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32k words. This one fought me, but I wanted to resolve this little bit of the 'plot'. New Wave done!

Crystal PoV:

"-but why did Dad and Eric leave?" I scowl at Mom in frustration. "Everything was fine one day, and the next you say it's a 'mutual separation' and half of our team gets sent to the opposite end of the country? What aren't you telling me?"

Mom shrugs. "There isn't really much more to say. With the crime rate plunging so low, there isn't such a desperate need to keep the team together in one place to combat the gangs - we'd always intended to expand New Wave across the country, and with our marriages both struggling we all saw the ideal solution in front of us."

"Ideal?" My voice goes a little shrill at that. I rein myself in a bit. "How is our family breaking apart in any way 'ideal' for anyone?"

She tuts at me. "I can see why you might feel that way temporarily, but there are a lot of opportunities to take in this kind of scenario as well. I've spoken with Carol and a very, very skilled Cape advisor - he thinks we'll be closer as a team and family than ever before long. We've got a lot of potential plans for our brand as an all-girl team, I'll only ask you to give it a chance - I think you'll come around to the idea."

"I don't care about our brand! You can't make decisions like this on a complete whim, why am I finding out that you two aren't together because of Dad making a new profile picture on social media with his hands down some random stranger's pants and bragging about the upsides of being single?" I wave my phone in her face. "Did you ever think about how I would feel about this? You didn't even bother to tell me at all! I can't believe you!"

"It all happened a bit too fast to talk it over properly." Mom admits. "A marriage counsellor gave us some good advice, we realised that we just didn't have a future together and decided on the best course of action from there." She sweeps past me, inspecting the walls as she goes - floating just enough to pull down one family portrait on her own. "We'd been talking about expanding New Wave for a long time, and his suggestion to just split up and go our separate ways - each doing their best for the sake of the movement - well, it just seemed perfect at the time."

"Hardly what I would call- what are you doing?" I break off as Mom tosses the portrait down the hallway.

"We need to throw out our old family photos - we can't live in the past forever, Crystal." Mom lectures. "It's much healthier to face the facts head-on and look forward to the future."

"It hasn't even been two days!" I hiss. "And that's still my Dad!"

"Nobody said that you have to forget about him entirely." Mom scratches her head, looking a little bemused. "In truth, I usually wouldn't be fussed about them - but the man that I'm seeing now seems to object to having reminders about him around the house. Maybe it was something I said, but he seems to think that this sort of thing will really help us move on faster."

I shake my head. "Hold on. You're already seeing another man? Not even 48 hours after he left the house?"

Mom looks puzzled. "No, not at all. It was... perhaps a day or two before that? I went over to the Dallon's, and I met him there. He was... ah, keeping them occupied and invited me to join at one point." I stare at her in horror. "I have a picture- ah! Here it is." She shows me her phone, opened to a nude selfie showing her with legs spread, cum oozing out in a river while a nude Carol nips and sucks at her bare breasts. In the background, both of the Dallon sisters are on all-fours, looking backward to beg-

"Is that the guy from the Vista costume reveal video?" I can't help but blurt out the question. What could I say? The video stuck in my mind a bit, not every official piece of media from the PRT was just a five-minute montage of the youngest Ward getting dominated in every hole to highlight how lewd her costume was now. And, well, I was straight. Of course, I looked at the guy in a video like that.

"Mr Guy is so talented, isn't he?" Mom sighs. "A marketing genius, educator, therapist, marriage counsellor, police advisor and PR representative - and who knows how much else I don't know about."

I take in the scene with narrowed eyes, trying to think of something to complain about. "Well, if he's involved with the Protectorate I suppose he can't be too bad." I concede reluctantly. There were certainly worse men out there, and nothing about the picture really stood out as offensive. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, so I could probably consider that as a point in his favour. "I still think you should have waited for Dad to be gone before getting involved with him."

Mom ruffles my hair as she steps past. "I hadn't exactly planned on it, I was only there to discuss our next steps as a group with Carol - but the moment he laid his eyes on me, he was absolutely insistent that I stay for some sisterly bonding time. I wasn't dating him at the time or anything, it was just an ideal opportunity to experience a threesome - turns out there are plenty of things that two girls can do with a guy that neither could on their own." She winks at me. "I knew that Amy and Vicky had gotten closer lately, but I hadn't expected them to be quite so capable at teaching us. Quite the turnaround!"

I make a pained expression as Mom cheerfully swipes through several photos of Aunt Carol and herself tag-teaming Mr Guy's dick. "I really didn't want to know all of that."

"Don't be like that, he sounded like he was really looking forward to meeting you. Kept on talking about how great it was going to be when all of New Wave finally gave up on trying to be heroes and became his cum addicted sluts instead." She enthuses. "I wasn't convinced at first, but the way he explained it - it all just made so much sense! You'll like him. And his cock."

"I don't need a boyfriend." I roll my eyes at the blatant attempt to invite me into their debauchery. "And give up on being heroes? That hardly lines up with what you were saying a moment ago about what was best for the New Wave movement. You're just giving up on what we've all worked towards for years just to get some dick!" It felt crude to say, especially to my own family - but it was true.

"It's more of a change in direction." Mom shakes her head. "But you can discuss it with him yourself if you like. He's kindly offered to help us with interview preparation just before the gala, there will doubtless be a lot of hard questions coming about how we plan to continue as a team after these changes and planning our answers out in advance is important - but there's no reason you can't ask him a few questions on your own once you have him in the room."

I cross my arms. "You know what? Maybe I will. I'll give him a piece of my mind, tell him exactly what I think of what he's trying to do to our family."

Mom frowns. "Now, there's no need to be so confrontational towards him. He's a good person at heart, and he doesn't pressure us into anything at all - everything we did was our own decision in the end. All he did was help us reach the right conclusion and work our way through some of the logic. I don't want you picking a fight with him for no reason, just give him a chance - all right?"

I roll my eyes. "I'm not going to fight him. I'll save that for people who have actually committed crimes. I'm a superheroine, not a thug. I just want to confront him on why he feels like he can just turn New Wave into his personal harem. Just a few questions. That's all."

Now it's her turn to roll her eyes at me. "And what purpose will that serve? If he tells you that he just felt like it, what happens then?"

I open my mouth. I close it again. "Well. Obviously, I'll-" I wave my hands in the air. What could I even do? "I'll think about it at the time." I scowl at her amused expression. "What am I supposed to do? Everyone on the team has apparently turned into his willing slut, it's obvious that I can't let that go unchallenged! I need to step in and-" I wilt slightly. What? "-ask him to stop? Politely? You said he seemed like a nice guy, so hopefully he wouldn't mind finding another group of girls to play with. We have more important things to do. You know that." I send her my best pleading eyes.

"I'd be quite upset with you if he actually agreed to that proposal, but based on what he's told me before - I don't think that's likely to work." Mom smiles at me indulgently. "But I think we got to the heart of the matter just there, are you just annoyed that you've been left out? That he seems to have picked everyone but you? It's not intentional, he was quite vocal about how much he was looking forward to breaking you in."

"Break- You can't talk about your daughter like that!" I fight the red flush from my face. "That's just embarrassing! I don't want to hear about anything you tell each other in private. Just- just let me know when you're going to meet him. I'll argue it out with him myself."


Mr Guy smiles kindly at me across the table.

Weakly, I smile back.

This hadn't quite been the confrontation I had been hoping for. At some point, I had lost the initiative and any grip I had on the flow of conversation. It was hard to say exactly when I had lost control of the situation. Not when we had been stripped of our clothes and costumes before entering the room, surely. That was simply the dress code of this place, nothing I could have done about that. And Mr Guy was subject to it as well! Any token embarrassment I might have felt would surely have been matched by his similar state of undress.

Nor could I blame Mom's... position. Her nude, obedient figure kneeling between his legs and bobbing up and down with her lips around his cock. That had been, in some ways, my own suggestion. Mom and I had come in together, and I had demanded a one-to-one conversation with him. He had offered a compromise of forcing Mom to suck his dick until we were done, which would naturally keep her mouth busy and therefore stop her from attempting to contribute to the conversation. That had... made sense. She was already in that kind of relationship with him, so it wasn't forcing her into something that she didn't want to do. The only argument against it was the worry of voyeurism, but I was the only other person in the room and it didn't feel right to object when I had essentially been the one to request it.

That wasn't to say I minded, either. Mr Guy was a treat to look at, and seeing his cock so methodically worshipped, seeing his lean body respond so positively to her touch - it wasn't necessarily an unpleasant sight. If they weren't in the wrong for putting on a show, then I couldn't be in the wrong for watching it - that was all I could say on the matter.

If it wasn't any of those things that had put me on the back foot, then perhaps it was my own lack of preparation. Mom's previous words were right. What was my plan for when he turned around and told me he didn't intend to stop? Just what was I supposed to do to stop this man that had so effortlessly wrapped my team around his fingers? My resistance had lasted for a mere few minutes of a monologue about heroism, our duty to the city and our moral standing before Mr Guy had erupted over Mom's tits and asked if I was done talking yet.

He hadn't intended to be rude. I knew that. I hadn't known him long, but his deep respect for other people - especially women - was obvious to me. He just liked getting directly to the point. The almost-rude words he used weren't selected to be cruel or dismissive, they were used to inform me that my argument wasn't working at all with him. That I was wasting my time, and perhaps more importantly, his. His tone was low and confident, but also smooth and soothing. As though he was speaking to someone less intelligent than himself, or a child. For all of my arguing, it was like he hadn't even recognized me as an intellectual equal.

It made me feel... pathetic. And I couldn't even blame him. I had walked in here like a child throwing a temper tantrum after hearing that her mom was marrying another man, loudly screaming that he would never be her real dad. Which, now that I think about it, is probably a more accurate metaphor than I had intended to make. It was obvious that nobody would take me seriously. I wouldn't even take me seriously.

I shouldn't have needed him to be so short with me to realise that. But I did. And he said exactly the right thing to set me on the path to introspection. Kind and considerate, even when I was giving all that I had to force him away from my family. That was an argument against mine all on its own, it was hard to argue against his character when he consistently made noble gestures like that even to those set against him. No matter how much I tried to convince myself otherwise, I couldn't deny it: He was the nicest man I had ever met. And I had absolutely no idea how to take advantage of that fact.

Perhaps he had sensed my distress, because he had abruptly declared that we should take a brief break to gather ourselves, allowing me some more time to think - I had stepped just outside of the office to grab a drink. I'd caught some stray gazes there, some people who had embarrassingly failed to realise that there was a dress code had followed me with their gazes - but even if my current outfit was... non-existent, I was no stranger to lecherous looks. I float around every evening in a skintight bodysuit, there were always going to be men fawning over me no matter the outfit - and it wasn't like I could do anything about it even if I did care. This was the mandatory dress-code of the building, I imagined that they would be thrown out soon - an embarrassing look for them, not me. Besides, I wasn't ashamed of my looks. I was hot, and I knew it. I'd seen the fanart online, and without bragging I could confidently say that I was the hottest out of all of us. A bodysuit is just better than a skirt when it comes to raw sex appeal. Sorry, Vicky.

