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ATTN : Regarding Physical Rewards:

TL;DR Everyone needs to check and correct their addresses, I will not continue to keep filling in the blanks.


I went to my PO box today for the first time since December. (I mostly use it as a return address box, and don't have a need to check it unless someone tells me to) only to find almost a dozen print and polaroid packages have been returned. Some have been bouncing around in the system since December, some dated as recently as February. There are a TON of you that I have issues with that I have messaged through the Patreon inbox before, asking for an update on the address. These same people have not fixed the address issues, and it's frustrating. I spend money and many hours on packaging, signing and sending out my prints every month and to see so many get bounced back to no fault on my own is very upsetting. I will no longer send out physical rewards to people who have address issues. It's not fair to me to have to chase everyone down individually to ask for a confirmation on a correct address and pay twice for shipping after spending so much time getting it done the first time. Most of the time, I try to google the address and fill in the blanks when people don't specify whether they live on a street, road, etc. or having missing digits in the zip code sequence.

To ensure there's no issues with your print deliveries, I urge EVERYONE to update their shipping address to exactly what it looks like on any other package or letter. 

Things to change / look out for:

- Missing numbers in the zip code

- Address listed in the incorrect order. This is most common with International addresses.

- If you are international, PLEASE write out your country all the way, do not abbreviate.   

- Missing Street / Road / Circle / Avenue, etc. 

- Adding "none" to empty fields in the address bar, please just leave those blank.

I need to head to the gym before I make dinner, so I cannot send out messages right now, but later tonight, I will be going through my ENTIRE Patreon address list and sending out private messages (through Patreon Message Inbox) to each person that needs to those that need to update their address. This is the last time I will send out these warnings. Please just make sure everything is correct. Thank you.



I've included way more in my shipping address than is usually required for me to get my mail so I don't foresee any issues when the times comes. If you do, I'll gladly reimburse you for the 2nd shipping.


I can see you're new here, welcome! You don't have things that have bounced back to me as of yet, but if it's possible to spell out your country entirely instead of abbreviating it, I would greatly appreciate it :)


How do you not know how to give your address? lol cmon people