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Hey yall, as you probably know I've been working on awakenings and build-related stuff the past few days and I'm happy to say that they're almost done. I also added build-based charging effects that can blend together if you're a hybrid build.

As for release, stuff is still looking good to release in February, and even though it won't have as much on release as I wanted, I'm confident it'll be good enough, as my only goal is that people can play and get a sense of what the game is focusing on and appreciate what's there and realize that the game will be improving over time. 

As for the stuff cut back from release, potions won't make it in at all, and there will probably only be 1 rare weapon, rare technique, and rare spell to find as opposed to 3+ like I originally wanted. I also wanted to include a new sea monster, and a new way to hunt sea monsters using your ship, but that will probably have to wait until the first update. I'll be making a rough roadmap for updates soon, and I'll probably post it on here when it's done. (It won't be set in stone though since I want votes to determine the order major things will be added in such as clan building or professions)

Luckily I don't think that stuff that was cut out would matter all that much, as long as its all included in the first update. I kinda regret not releasing the game sooner, but since I promised that awakenings would be included I was kinda forced to wait until the story finally arrived at that point. For an early access game its been delayed for far too long already and I apologize for that. Though I guess its not all that bad since if it released sooner it would've had way less, so idk, maybe it was better this way.

I'll be posting clips on here of the hybrid build effects such as imbuing magic into fighting style as soon as that's finished, so keep an eye out




Vetex for some reason I was banned from your discord for replying too your message can I get unbanned bryancraston#9296


So the only things left to do are, 1 rare technique/weapon/spell, all awakenings, tutorial, and the final little touch ups like the boss items being turned into 200 gold? good shit so far my guy can't wait to play this in 1-2 weeks


I'm scared that this going to be another one of those "late month releases"


He said it would be