I return to the office refreshed, a slight flush on my face that had nothing to do with any lingering feelings of embarrassment from the stares of the people I had passed and everything to do with the fact that I had simply walked at a brisk pace back to this room. That was all. Sexy, confident and smooth. That was me. No mistakes this time. I needed to let him know how I really felt about this mess my family had gotten involved in, and convince him to... break up with them? It was a hard ask, admittedly. But I didn't think he would hold it against me for trying. He'd almost seemed encouraging in his attitude overall, aside from his pointed message that I had chosen a bad argument just a few minutes ago.

Again. A nice person. Dammit. This would be so much better if he was an asshole. Or a sex pest. I could just swoop in, start blasting and save the day with ease. The fact that my superpowers were useless here, and all I had at my disposal were mere words - that put a whole slant of difficulty on the situation that I was, for once, completely unprepared for.

But, it was comforting, actually. Knowing that even if I failed to sway him, that my family would remain in good hands. If the majority of New Wave absolutely had to become the harem of anyone, I would - reluctantly - concede that he was the best candidate to own it. I would even, maybe, consider Mom's earlier words that he intended for me to be in it. I wouldn't just throw away my heroic aspirations, of course - but, I could possibly be convinced that we could at least be... what was the phrase? Friends with benefits.

But that was the last resort. The final admission of failure. Giving up on New Wave, and giving up on the other four ever coming back from the precipice they were hanging over now. If I let go, nobody would come after me to fight for them - nobody would believe in their worth as genuine heroines. They'd just be Mr Guy's personal sluts. New Wave only recognisable as a tag to search for on porn sites.

That was why I still couldn't bring myself to drop my challenge. Even if I could see the futility of it. Even if I knew he was right and I was wrong. Even if I accepted he was better suited to my mother than Dad. I couldn't accept the reality of what was happening to my team. A team that had encompassed every moment of my life from birth until now. That all of us had put everything into. We couldn't just fracture apart now, giving up on our dreams of being a model for Capes worldwide to follow - just for the sake of one guy. Decades of heroism couldn't end with us as simple cum-addicts. Nor could we sully our feminist legacy by becoming publically known as a mere group of incestuous sluts, only renowned for getting fucked and bred in public by Mr Guy the moment the male half of the group had left us unsupervised. That was too much.

I wasn't just blindly assuming the worst-case scenario either. I knew my fears were realistic because they were already happening. When was the last time we had gone on a proper patrol as a family? Or been involved in a Cape fight? Our PHO page was becoming less and less about our combat history and ideals, and more about lucky photos and videos where people had spotted our more erratic behaviour. Some videos of Amy taking it in the ass over the side of a hospital bed. Vicky sucking cock in a dark alleyway. Carol trying to argue in court while bent over at a right angle, panties around her ankles and a cock pressing against her womb. This was becoming the norm, and it was a disaster for our team's credibility.

Sure, you could argue that this sort of thing had already happened to the local Protectorate and a few other groups recently and I hadn't felt too strongly about it until it came to affect me personally - but this was... different. There was a guilty, voyeuristic pleasure in watching other heroes fall from grace, sexually dominated in every way with the results posted proudly online for the world to see and enjoy. That didn't mean that I wanted it to happen to my own family. Becoming little more than porn-stars was obviously a step-back from our lives as heroes, none of us wanted that life for ourselves a week or two ago. Whilst with Vista, or Shadow Stalker or Miss Militia... maybe they were always like that. That kind of shift in priorities wasn't natural for us though. We were better than that. So the only explanation was Mr Guy and his charisma. If I confronted him, all I needed to do was... I stall out again as I try to complete the thought.

What exactly could I do about someone so happily turning my family into his willing sex slaves? It would be easier if he was just a Master or something. I could hit him a few times, throw him in jail and call it a day. The fact that he was just a good person that had all the luck he needed with the girls made this a nightmarish scenario. Am I just a bad superhero? I lose the option of violence and I'm completely out of ideas for confrontation?

No, that can't be right. I just need to focus. Think, Crystal.

My problem here was that he was no longer interested in me. What I need to do was get Mr Guy's attention back. Not necessarily away from Mom, but back to engaging with me in conversation. That meant dialling the conversation all the way back. Back to the last point he seemed to be taking me seriously.

"Sorry, I think I got off on a bit of a tangent there." I apologize to the man first as he wipes his cock against my mother's cheeks. "Let me try again: I'm here to stop you." Mr Guy pauses, half-turning to me and raising a silent eyebrow. Right. That was it. The declaration that I disagreed with his chosen path. That was what had engaged him last time, I had lost that by talking about legacies and morality - not keeping it personal enough between me, my family and him.

"And how do you intend to do that? And why, for that matter?" He seems to be humouring me. Good.

Not that it made the questions any easier. "I'm going to persuade you that it's better for everyone if New Wave stays as a hero team rather than just becoming your personal sluts." It felt a little weird naming New Wave like that when it was obviously not including me, but I think my point got across. "And as for the reason why, well, for exactly that reason - I think things will be better if I do. We're still needed. Anyone can, you know-" I wave a helpless hand at his crotch area. "-keep a guy entertained. But not everyone can keep law and order in the Bay. I know it's a lot to ask, but it would mean a lot to me, the entire team and the city as a whole if you helped us get the team back on track."

"We've just had this conversation if you recall." He drawls. "I do understand that you're worried about the moral degradation happening to your team right now, but I'm struggling to find a reason to care."

"This life is what we all wanted." I state firmly. "They all wanted to be heroes and help other people, so it would be the nicer - kinder - thing to do to help them get back to that path rather than keep them for yourself. I know that you're a nice person, so this doesn't feel like that much of a stretch to me? I mean, you must have considered it already - right?" Maybe he narrowly decided on something else, but if enough people made their preference known then he was sure to change his mind.

"I'm sure you would agree that having almost the entirety of New Wave as my eager fuckpets is quite the prize." I nod. Obviously. Any man, and a lot of women, would be all too happy in that kind of situation. "Asking me to give that up to help soothe your feelings... it's a bit too much of a sacrifice to ask of a stranger, isn't it?"

I keep nodding in agreement. "You're right, of course. I wouldn't expect you to just give up something for nothing. The rest of my team has basically fallen into your lap as your new submissive sluts, and now I'm rudely demanding that you try to reform them into productive members of society again." Was I being rude to my team again? I didn't think so, but perhaps the terminology Mr Guy and my mother kept using was starting to rub off on me. It was true, regardless - so I shouldn't really worry about it. I continue nodding, trying to keep the conversation going. How could I continue from here? "You're right, of course. That would be too much to ask-" Why did I even think that would work to begin with? Am I just stupid? He was a nice person, so I just assumed that when I laid out the 'nice' thing to do - he would just do it. The way he responded like it was the most obvious thing in the world - which it was - was the worst thing of all. I just looked like a moron now, unable to string three sentences together without backtracking or making a mistake.

Rude. Making assumptions. Taking advantage of his good nature. Doubtless, he had recognised that in my demeanour and decided to give me a firm denial as punishment. No wonder I- I stop. No. That wasn't like him, was it? He wouldn't stop doing the right thing for someone else just because I had been too presumptuous in my request. Which meant... what? That he was already doing the right thing? That was it. It looked like the right thing from my perspective, but he was the one who had spent more time with them recently - he might have a different perception of my team. I needed his perspective, then I needed to change it once I had that information.

I smile sheepishly. "Sorry. Not sure where I was going with that one." I focus my gaze on him once more, trying to ignore the distracting sounds my mother was making. "Maybe I'm talking about myself too much, not spending enough time listening to you. I'd like to hear your perspective on this. I know you think that this is the right thing to do for everyone, but I'd love to hear more about your thought process to get to that point."

He shrugs. "Well, I think it's quite simple. I'm a perfectly healthy young man, I saw a few sluts that needed my guiding hand and thought I would kindly step in before they started embarrassing themselves on their own. I don't mean to brag, but I think they have a far happier and brighter future ahead of them than before I showed up." One hand comes down firmly on Mom's ass as she leans into him. "And, between you and me, I've got a checklist of sorts that I'm working through before I settle down. A few names of people that are just... terrible, and need to be put into the dirt. A lot more names that I want to add to my personal harem. You were all on the second list-" He pauses. "-well, Brandish was originally on the first list before I started talking with Amy and Vicky. I changed my mind on her after talking with the Dallon's. Can't trust the narrator sometimes." He clears his throat at my puzzled look. "Which means that all of New Wave is now on my 'to-do' list, so to speak. You could think of yourselves like a... status symbol, if you prefer. That's all there is to it. I want you as my obedient, slutty little sex-slaves - and so it shall be."

There's a deliberate challenge to his voice at that last bit. As if he was daring me to counteract his decision. To spirit up some reason why I would oppose his goal. Not that I could think of one. It was, to be honest, pretty generic for a guy. Everyone wants a harem, right? I would prefer if he could settle on another group to start with, but the mention of his supposed target list gave me a bit of hope that I could distract him with some other people for now. Time enough for the others to snap out of their whirlwind romance and gain a bit of resistance to being swept off their feet by this handsome stranger.

I bite my lip, mentally working through his words once again - searching for hidden meanings. That was it? Well, I couldn't exactly say he was wrong with his assessment. New Wave would be quite a conquest to brag about, we should be flattered really. They had been acting undeniably slutty recently, and they seemed happier as well. "We wouldn't have embarrassed ourselves without you." That was the easiest argument to take down. "We've been in the spotlight for decades as heroes, there's no reason that any issues would crop up only now."

"And that's where you would be wrong." He corrects me. "It's my fault, in a way. There was so much gang violence going on in the Bay that it almost felt weird messing with the heroes before doing something about it. So I stepped in a bit, convinced the major leaders to change course a bit - police their own people for the time being. That, naturally, drove the crime rate down massively and eliminated a lot of the desperate need for heroes to be out on the streets. What I didn't realise, was that the shared sense of being needed - that responsibility - was the only thing keeping your parents together. And for that, I can only apologise-"

I wave my hands frantically. "No, don't apologise for anything!" I shake my head, taking his words in. "Is that all really true? My parents never said anything-" My brain catches up with my mouth. "-not that I don't believe you! I trust you with my life, but I can't believe they never said anything until it all fell apart." I almost aim a glare at the back of my mother's bobbing head before realizing the futility of it.

