoots to see if there are any photos I can post. If you have a favorite set that I've done, I can go back and see if I still have those files. If I do, perhaps I'll find something good to post! Let me know. :)

Thank you as always, everyone.

Love you all,



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