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I've been working on this Vacation Peach set! I've also been working on making a Raiden costume for a commissioned set, but will be hopefully wearing it to Dragon Con if it looks good enough to be worn in public. :')

I'm still not feeling better and I'm on my last day of antibiotics. I have to hold out until next week, when I have two more doctors appointments. My back and sides have been absolutely killing me, so sitting at my computer has been difficult and I've been very slow with editing. For that, I apologize. I've got 3 commissions to do this month, as well. So I'm just juggling everything I need to get done. Sorry for not streaming much recently. I just haven't been at my computer as often as I'd like to / need to be.

ALSO, the day after I got back from the hospital, I noticed my $1 content got ripped and uploaded to a specific site, once again. What made me check this site was purely just keeping tabs. I've been waiting to see how frequently it gets updated with my content. Someone paid $1 the day before, and there were only a few others that had signed up for the $1 tier after my hospital post, last week. I narrowed it down to one suspicious person, and I banned him for probable cause. I have not seen an update on that site since the banning of said person. I'm going to be censoring future posts like this for a little bit, just until I'm sure I banned the right person.

Thanks guys



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