"I don't know if they even realized it themselves." Mr Guy shakes his head. "They must have thought that merely surviving as a family this long meant that it was working out, but the moment I put it to the test it fell apart in an instant." He turns a pitying gaze to me. "Based on the way you are talking, you must be assuming that I did... something special, perhaps. Some grand seduction. A flowery confession. Serenading under the moonlight. Something far beyond what would be expected of the average guy - something that would at least partially justify the end of a relationship that long. But I'm sorry - there's nothing like that."

"There wasn't?" I echo dumbly. "That doesn't make sense."

He adopts a saddened expression. "You can ask them for their version of events personally if you like, but I really didn't do anything that your average guy off the street couldn't do. I was already fucking Amy and Vicky for my own reasons-" I nod impatiently as he skips over the unimportant details of how that happened. They were part of the team, sure - but they weren't in a relatio- weren't in a stable relationship. There wasn't anything that odd about them both falling for the same man. "-so I thought I would just continue to use and abuse their bodies inside the Dallon house. See what Carol had to say about it. Spoilers, but I didn't hear a word of protest. Nothing. Not a peep."

That definitely didn't sound like the woman I knew. I'd heard first-hand from Vicky about how Dean had gotten himself physically thrown out of the house for trying to cop a quick feel when he thought nobody was looking. "That is strange. Maybe she was distracted? Or having an argument with Mark?"

"I sent him away early on." Mr Guy dismisses the idea. "And I thought it was odd myself, so I decided to start testing the limits of her permissive attitude. Fucking both of her daughters right there on the kitchen table, then moving on to her directly. I had a good deal of fun exploring every curve of her body, taking off every bit of clothing one by one - tell me, does she seem like the type of woman to accept a man's advances like that if she wasn't interested?"

"No." I state confidently. "She'd definitely put a stop to it." I'd seen it myself on several occasions in public. Some people took a skintight uniform as a declaration that they were looking for any and all kinds of attention from men with confidence - an assessment which most of us had been able to correct personally on several occasions.

"So what do you make of the fact that Carol seemed more than happy for me fuck her daughters? To feel her up? To strip her naked?" He leans in. "To bend her over the counter and fuck her like her husband seemingly failed to do properly for the last decade or so?" I withhold the gasp as he finishes the statement. I obviously knew what their relationship was like now, and I had been all too aware of the direction that the story seemed to be taking - but the tacit admission that he had managed to escalate to fucking the uptight Dallon matriarch on his first meeting was still a shock. I had been hoping that there might be a gap of a few days, some stories of flirting and common ground being found between them - not just the usually proud, stubborn woman seemingly content with being played with like a sex doll by her daughters' boyfriend. "Well?"

Oh, that wasn't rhetorical. "I-" I cough. "She-" I wilt. Did I have to say it? His expression tells me 'yes'. "She must have wanted it to happen. For some reason."

He laughs at that. "I like that. 'For some reason'. You don't need to be shy about saying it around me, I'm intimately familiar with the issue. Go on. Say what you were thinking. What is the only possible reason why she would want that to happen to her? Why she would want to be treated like that?" He pushes my mother aside as he stands, granting me a brief glimpse of white dripping from her lips as he stands and slowly starts to circle me. "And don't worry about sparing your dear mother's feelings, I assure you - my story about her is almost identical and no less justifiable on her part. Say it. Why?"

"Because she's a slut!" I scowl. Not at Mr Guy, I couldn't blame him for forcing me to face reality here. But at Carol. And my own mother as well. It was their actions that led to me having to say something like that about them. I didn't want to say it, but what choice had I been left? Even the most charitable of explanations could only place some small amount of blame on their husbands for evidently failing to satisfy them, and even then that wouldn't come close to justifying what they did as 'acceptable'.

I'm lightly tugged upwards from the chair as he takes position behind me. His hands brushing along my hips and thighs as he hums to himself. "That's right. They just let me do- well, exactly this to them. Giving a terrible example as parents, I must say."

I nod hesitantly as he cups my breasts. Mom had turned to idly watch me, some trace of satisfaction in her eyes at seeing me getting handled by the man. For some reason, I feel the need to defend myself. "It's awful. Because they were in a relationship at the time." Maybe I didn't need to say it, but specifying the reason why it was bad for them to just roll over and accept it and not for me felt important. I wasn't blaming Vicky or Amy after all. Their situation was the same as mine, even if they had taken it on a more exhibitionist route than I would have expected - there was nothing wrong with fooling around with a guy in general. "If they were single - like me -" I was blabbering a bit, but it really was important to keep up my moral high ground. "-then it would have been fine. Like I'm letting you touch me and grope me and-" His cock, slick with mixed juices presses between the gap of my thighs as I stand straight. "-and whatever else I feel like letting you do. It's whatever, doesn't matter really. Right?"

"I completely agree. I'm glad to see that you, at least, have managed to keep your standards intact." I bask in the compliment as he thrusts forward, not even trying to penetrate me - but just using my thighs themselves as a tunnel to jerk himself off with. It was... flattering? A little embarrassing? My mother was right there, and even if they all seemed to have that kind of fetish - I wasn't like that. But I couldn't deny that I was a little pleased that Mr Guy hadn't just ignored me completely. I mean, as much as Mom's earlier comments were patently untrue - it had stuck in my mind that I was the only member of New Wave that he had yet to make a move on. I was pretty confident in my looks most of the time, but spending the first half of our meeting utterly naked in front of him with him only paying much attention to my own mother... it hadn't done much good for my ego.

Now that had changed. Now I could feel his appreciation, in every sense of the word. And it would be rude of me to just stand here doing nothing when he was showing his appreciation for my body. We weren't actually having sex or anything - another point for me actually having standards over Carol and probably mom as well - but if he wanted to jerk himself off between my admittedly well-toned thighs... then why shouldn't I do my best to squeeze down around him? It was the right thing to do while he was... gathering his thoughts, or whatever he was doing.

That's right. This wasn't a purely sexual thing. I was just helping him to get off so that he could get his mind back on our important conversation. Mom had clearly not been enough in that respect, so he had turned to me instead - knowing that I would gladly volunteer my time, and body, for a true friend.

"I should ask." He muses to me over my shoulder. "What do you feel about my actions now that I've told you some more of the truth? You were quite vocal earlier, any changes?"

I bite my lip. How did I feel about everything? "It does change quite a lot." I concede. "I can see why you stepped in, because if it really did go down as you said - then anyone could have done that at any time. We would never have known that they were... vulnerable, in that way. If that's the right word. It would only take the wrong kind of guy realising what he would get away with, and they might have fallen down some terrible path in life without us realising the extent of the problem."

"That would have been awful." He placidly agrees, fingers dancing down my belly to tease my slit. "At least this way, you have the chance to defend them and help to decide their futures with me. I'm glad you came along, actually. So glad, that I think I'll lend a hand to your efforts towards changing the course of your team. Tell me what you want from them, and I'll give you my support for it."

"R-really?" A flutter of hope beats in my chest.

"Really." He confirms.

"...T-then I want New Wave to be a hero group again." I state firmly, my conviction only slightly marred by the slight stammer in my voice as he continues to fuck my thighs and tease me with his fingers.

"I'd like that as well." He admits, drawing a surprised noise from my throat. "And you are hoping, of course, to just achieve that by me stepping back and sending you off on your usual patrols every now and then. What would it matter to the public if all that changed was that you all went home afterwards to get railed by a single guy?" He cups my breasts, lightly kneading his fingers in as he speaks. "Even if people found out, like a certain few have with our less private indiscretions so far, it would hardly be less shameful than the state of the local Wards or Protectorate heroes. But I don't think they could ever go back to being as discrete as they once were. The damage is done. The plan needs something more, I think."

His words completely shut down my initial, perhaps overly-optimistic plan to get him to just split up with New Wave entirely. Clearly, he didn't think it was on the table - and perhaps his suggestion was better even before whatever addition he had been about to suggest. But there was something he just said that I couldn't help but pause on. I hesitate, before rising up to defend my fellow heroes-in-arms. "I wouldn't really use the word 'shameful'. They were just doing their job. Even if their most recent string of videos have been admittedly... brave, they were still officially approved content. Doing PR work like that is part of the job." It might have been a little uncomfortable for them, but it couldn't be helped - plenty of heroes had to step outside of their comfort zone now and then for the sake of PR and landing in the public eye. And the various videos had definitely achieved that. I couldn't remember the last crime report I had seriously watched in our area, but aside from Armsmaster droning on with his presentation in the background - the full focus of the broadcast had been on Miss Militia getting railed from behind in glorious HD.

I couldn't even defend my reasoning for watching that as something innocent, objectively it was just like watching porn - but something about seeing someone so familiar and seemingly untouchable gave it a certain edge that I couldn't ignore. I'd spoken with the woman before, usually so confident and reserved - and now I could juxtapose that impression with the exact knowledge of the 'other' weapons hiding under that uniform and exactly what kind of noises the right kind of guy can draw from her body as she is relentlessly milked for orgasm after orgasm for the world to see.

Mr Guy drags me from my thoughts. "I'd like to talk a little bit more about what you just said." He breathes the words into my ear. "Because it sounds to me like you came here to try and negotiate with me, just to get your teammates to stop doing something that you are apparently fine with other heroes doing? In real terms, there's very little difference between the activities I get up to with Vista or Miss Militia and what I've been doing with your mother and the Dallon family. It sounds to me like you're actually completely fine with the fucking, the breeding and the general un-heroicness of a proud superheroine being reduced to a cumslut in front of everyone who looked up to her - you just think that there needs to be an excuse."

"An excuse isn't the right word." I deny firmly. Or, as firm as I can get without my voice turning squeaky. If he could just stop teasing my clit and thrusting into my legs then I could properly demonstrate how I, and the rest of my team, were not simply sex toys for him to play with as he saw fit.

At least, not because of any of the reasons he was saying. I mean. He was attractive, and I couldn't say that I was hating the attention that I was getting - and my body was more than happy to let me know that if he just happened to adjust his angle upwards then I was more than ready to accept him. Nothing wrong with that. Just a... hookup. Lots of people do that. I wasn't throwing my team and career away like the others had, in fact, I was bailing them out. By seducing him. Passively.

"I mean-" I continue lamely. Brain. Work. Please. Use your words. "-you can't just dumb it down like that. It's like... if the police kill a gang member in a shootout, as opposed to a gangster killing a rival in another gang. You could just say that both of them are killing people, but one of them is- well, I don't want to say 'right' when someone died - but at least more understandable. It's a part of their jobs that we just have to accept happens sometimes. The heroes over there need to do their work for the greater good of the PRT machine, working towards a brighter future for more heroes - but Mom over there-" I tear my focus from Mr Guy towards my mother, idly masturbating as she watches me get groped. "-can't claim to have any grander scheme in mind behind her actions. She, and the others, are actively destroying what we've built up rather than continuing to build on it."

I think that was good. Not... entirely as eloquent as I wanted, but I think I got my point across. He listened to it this time, at least. Or, I think he did. He might have been a bit distracted by other things, like the fact that my best attempts to grip my thighs down on his cock had evidently been at least somewhat successful - judging by the wet streams of cum that are now racing down the insides of my leg, or the spurts that emerge from the tip of his cock to fire across the room and draw the all-too-eager attention of my Mom once again as she almost dives for the floor to lap them up. No dignity. Point proven again.

"I think you're beginning to give me an idea that will make everybody happy." He announces as he extracts himself from his unusual choice in 'hole'. I'd admit to being mildly disappointed, not because I was desperate to lose my virginity or anything of the sort - but, in the heat of the moment, I wouldn't have been bothered if he had decided to push his luck a bit further. We were both hot and bothered, any flimsy reasoning would have been more than enough - I had half-expected him to claim that I needed to live the same experiences as everyone else to truly understand them. Hell, if he had kept his teasing up for a little longer I would have been half tempted just to suggest it myself.

Down, Crystal.

"Y-yeah?" I make a show of being unbothered by his rapid exit, though his continued erection gave no small amount of hope that he wasn't done yet. "Spill it."

"Perhaps you can work it out before I say it." He raises a finger into the air. "Let's consider the main issues. One, I'm not willing to compromise on -all- of the remaining New Wave members becoming my personal sluts - and in turn, neither are they." I could probably object to that last part, but the argument would probably lose most of its teeth while his cum was still working its way down my inner thighs. Image was important. Choose the right battles. Another finger is raised. "Two, even if I were to direct my new sluts back out onto the street - there aren't any real criminals to fight right now. They wouldn't be doing anything heroic at all, despite your intentions. Three, the group is failing to live up to its long-term goal of heroism and the greater good. Four, the group has discovered that they are all utter sluts to their core - and any attempt to stray from that is just going to make them vulnerable to the wrong kind of outside influences again." He pauses. "Five, I still haven't fucked you properly yet to complete the set."

I squirm a little at the promise of that last part. "Five doesn't sound like much of an issue. We could resolve that separately-"

"Now you're sounding like your mother. I can see the resemblance more than ever." He smiles.

I huff. "It's completely different, as I've already explained." I remind him. Not married, for one. Explicitly single, in fact.

"Let's save it for another time. I wouldn't want to distract from your heroic efforts to save your team. I was serious about wanting you to guess my idea here, but the way. Tell me, Crystal. What would you say the greatest act your parents - Carol and Mark included - did in terms of sheer good done for the city? The one thing that they did that improved the city the most out of all their heroic deeds?"

"The capture of Marquis." I state confidently.

"Wrong." He denies. "Even ignoring any of the fallout of that, or the intergang politics that followed - there's one thing that your parents did that trumps even that." He raises a finger and points it at me.

I look behind me, then flush as I realise that - yes - he really was pointing at me. "Me?"

Five long, silent seconds later, I get his meaning.

"Oh." Realisation dawns. "Me!"

"Their decision to have children, ultimately resulted in the doubling of their team's size - three fine heroes added to the side of the angels in the Bay. Three more people to fight crime, every single one individually performing enough deeds to outweigh a dozen squabbles with Marquis." There seems to be a moment of hesitation on the number, before he moves on regardless. Had he forgotten Eric? Or did he somehow know that Amy was technically adopted? Didn't matter. "Perhaps that wasn't their only intention, but taking a long-term view on things - it's hard to argue the results."

I nod. Then freeze. "B-b-b-but-"

"I suppose I don't need to explain my idea, judging by the expression on your face." He seems amused.

"I can't-, we can't- that would be-" That was exactly it. I realised that now. He wanted to impregnate all five of us. With no immediate crimes to handle, taking a long-term view on expanding the number of heroes could easily be argued as the best move for the Bay. The new disposition of the others towards sex would only help for once if our only real aims were to be knocked up as much as possible - bred by Mr Guy regularly to keep our mission on track. None of them would object. The only person currently in the right mind state to decry the effort as madness was me-

-but was it really madness? As he said, wasn't this the ideal solution for everyone? Nobody, not even the most cynical PHO poster could argue the long-term benefits of more children being born to a hero family. My team would be happy. Mr Guy would be happy. I would- I would be happy. I would. I could tolerate this. And... participate. I suppose. If this was going to be part of our heroic duties, then it was only right that I do my part. If that meant that I finally got to see why everyone else seemed to have dropped everything for this guy's dick, then so much the better!

I jump as a palm lands on my bare ass, belatedly realising that I've zoned out and Mr Guy seems ready to leave. "Coming around to the idea?"

"Yes!" I press my thighs together, the memory of his load spilling down my legs all too fresh in my mind. How would that feel inside me? How did I feel about impending motherhood? I couldn't say I actively felt bad about the idea of going that far with Mr Guy - did that mean that I felt good about it? Maybe it did. Maybe, subconsciously, I was already prepared for this - why else would I not be feeling the slightest bit worried about the complications this was likely to bring? "So- how do we do this? Do you... want to do a trial run or something?" I could just bend over his desk right now if it would help. With the moral quandaries out of the way, all that was left was the raw appeal of the act and the irritating feeling that I had ultimately held myself back for no reason at all in the end.

He chuckles. "So eager. I like that." He shakes his head. "But perhaps this isn't the best time, didn't you have a few reservations about what this might do to the reputation of New Wave just a few moments ago? I wouldn't want to cause any issues for your team without handling this in the proper fashion. We need to ensure that the public has the right understanding of your outlook as a team. I suppose some of your team members have already taken the first steps for you by getting spotted having sex in public, but even with all the attention something like that attracts - I'm afraid the general public still has a very different image of what New Wave is about compared to the current reality."

That cools me down a bit. Right. I was jumping the gun a bit there. Maybe a bit too excited to see what all the fuss was about when it came to this guy. This was all... business. "I'm- I'm not really sure how we would go about changing our image." I fumble with my words a little bit. "Isn't that, like, more of your thing?"

"Oh, certainly. But it isn't entirely my team, yet." He smiles endearingly at me. "Which is why it comes down to you to decide exactly how to break the news to the public about the fall of New Wave."

"I wouldn't describe it as a 'fall'." I protest at the choice of words. "It makes it sounds like we're doing something wrong. Objectively speaking, this is the most morally correct thing that any of us could possibly do - regardless of the circumstances leading up to it."

"So you aren't going to be doing anything wrong? Then I suppose it will be a trivial task to showcase the new look of New Wave to the public then." He nods to himself. "Well, as long as you are comfortable with it - I don't mind lending any and all assistance that you might need to make it work."

"Showcase?" I start at the implications behind the word. "I'm not- I'm not like them." I make an all-encompassing gesture at my mother, who simply shrugs back at me. "I'm happy to keep my personal life behind closed doors."

"But it isn't just your personal life, is it? This is about the team. Your reputation. Those small things you were so concerned about just an hour or two ago? Are you really willing to say nothing and risk losing control of the narrative? Just what do you think the public will think, if you all hide away behind closed doors after giving them a glimpse of a potential scandal? They'll take what little data-points they have-" He eyes up my mother meaningfully. "-and make their own assumptions. Perhaps it doesn't change anything, but you seemed concerned about the opinion of the masses before..."

I groan. "No, you're right. We'll need to make sure that our goals are... explicitly laid out, even if it is a little embarrassing." Fuck. It was so obvious in hindsight. "People will just start to think that we're nymphomaniacs if the only sightings of us become the occasional bout of public sex from those of us without any sense of decency." Mom is getting good at dodging my glares, innocently licking a droplet of cum off of her finger as my gaze digs into her. "But as long as make sure that everyone understands that it isn't just sex, as long as the message gets out that we're just doing our heroic duty of raising the next generation-"

"Then they'll all understand that you aren't doing anything wrong. It's just part of your duties, after all." Mr Guy seems to understand my point, eliminating the thread of doubt that was seeping into my tone - for all that I was adamant that this was actually a completely legitimate plan and very much not something that a bunch of sluts posing as heroes would do... I couldn't help but feel that it seemed a little slutty. Just a bit. On the surface level.

"Right. So long as it's presented right, there shouldn't be an issue." I sigh, a faint sense of relief entering my voice as I successfully make it through that part of the conversation without the man thinking that I'm a drooling, easily-led idiot. "We wouldn't be doing anything wrong. I mean, literally nothing. As long as it's every bit as official as those Wards videos, it doesn't matter if people see it."

"It's better if they do, in fact." Mr Guy adds helpfully. "If the only way that people could think badly of you is by not having a complete grasp of the situation, then perhaps it's better to rip the metaphorical band-aid off completely. You mentioned the Wards, I helped them out a lot with a similar issue. Lots of  people with pre-conceived notions about what behaviour was and wasn't appropriate - but just a few videos and tours later, and people almost think it's strange to see Vista without my cock in her mouth. The only issue is that New Wave's social media channels aren't quite as popular as the PRT's. You would need to find some other way to get the big reveal out to a wide audience in a short timeframe."

"I've already got one." I point at Mom. "We were already scheduled to have an interview on stage at one of the events the mayor likes to organise. We were planning on having it address why certain members of our group split off recently, and I'm fairly sure my dear mother was supposed to be getting your help working out good answers to questions instead of sucking you dry-" Neither side looks ashamed. Not that Mr Guy had any reason to be, it was Mom that was supposed to be the moral paragon here. "-but if we take that event and change the purpose a bit, we'll have the biggest local audience we can get as well as multiple TV broadcasts pointing directly at us. Perfect for our-" I flush. Nothing to be embarrassed about. "-announcement. Or, demonstration - because there's no reason not to, right? If we're not doing anything wrong?"

I look to Mr Guy for his agreement on that last part, unable to shake the feeling that I crossed a line somewhere - that he was about to shout me down and call me a hedonistic pervert for even having the gall to suggest it. No such reaction. That's a relief. It showed that, even as off-balance as I currently felt in this situation, I was still making logical decisions that a regular person could follow along and agree with.

"Like I said, it's your decision." He reminds me. "If you think that the best thing to do for the sake of New Wave as a whole, is for me to breed the lot of you on national television - then I'm more than happy to assist with that. It will barely be a struggle, to be honest - the lovely ladies of New Wave just can't seem to keep themselves off of me. I dare say that you'll all be well-settled into life as my adoring cocksleeves by then, that should help display a real sense of authenticity to the crowd."

Was he including me in that? Because I wasn't intending to be his- I pause that thought. It was just dirty talk, right? There were all sorts of perfectly reasonable ways that we could end up having sex, we both knew that. Him including me in the same pile as the actual sluts that put us both into this mess left a slightly sour taste in my mouth, but I could see the logic behind it. It was all the same in the end, if you didn't care about the details leading up to that point. I nod, slightly hesitant. "Y-yeah. That sounds like a good plan. I think."

One eyebrow rises. "You think?"

"It just feels like I'm missing something obvious." I confess. "I know that we aren't doing anything wrong. We're heroes, doing heroic things. I know nobody in the crowd would look down on us for doing those heroic things, as long as they understood why. It's not like anyone watching the Cape scene these days has never seen any of what we'll be doing before. Even if it's erotic, it isn't lewd or perverted - not really."

"No?" He echoes blandly.

I dismiss the point with a wave of my hand. "It's like... a nude painting or something. It's art. Just someone doing their job, in a way that should be appreciated by anyone watching. We're not actually sluts - or, even if some of us are, nobody outside of us needs to know that. Whatever, it isn't important. I'm just... I don't know. Something feels wrong, but I can't see what's so bad about any of it."

"You don't see what's so wrong about the last 'sensible' person in New Wave deciding that her entire team should be fucked and impregnated in front of an audience of millions, just to assuage some potential concerns that they might be seen as sluts?" Mr Guy makes a questioning expression.

"Not in so many words, but, sure." I allow. "It's-it's definitely the right thing to do, isn't it?"

"Absolutely. Morally correct in every sense of the word." Mr Guy confirms. "To tell the truth, I don't have a single complaint with it myself." That's a relief. I might not be able to trust my own intuition perfectly, but having a trustworthy second opinion as a backup was worth its weight in gold. "Perhaps you're subconsciously thinking about the consequences of your decision, how it will impact your life going forward."

I tilt my head at him.

"For starters, you'll all be my breeding bitches. My baby-making machines - and the entire world will know it. People online won't be talking about your past exploits, but on how hard you got dicked today or how your daughter is probably going to be just as much of a slut as you." He explains. "Your friends will all know, that kind of reputation will never really leave you. At school, on the internet, in the street. Everyone will know that your sole purpose in life is to be my fucktoy. And you won't be able to do anything about it. The degradation, the humiliation - you'll only have your decision today to blame for all of it."

"It isn't going to be easy, even if it does have upsides as well." I muse. "But, this isn't about taking the easiest path. We're heroes. All of us. We'll do what we need to do, even if it's difficult. Taking a bit of abuse here and there, handling a few comments - it's all just a normal part of the job. And the sex, that will be part of the job too." I nod to myself. "But you're right. All of that, on top of having a baby - that's a big shift. Maybe that's what I was worrying about. It's going to be an all-new experience for me, but I guess the same goes for all new parents - right? At least I'll be in good company while I'm working everything out."

"That's what being in a team is all about." Mr Guy agrees. "You all look out for each other, and you help out when someone is new to something. I think you'll get a lot of support as you work to transform yourself into the slutty MILF you were always meant to be."

"I'm sure that particular phrase shouldn't be aimed at someone who still gets assigned coursework over the weekends." I respond drily. "But, yes. It's almost a bit fortunate, in a way, two people with plenty of experience in motherhood - and four outright sluts that were ready to throw everything away for their nymphomania. I couldn't ask for better teachers."

Mr Guy winces. "I do hope you don't hold all of this against them for too long, although I do appreciate that they've really put us into a tough spot. Perhaps if they had shown a bit more restraint around me things would be different-"

I deflate. "No use worrying about that now. I'm not angry, it's not like it's even that much trouble to adjust for their... tendencies - it's just, I'm disappointed in them, I guess. I feel like I shouldn't ever be the one having to make decisions like this just because they didn't think before acting. It should be the other way around, you know? I should be the slutty, rebellious teenager getting with a bad boy and my parents should be working out a way to make it sound acceptable to the public."

"At least the hard decisions are over now." Mr Guy murmurs. "You made the tough choices when nobody else was around to, and you should be proud of that. You showed concern for them when nobody else did. You confronted me about my attempt to make New Wave into my obedient sex slaves and... well, you made the attempt to change my mind. It's the thought that counts, don't you think? Even if you changed your mind after hearing the facts, you at least showed that you cared."

I smile. "It means a lot to hear you say all of that."

He continues. "You made the choice to hand over your beloved team to my safekeeping, and now you won't have to worry about any more responsibilities coming your way at all. I'll be taking charge officially at this event of yours, just to keep everyone out of trouble." He spreads his hands to either side. "Usually, I'd be content in just taking a nearby role and taking you all whenever I felt like it - but I think it's better for all of you if I make it clear to everyone that my position in the team is at the top, and all of you are my eager, trophy cumsluts at the bottom. That should avoid any misunderstandings on top of ensuring that nobody gets into any unintended, scandalous activities without my approval. All for the sake of our good, moral standing in the community, of course."

"That would be best." I agree with enthusiasm. "I still love them all, but it's pretty clear that their judgement can't be trusted. I don't really consider myself leadership material either, so you're the natural choice to be in charge as the last person that we can all trust unconditionally."

"High praise indeed." He smirks. "I don't think you'll ever really understand how good it feels to get compliments like that in this kind of situation, but I'll just have to focus on living up to your expectations. I think I'll start with getting some practice in, just to make sure the main event on stage goes well." He gestures Mom over to a nearby table, dick already shifting into a fully-erect state once more.

I flush as Mom spreads her legs obediently. Well. This was understandable. We would be relying on him to... play his part. I hadn't asked if he was willing, but he seemed eager - so I think I was forgiven on that front. "Nobody would be able to criticise you for anything. Remember, this is about the message we're sending out - more than anything actually happening on stage. It's all just theatrics, at the end of the day."

"Not concerned that people might not be that interested in the reasoning, more interested in the scene itself? I imagine a lot of people are the type to skip over the dialogue at the start of a porn video." He poses the question at me. "In a case like that, aren't you worried that the message might be... forgotten about?"

"This wouldn't be a porn video." I pause. "Not just any porn video." I amend. "We're a respected team of heroes here in the Bay. People, in general, wish us the best. We've spent years looking after them, and they've shown their gratitude and thanks many times over. That wouldn't change now - they wouldn't just turn around and see us as slabs of meat to drool over, they'll come and watch because it's the next chapter of our story as a team. They'll watch because they want to understand the choices we've made."

"Ah, I get it. You're counting on people idolizing you too much to just accept a slide into depravity without hearing the reasoning. You genuinely think that after years and years of ceaseless, unwavering dedication to the people, those same people will actually show you a modicum of respect when you need it most." I frown at the tone in his voice. The words were correct, but he almost seemed incredulous. "In my experience, unless there are going to be consequences for them - the public enjoys seeing a hero fall more than seeing them win. There are kids all over the forums these days talking about how they always knew Miss Militia was secretly a freak, not so many of them talking about the statistics that got mentioned in the crime report."

"Only because she never addressed things officially. Look at the Wards, they actually made an official statement about the... changes happening over there - so it stopped everyone from just assuming that the organisation is a budding sex-cult dressed up badly as a training program rather than a few specific, innovative training ideas that have been implemented after vigorous testing. The difference between those two stories is like night and day - and that's why we need to do it all on our terms, where everyone watching knows the truth." I counter the admittedly-fair point, it wasn't like I had paid much attention to Armsmaster's speech either while the gun-toting hero was stealing the show. But this was different. "Not to mention that our situations are different. I know it's hard to picture, but New Wave has always been a community-focused team. We've got more personal connections than the local Protectorate or any of the Wards, and I think that will come to mean a lot in the end. More people that are genuinely interested in the real story, the real 'us'. They wouldn't be so quick to discard our history with them, I'm confident in that."

"I suspect that some members of your team would be the first to try and discard that history, but I'll look forward to seeing how it plays out." He shrugs, somehow seeming pleased that I hadn't backed down on the plan. "If you're sure, then all that's left is for me to support you. I'm glad to see you are so into the idea of using this event in such a bold fashion. I dare say your teammates will be pleased as well, if perhaps not using the exact same logic." Mr Guy seems inordinately pleased with himself. "I'm so glad that this conversation ended up being so productive. It's not my usual course, but I can't help but admire that positivity and belief in the people around you. It's admirable, really."

I give a wry grin. "I wouldn't be much of a hero if I didn't at least try to see the best in people. Not everyone can be as selfless as you are, but I can't go judging them for that."

"I do set the bar rather high when it comes to saint-like behaviour." He concedes as he eyes me up for a moment, a glint in his eye that I'm almost certain is him considering taking me the rest of the way while he has me here... but he decides against it. For obvious reasons, there was no real, urgent reason for us to have sex until this event was organised now. I wasn't a nymphomaniac slut like all the others, I didn't need that kind of constant attention to stop me from doing anything crazy. What we had already done was quite reasonable, us both having a grown-up, sensible conversation about a future event - and he'd used my body to jerk himself off to prevent his obvious erection from distracting either of us from the real reason we were both here.

Maybe we'd hook up and fool around a little in the run-up to the event. Maybe we wouldn't. No big deal. I wasn't married, didn't have a boyfriend - what was there to criticise if anything did happen? I'd at least have the decency to keep my exhibitionistic tendencies in check while I was in public, which was a lot more than the rest of my team could say.

Upcoming event excluded, of course. That was official business.

As he turns his full attention back to Mom, I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding. That was it. Conversation over. An unspoken dismissal, unless I wanted to fall to my knees next to Mom - which I could, I wouldn't mind doing... but Mr Guy would definitely think less of me. All of that big talk, only to throw myself at him at the first opportunity - just like the rest. I could wait. Build up to it, like a proper relationship between decent people. I wouldn't have minded him forcing the issue though. Just saying.

I end up lingering outside the room for a while. Not because of any particular voyeurism, but because I had no idea where my clothes had been stored - and it was one thing to follow the dress code for this building, and quite another to follow it while visibly coated with cum. Surely, people would realise that it was Mr Guy's and therefore not an issue? Maybe, but I didn't want to take that risk. I'd just... wait for them to finish.

And listen.

And try not to think too hard about the fact that that could have been me if I had been a little bolder. That it will be me, in less than a week's time.

...maybe I'd have to step up my plans to get Mr Guy interested in me. This kind of thing was clearly going to be a regular occurrence, so perhaps being a little provocative would be beneficial in the long run. Just enough to highlight to him that we didn't only have to fuck for professional reasons. Assuming that he's actually interested, that is. I definitely got the impression he was looking forward to enjoying New Wave as a whole, and he certainly seems horny enough for it - but was he genuinely interested in me personally? Sure, he'd used my body to get himself off and seemed intent on doing that as he pleased in the future - but that was more about him taking care of himself and knowing that I wouldn't mind helping him out. It wasn't sexual. Or, sexual in the right kind of way, at least.

Did that make sense? Maybe not. Whatever.

I wait for what felt like hours, but probably couldn't have been much longer than twenty minutes. Mom emerges from the room, wearing an absolutely radiant expression on her face. A glance through the door behind her reveals a glowing door rapidly disappearing into nothing - with no sign of Mr Guy anywhere.

Another Cape? Mr Guy really knew how to network. Most normal people couldn't even claim to know even one Cape so much as knew their name, having a personal teleporter on call was several levels beyond that.

Mom smirks at me as the door closes. "I told you he was convincing." She'd seemed all-too-happy to leave me alone in the conversation even once her mouth had been freed up, something which I was very grateful for - I loved her dearly, but given her recent track record, she would probably have done something stupid that would end up humiliating the team and likely spelling out the end of our ambitions as a proud, independent hero team.

"Oh, stuff it." I cross my arms. Given the situation she put me in, I think I'm allowed to be a bit short with her. "I'm the one who convinced him. Not that I expect any gratitude for saving the reputation of New Wave from someone who didn't even want to try."

"Congratulations." Mom smirks at me. "Maybe we'll all praise your efforts as our new leader when he's filling you with his baby batter on prime-time TV. I'm sure the public will be overflowing with gratitude towards your decision while they're jerking off to us all being pounded silly." She tugs me down the corridor, setting us walking back down towards reception.

"Maybe they will." I harrumph. "Particularly because it will be the only obviously heroic deed that we'll have done for weeks by that stage. We'll have a good interview, announce our long-term goals, try and recover some small semblance of dignity that you've been costing us-"

She rolls her eyes. "Why are you dancing around the obvious fact that he all but outright stated that he's going to be claiming us in every way possible in the raunchiest segment that's ever gone on public television? There isn't going to be anything like a press release or even much of an interview. We'll all be naked, worshipping his cock as he talks about his favourite new group of sluts. We'll all line up obediently, desperate to be the first one to get knocked up on the show. And he'll fuck each and every one of us. Cameras showing every angle to the viewers. He'll probably do it multiple times just to be sure. This isn't going to be some polite PR event and interview like you seem to be planning for. Didn't you work out what he's like by now?"

"Well. Some of what you described-" I cough, red cheeks betraying me. "-may be involved. I'm prepared for that." And looking forward to it. "But however you want to focus on the minor details, the fact is that we were on track for a much worse fate and I saved us from that with this change in direction. At the end of the day, we got everything that we wanted out of that conversation and didn't give up anything important to do it." Nothing that Mr Guy wouldn't have already gotten for free, anyway. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with doing any of what we just promised - as long as it's for official reasons. Just look at the PRT's channels lately!"

Mom waves off the point. "I get it, Crystal. I really do. I just think that- I don't know - maybe you should focus more on being happy yourself than worrying about the rest of us. The team means a lot to all of us, but I think this is a rare opportunity to be selfish for once. I just think you're focusing on hypothetical downsides when there really isn't anything to worry about."

"Nothing to be worried about? Have you seen our PHO page recently? It's drowning in porn. Literal porn. We're heroes." I stress the last word. "You're the one who always told me how we always need to remember that above everything else." I scowl at a passing clerk who wolf-whistles at us as we pass.

She rolls her eyes. "Sure, but it's with Mr Guy - so what's the problem? It's not like we're degrading ourselves by allowing us to be dominated, fucked and humiliated by some complete stranger. He's not just 'some guy', he's Mr Guy. It's different."

"Yes." I concede. "But that only excuses so much. Look at us, Mr Guy isn't here - and we're butt-naked, walking through a crowded building hoping that the receptionist will know where they stored our clothes-"

"Oh, they'll have thrown them out by now." Mom shakes her head. "Security reasons. They do it for certain visitors, Mr Guy told me last time. We're only going this way because it would be rude to just fly out of a window."

"That just proves my point even more! Isn't this something we would never do before? We would never accept a rule like that a few weeks ago." I argue.

She looks baffled. "What's your point? What's your solution? We needed to talk to Mr Guy, we have to follow the rules in his office. It's only natural that we step outside of our comfort zone every now and then."

"It's not about that, it's- people are ogling us, you know?" I send a glare at some of them. "This doesn't feel like something a heroine should be putting up with. I just feel that we're letting our standards slip. And I don't mean around Mr Guy, I mean - after Mr Guy. I get that we didn't have a choice earlier and it was all justified back then, but is this the kind of face we want to show the world when we aren't around Mr Guy? It's not like we can point him out now if someone asks what the hell we're doing."

"But this is something that Mr Guy wants from us. Something he encourages." Mom traces a finger along her curves. "All of this is just one more part of that. The only reason you think it's strange is because you haven't done this sort of thing before, but if Mr Guy had explicitly asked you to walk home naked - you wouldn't see the problem, would you?"

"No, but that's because I can at least trust his judgement on these things. He wouldn't tell us to do something like that if there was anything wrong with it." We take the stairs. A crowded elevator was perhaps testing the restraint of onlookers a bit too much. Someone thinking that we would ever, ever want that kind of attention from a complete stranger deserved every bit of the beating we would give them, but that didn't mean that we should opt into that situation given the choice. "There's a big difference between being asked to do something by someone you trust, and just assuming that the same person would approve of something you decided on your own. Mr Guy was only interested in us because of who we are, what if by doing all of this - we're getting rid of the only thing about us he found interesting?"

Mom gives a sly smirk. "You're saying it like this isn't exactly what he wants. His harem of sexy, superheroine sluts - don't tell me you think this isn't exactly living up to that ideal. I know I definitely count under all three of those words, and whatever denials you want to give - you got all of my best genes for the first, the second word is without any doubt and that final word... if you aren't sure, perhaps we could ask an onlooker what kind of girls he thinks we are?"

"No need for that." I deny hastily. "You're not entirely wrong, this does seem like the kind of thing he wants from us. It's not terrible, I suppose. A kind of training run for the gala, getting used to the- to the exposure." I fight the tingling flush spreading across my body as we enter the reception, crowded with people that all turn at once to regard us with rapt attention. "Still doesn't get past the fact that we don't have Mr Guy here to explain our choice of dress."

"Who needs to explain anything?" Mom stretches laconically. "Have a bit of confidence. People are sensible enough, they see something like this - they know that it's more of the same. Mr Guy's just got this... aura or something. I can't explain it, not really a power - but... you kind of know its him without seeing him?"

I nod. "I get it. I was watching Shadow Stalker's disciplinary video series and they basically never showed his face until the end, but it was definitely him the entire time."

"Would have been weird if it wasn't him." Mom nods. "Hundreds of people saw that video before it ever went public, if anyone other than Mr Guy was in that kind of specialist position it would be a terrible misuse of power and it would have been caught instantly. The biggest scandal of the year. It makes for guilt-free watching, because you can just infer the logic that it must just be Mr Guy following on the recent trend of oversexed superheroines." She idly smacks my butt. "Same here. Walk with a bit of confidence, people won't have any trouble realising that you're just another superslut."

"Not a label that I'm aiming for." I grouse. "But, sure. It's just common sense for them, it's not like anyone would believe that the two of us would just throw our entire careers away for no reason - so they would all default to the most logical explanation possible: Mr Guy."

"Exactly." Mom pauses as someone thrusts a notebook into her hand. Autographs? In this state? "Maybe we should take a moment to interact with our fans. It's been a while, after all."

"Shouldn't we be keeping our public interactions... somewhat limited?" I respond lamely. Maybe it was a bit late to voice this argument now. "Save the reveal for the big event?"

"This way we get to ease people into it, I don't see the issue. It certainly can't be any worse than the shenanigans that the Dallon's have been getting up to. A bit more extreme than a bit of public exposure, I'll leave it at that."

"Laserdream?" Definitely recognised. I crouch down to the questioning call of a younger fan. "Why don't you have your costume on?" She tilts her head. "And can you take a picture with me?"

"It's- it's in the wash." I lie with a wan smile. "And I don't see the harm in a picture or two." This, after all, was no different than our planned appearance on stage in less than a week. If I can't handle something as comparatively minor as this, then I'm going to let everyone down then.

So. Focus. Smile for the camera. Don't mind the draft. It's not a big deal for a real superheroine.

After all. One way or another, Brockton Bay would be seeing a lot more of me very, very soon.


The gala was, as ever, a well-put-together affair. Rich donors frolic between the restaurant and the dance floor, and the general public flits from place to place - gawking at the costumed heroes, enjoying the atmosphere and lining up to meet various local celebrities. Perhaps the term 'general public' wasn't quite right. This wasn't a place for the average Brocktonite. You needed fame, money or connections to someone with both to land a spot inside - and even with those restrictions, the venue was packed.

Naturally, we didn't need to pay. Free entry for heroes, as it should be. We're half the reason they can get away with charging so much in the first place - to say nothing about our place on stage later on.

For my part, I break away from the rest of New Wave early on - leaving the costume behind for a more casual look lets me fit in almost incognito. My identity may be public, but most people wouldn't recognise me out of costume without getting my name considering the majority of heroes in attendance are fully dressed up. Not so much a disguise as simply... not being what people were looking for right now. I didn't stand out.

At least, not to most people. "Oh, looks like you won't have to line up after all." One blonde tugs her companion towards me. A dark, curly-haired girl who seems to have a permanent star-struck expression on her face as she looks around her. "Taylor. This is Crystal, otherwise known as Laserdream. Crystal, this is Taylor. Play nicely."

I wince. There go my chances of a relaxing evening until the main event started. I'd be signing autographs until the stage was ready now-

"I don't know, Lisa." The other girl, Taylor, murmurs as she looks at me. "She looks like she wants to be left alone. I wouldn't want to be a bother-"

"She isn't doing anything right now. In fact, she was hoping to get away from her family for the chance to mingle with people her own age - and guess what? That's us!" Lisa smirks at me. "And the best part is, if she makes a scene and turns us away - all she'll do is destroy the fragile disguise she's using to hide. While if she keeps us around, she gets to blend in with us and nobody will bat an eye. Don't you love it when things work out in your favour? A win-win for everybody!"

I glance around. "Fine, fine! Keep your voice down. I'm not exactly opposed to hanging around with fans, I just-" Didn't want to think too much about how many people were going to be watching us on stage. "-didn't want to get pinned down shaking hands for hours on end. That's all."

Lisa considers me inscrutably for a moment, her light frown giving way to an eerily-wide grin. "Of course, of course. No need to wear yourself out before the main event - not when there's so much excitement yet to come." I give her a suspicious look as her friend frowns at her. "I already knew that New Wave would be making an appearance, but I get the feeling that we'll be seeing a lot more of them than anyone expected."

Did she-? "I'm not really sure what you're talking about." I lie. "The events, speeches and interviews on the main stage are all secret, only the organisers know the whole schedule."

"Maybe that last part is true, but you're a terrible liar. He's definitely the type to make the most of a scene like this, he gets off on flaunting his power so a popular event like this, covered by the local TV - it's definitely the kind of stage he'd want to use to humiliate his latest toy." She tilts her head. "Or, toys? Oh, now that is spicy! I had you pegged for a solo act with how wound-up you've been looking, but we're going to have the whole team baring it all for our sakes? What a treat."

I scowl. Obviously, she had an insider tip-off about our... plans. But the way she was talking about it as if she was barely herself back from bursting into peals of smug laughter, was just rubbing me the wrong way.

Taylor looks between us, looking slightly lost. "I don't really get it, but I apologise for Lisa. She's obsessed with sounding smarter than everyone else at all times. She gets better to deal with when she's got a dick in her mouth." The girl in question gives Taylor a withering look at that. "But, might I ask - is this something to do with Mr Guy?"

"You know him?" I blink at that, re-evaluating my first impression of the two girls.

The blonde grins. "Enough to know how he enjoys sweeping up oblivious, helpless heroines into increasingly degrading sex acts and rubbing in the fact that absolutely everybody treats him like he wouldn't hurt a fly while doing it." She smirks. "I know he makes a habit of letting the particularly stupid ones handle their own downfall, encouraging them to ruin their own lives and practically beg him to-"

"Sure, he fucks us all the time!" Taylor interrupts with overly-bright cheer, cutting off her friend with a light elbow to the ribs. "We were sucking him off for his morning blowjob this morning, and he handed us tickets to this place and told us that we might see something fun if we stuck around. If you know him as well, does that mean he's been helping you out too?"

I scratch my forehead lightly. It was a little odd to hear about Mr Guy from people that weren't in my usual circle, but I couldn't exactly say that it seemed hard to believe or out of character. "It's... you know what, let's find a seat with more privacy." I tilt my head at a corner table away from the crowd of people swarming the refreshments. I grab a seat one side, they both take a seat opposite. "Fine. I'll admit that, yes, I know the man. And, he is... somewhat involved with the announcement that we'll be making."

"Better and better." Lisa nods. "Here I was assuming that he was just going to put you in a humiliating costume, jerk off onto your faces and ruin your reputation forever - but this is a lot more involved than something as simple as that. A full rebrand into his personal team of super-sluts, is that right? Not just one moment of temporary humiliation before he gets bored and moves on, but loudly announcing to the world your intention to become a group of empty-headed whores, only useful for storing his baby-batter and breeding his kids." Lisa smiles widely. "Wait, Taylor - here's the best part. She was the one that suggested it! She saw her entire team getting abused as cumdumps, realised that wasn't very heroic - so she confronted him and together they decided that the best way to solve the issue is to just become official hero-sluts dedicated entirely to getting fucked and impregnated for the good of the city. Can't fail at your job by getting railed in public every day if you change the job description to 'Mr Guy's free-use whore'. Genius! Bravo!"

I shake my head in annoyance. I should have expected her to have heard everything from Mr Guy, if their supposed close relationship with him was factual. Entirely why she felt the need to pretend to work it out was beyond me, but the secret was out now - however badly they tried to misrepresent our intentions.

Lisa is barely holding in her laughter now, physically shaking as she rocks back and forth under the exasperated gaze of her friend. "Th-thats amazing! I completely get why he does this. This feeling of talking to you, knowing that you see absolutely nothing wrong with what you're going to do tonight - it's amazing. Empowering. There are no words, really. The complete obliviousness! The fact that you're still looking at me now, as I spell it all out, and thinking to yourself: 'Wow, she really twisted the narrative there! Our heroic aspirations could never be misunderstood by a fair, rational audience!'. That's hot. The fact that you'll still be thinking that with him pumping his load into your womb in front of an audience of hundreds, and god-knows how many watching on TV at home - you'd find it funny too." She waves a hand at me. "Just completely under his power, not a shred of awareness about it. Why-"

Taylor finally rescues me from Lisa's raving. "Again. I'm sorry about her. She's gotten this idea in her head that Mr Guy isn't actually a sweet, charismatic guy, but that he's actually a Cape that uses his powers to convince other people to do things."

"That's ridiculous." I give Lisa a shake of my head. Was she actually stupid? "Mr Guy is possibly the most generic, average man I know. Just a good person with a kind personality, but otherwise completely unremarkable and ordinary in almost every single way."

Lisa seems oddly inflamed at me for some reason, but Taylor beats her to the response this time. "Exactly! I mentioned earlier that she feels the need to be the smartest person around?" I nod. "So, she thinks that everyone else wanting to fuck Mr Guy is because of his power - but she's too smart to be affected by this supposed power."

I frown. "But didn't you say that you've been fucking him?"

Taylor's smug grin is cut off as Lisa sticks a pair of glistening fingers into her partners mouth. I blink. What-where-? Then slide my eyes down to the table, they weren't- surely? In public? I hurriedly turn my gaze back up, flushing a dark red as my gaze meets Taylor's knowing one - and I realise that her arm disappears below the edge of the table at a distinct angle towards her apparent frie- no, girlfriend. They couldn't be anything less if they were so openly willing to do that at such a high-profile event. Did they have no shame? Lisa continues, pretending to be oblivious to my mindstate. "That's a personal choice. Nothing to do with powers, just an... unwelcome insight into my own personality that I hadn't realised until after I met Mr Guy."

I wet my lips. "I-" Focus, Crystal. It was just two girls finger-fucking each other in public. New Wave did that all the time these days!

But that was different, wasn't it? It wasn't that we were just doing that kind of thing for the hell of it. We weren't sluts. We were... bonding as teammates. Making sure that none of us were stressed out or distracted in case we were needed as heroes. Or... just doing it because we felt like it - but not like this! Because it was fine when it was us, but this was... bordering on disgraceful, really. But could I even find the right words to express that, without sounding like a hypocrite? I knew that I was right, but every attempt I made to try and phrase my half-hearted complaint at their behaviour just sounded terrible from someone who was not so very far away from getting fucked in front of an even larger audience. For a good cause, yes - but that didn't make the words any easier!

With no alternative, I keep my opinion to myself. "I see. Your genius is... astounding to me." I give her my most diplomatic smile.

"It genuinely should be." Lisa doesn't seem to appreciate my response. "I should clarify that I'm a Cape. A Thinker-" For some reason, I don't even find myself tensing at the announcement. Maybe they didn't seem very villainous? Or was the city just so peaceful lately that my instinct to get ready for battle had completely dulled? For some reason, all I can do is just nod in understanding. That did explain some of her actions, at least. "-of considerable power-"

"A heroic one!" Taylor pipes up.

"Absolutely not a heroic one-" Lisa disagrees vehemently.

Taylor nods her head harder the more Lisa shakes hers. "She is. She used to be a small-time thief, but Mr Guy saw that she had a good heart and managed to handle everything! Look!" Taylor pulls a phone out of her girlfriend's bag, unlocks it with one hand, navigates through a gallery that even at this distance seemed to show way too much skin and then finally slides it across the table towards me.

On the left side of the image is an exhausted-looking figure that I take a moment to recognise as Taylor - naked, with her face still dripping from what could only be a fresh painting of cum. A sign hangs around her neck, apparently naming her as a 'good girl'. On the opposite side of the image, I can barely even connect the ruined, submissive figure with the bratty girl sitting opposite me. In the image, Lisa has been completely, utterly ravaged. The dopey, slightly shell-shocked look on her face, the seed flowing freely from every single hole, the multiple layers of cum plastered across her body in far more of a deliberate, methodical fashion than that decorating Taylor's body. It was clear that the focus of the day's events had been to fuck Lisa into a wet, meek puddle - and that task had clearly succeeded. A similar sign sits next to her, messy handwriting naming her as a 'reformed (?) probationary hero'.

And then, there in the centre - was the unmistakable figure of Mr Guy. Arms wrapped possessively around the two girls, even as both of them  lend him a hand in turn even while posing for the camera - their dual-grip on his shaft dominates the focus of the image in a silent promise that however much the girls have already been fucked, more is yet to come.

I consider the image in silence for a moment, considering the well-fucked girls and then the swollen perpetrator occupying the centre stage. Jesus. That monster's going inside me today. If it hadn't already been lodged completely into my mother, if I hadn't already seen it fit inside Amy - who by all rights should struggle more in that sense - then I'd be running for the hills right now.

"I guess we're more alike than I thought." I admit, a very slight note of apology in my voice. Not because of anything in particular, but seeing as how we were both soon-to-be-sisters in our shared experiences, maybe I had been a bit too standoffish to the pair. The blonde meets my eyes, and this time, it's my turn to smirk. "I think I'd have paid to see that scene firsthand."

Lisa immediately gets my meaning, and doubtless starts winding up a bitter retort before her girlfriend interrupts. "Enough of that." Taylor pauses. "In fact..." I miss the brief exchange of what comes next, but a few seconds later - a somewhat chastised-looking Lisa sinks underneath the edge of the table. Taylor shifts her position a bit, and then-

A flush makes its way back onto my face. She's definitely eating her out. Right in front of me. I might not be able to see the 'action', but she wasn't even attempting to hide her position or the expression on her face. "You can't do that!" I hiss quietly, eyes wide and waiting for someone to realise what was going on. If someone realised, if someone made a scene and then discovered who I was...

"Why not?" Taylor asks simply, leaving me dumbfounded. "If someone makes a fuss, we can simply say that we're associates of Mr Guy performing a favour for him - showing that picture seems to help a lot. We're not in anyone's way, or bothering anyone. The only person who's noticed right now is you, and I don't think New Wave has much moral high ground to stand on right now when it comes to exactly this sort of thing in public-" I close my eyes. She had a point. I was self-aware to admit that. Not enough of a point that I actually agreed, but I could see why she felt the way she did. "-and Lisa gets on with people so much better like this."

Despite myself, I lean forward to follow Taylor's gaze down as she leans back into her seat, idly stroking her girlfriend's hair as Lisa sets her tongue to work under Taylor's skirt. Going commando, that was obvious now - from this angle. Perverts. But, the thought didn't come with as much heat as it did before. Maybe Taylor was right. This was the kind of thing that Mr Guy would like his girls to get up to, if the rest of us were here at this table we'd fit right in - if we weren't famous, at least. Even if he actually had nothing to do with this, it was such a natural disguise given the state of the city that even I almost found myself believing her.

Wait. His girls? What was I even saying. Mentally, I'd already included New Wave in that thought. It was just these two. New Wave didn't really belong to Mr Guy, it was just that he was... taking ownership, if that made sense. We were sort-of putting him in charge, giving up our bodies and futures to him - but it wasn't like we were his property or anything. Nor was there any romance going on. Strictly business relationships. Platonic. That was it. Platonic, pure-business fucking.

That sounded a little silly, but it was the truth. We weren't his girlfriends, hell - I wasn't even sure that these two would count under that label. Yes, they'd clearly been broken in by his cock - but it evidently wasn't a relationship of equals. More of a... charity case. It was easy to see how much Taylor idolised the man judging off the starry sheen in her eyes every time the topic switched to him, while the reformed villain was an even clearer example of him stepping in to help someone on the wrong path out of the kindness of his heart. It was easy to see how the entire story had likely unfolded. Evidently, he'd helped them out of a rough spot in their lives - expecting nothing in return, and they'd gotten attached and thrown themselves at him. He'd been too kind-hearted to turn them down as the sluts thirsted over his dick, and he'd decided to make the best out of an awkward situation and used their fixation on him to guide them onto a more heroic path.

In a way, I was actually jealous of that. It would have been so much easier if my only problems in life had been solved by his presence - at which point I could loudly declare 'I'm horny!' and drag him back to my bedroom for some much-needed stress-relief. That was such an improvement over the issues I had encountered with my family's rapidly-declining moral standards, and the drastic measures and negotiations I'd needed to do to get us back on track. It wasn't like I had particularly wanted to limit my interactions with Mr Guy to pure business. That was just the path I had been forced down for the sake of my family. A path that, hopefully, would reach its conclusion today.

Mr Guy hadn't even fucked me yet. I didn't really want him- well. I did, a bit. Not because I was desperate or anything, but at this point, I  was feeling almost left out. Despite my best efforts, he'd avoided actually claiming me - despite taking just about every liberty possible with my body without actual penetration being involved. I know he said that he wanted to save me for last once everyone else had been claimed, just so I could 'appreciate my efforts' to help the team more - but that didn't help the feeling of frustration.

At least I knew he liked my body. He'd used me as a tool to jerk himself off several times now since our first meeting, and I'd finally, finally gotten my lips wrapped around his cock at the last planning meeting for the gala. He hadn't meant that in a lewd way, he'd made it clear to me that this was the best way to keep him from getting distracted - therefore, helping to drain his balls was just another part of the team's daily routine. Routine or not, the rest of the team had cheered me on with enthusiasm, which only made my embarrassment worse as I choked and made a complete mess of the attempt. Mr Guy had taken pity on me and taken over at that point, fucking my throat and depositing his load down my throat with his usual confident motions - then congratulating me on my debut as his newest suck-slut.

I hadn't been sure about that label, but it had helped take the edge of frustration off while waiting for things to continue at their glacial pace. At least after today, there wouldn't be any more excuses. I could be as insistent about getting fucked as Vicky was. Or as coy and seductive as my mother. I'd get fucked and bred ten, even twenty times as much as the others just to make up for the delay. And nobody could even dare to criticise me for it, I would just be doing my civic duty - taking his cock for the pure, noble purpose of making sure I get knocked up as quickly and surely as I can.

"Daydreaming about Mr Guy?" Taylor snaps me out of my thoughts with a simple question.

"What? No! Just-" I flounder. "-thinking about, you know. Things-"

"There's nothing wrong with it, you know. It's not like either of us can judge." She lets a smile flit across her face. "It's just I get to see that expression on your face a lot, it's becoming kind of recognisable. Almost everyone that Mr Guy helps, he changes their lives - he leaves a big impression. A hole that can't quite be filled without him. It's natural for your thoughts to linger on the special things he's done for you, the things he does that you know nobody at all in the entire world would ever be able to match." Taylor flushes, not entirely due to the earnest efforts of the blonde under the table. "You start to realise that he's just the perfect guy. Someone you can trust without reservation. A good person - a real hero."

"A hero? You think so?" I tilt my head. "I mean, he's nice and all - but he's also... just a guy. Anyone could have done what he's been doing."

"Sure, he doesn't have powers. Nothing about him seems to stand out as extraordinary-" Taylor rolls her eyes as Lisa tries to talk into Taylor's snatch, but the words come out inaudible as Taylor presses the blonde back to her assigned task. "-which, if anything, makes him even more of a hero. I used to be bullied, you know." She whispers, as if telling me a secret.

I cross my arms. "Oh?"

"At school. When Mr Guy came around, started handing out the punishments that the school should have been handing out all along... I realised I didn't really have that kind of moral high ground to stand on. I saw them crying, humiliated as they got stripped and spanked in classrooms, in the gym, on the field... everywhere. The worst of them ended up addicted to the debasement and humiliation, I go back to Winslow sometimes just to watch her take on the entire football team in the only way a budding porn-star can. And, you know? I loved it." There's an unholy glint in her eye at the words. "I can't let go of the grudge, every time I see them I can't help but wish that they suffer just a little bit more today. I'm not like Mr Guy. He never holds anything against someone who wronged him. I want to be better, but I don't think I can be that good. That pure. Forgive people that wronged me or help people even at the expense of myself." Taylor pauses briefly to bite her lip, hands clenching against the table as Lisa continues to do her best to distract her. "To do what he does without any powers at all, that takes more courage, more selflessness, more kindness than anyone I've ever met."

I nod in acceptance. "I guess I can respect that perspective. He- he did a lot for us, as well." I run my hand through my hair. "It's, well - it's really hard to explain without it sounding super weird-"

The shine in Taylor's eyes is almost a little scary. "I totally understand. It's so hard to explain without sounding like you were just a complete slut. I'd like to hear it anyway- oh! I have an idea - I'll talk about how I first met him, and then we'll both be even once you tell your story! That way, you'll see that we're all the same when it comes to stories about Mr Guy that are really hard to explain to people that have never met him."

"I'll admit to being a little curious..." I lean in. Just what did Mr Guy even do before he became our Cape-advisor? He seemed to get around a lot. "Alright. You have a deal."

"Well. I'll save Lisa's version of the story for afterwards, as hers is a bit more dramatic and action-packed than mine. For me, the story starts not too long ago - I find out that we're going to have a new substitute teacher for one of our classes, and I'm already dreading it. Winslow doesn't have the best reputation, so I didn't really have my hopes up." She adds as way of explanation. "Along comes Mr Guy. I misjudged him at first when I got caught up in him getting control of the class, so I ended up getting a bit of a spanking right there and then. I managed to keep my clothes on though, so I wasn't the worst off at the time. There are all sorts of gang members, racists and general assholes at Winslow - so the fact that Mr Guy was able to get everyone's respect so quickly is a real testament to his skill as a teacher."

That made sense. Mostly. Some of it seemed a bit unusual to me, but I could probably put that down to Winslow being a well-known shithole compared to Arcadia.

Taylor continues. "So, class ends - and he picks me out of everyone to stay behind. He has me hop up into a nice position, asks me to repeat a bit of classwork to him so that he could judge my grade - and starts jerking off." Taylor flushes at the memory of it. "I won't bore you with the details of the assignment, but safe to say that he makes the most of the time I take talking to remove my shirt and give himself a nice target. My very first lesson comes to an end as my teacher unloads his cock all over my chest."

"That doesn't sound that appropriate for a teacher to do." I knit my eyebrows together in a frown. "Like, I know he probably didn't mean much by it - but he could get into trouble for things like that. He really just came all over you? You didn't go to him?"

"Painted me white and told me to wear it proudly." Taylor boasts. "That was his first lesson. A lesson that I was good enough for him to use as a cum-receptacle. That might seem silly and petty now, but at the time - that was a genuine boost of self-confidence that I had no idea that I needed."

"Oh." I let out a noise of understanding. "Well, if it's a lesson - then that's just his job. That makes sense. He was just helping you out."

"Right, right." Taylor enthuses. "And the most amazing part to me is how quickly he worked out that this was the exact thing I needed. I'd never met him before, and he just-" Taylor shoots her arm out straight. "-knew right away. An amazing talent, no wonder he slides into new jobs so easily." She shakes her head. "Anyway. He continues this for a while, on top of enforcing some semblance of discipline on the rest of the school. Him using my body as an art canvas becomes a common sight around the school, and slowly I start to appreciate my new position. I grow a bit of confidence as we go a bit further every time. I don't mind it if the boys watch me jerk Mr Guy off, or if I have an audience when trying to deepthroat him on the bus. When he slams me onto the table and fucks me in the middle of an art class... I realised that I'd become completely immune to the comments, the attention, the stares, the bullying, the fear of the consequences - all of it. I don't have anything to be afraid of anymore. Lesson plan complete, in a method I would have called insane not even a month ago."

"Just realised that you needed a little push, huh." I smile softly. "He sounds like a good teacher, if a bit unorthodox." In the same way that he had been a good advisor to the team. Not a single 'normal' suggestion had come out of his mouth, but everything he said was at least worth listening to. "I mean, imagine any other teacher had tried all of that."

"He'd be dead before the hour was up." Taylor gives a wry laugh. "Way too many people with knives and guns in Winslow for some sleazebag to try and get handsy. To say nothing of the fact that I'm a Cape as well, and I'd be all too happy to demonstrate how my powers work if someone thought that I was available for anyone other than Mr Guy."

"I'm pretty sure we would all have ripped apart anyone who tried to do a fraction of what Mr Guy did for us, heroics be damned. We have standards." I nod in solidarity. "And that's what's important, right? It's not that Mr Guy has lowered those standards, he's just an exception to them. The standards are still there for everyone else - no different from any other relationship, really."

"You are so right. So right!" Taylor presses her hands to her cheeks, practically basking in her infectious joy. "This is so great to talk about. The only person I can really talk about this sort of thing with is Lisa and my dad. Lisa has her... opinion on Mr Guy-" We roll our eyes in sync with each other. "-and it's so awkward going home to my dad and him asking how Mr Guy was today, how many times did he fuck me, is he free to go bowling sometime and that it would be completely fine if I were to come along too in case Mr Guy needed a cumdump for the afternoon. Like, hello? Are you even listening to yourself? When did this become a topic that was appropriate to talk about to your daughter?"

"So awkward." I echo her words in commiseration. "I feel bad for saying it, but I've kind of come around to the idea of the male half of our team being... elsewhere. I miss them, sure - but god, I am so glad that they aren't around to spectate all of the things we're doing. I'm not sure what would be worse, if they were angry about it - or if they were actually supportive."

"It's hard to stay angry at Mr Guy. I'm sure he would have brought them around-" Taylor shifts in place. "-but, as you say. Maybe that's not all that good of a thing. Dad walked in on me getting fucked in the kitchen the other day, and he decided to stay there and cheer Mr Guy on - telling him that he's the only guy he'll ever allow to fuck me! Who does that? I can't imagine the same happening to Lady Photon, only to get the same treatment from her actual husband." Taylor shudders. "I mean, a little bit hot in a twisted way - but I think I'd just feel bad for them. In a relationship that long and the husband won't even fight for you? That's just depressing."

"To be honest, I'm pretty sure that is exactly what happened. Nobody wants to talk about it, but the timing just seems to line up a bit too much - things all fell apart almost the exact same date that Mom started fucking Mr Guy." I might have been kept in the dark about the full details, but I wasn't stupid.

"Oh." Taylor looks a little sheepish, probably regretting calling my parent's relationship depressing. "W-well. At least she has Mr Guy now, right?"

"I suppose so." I concede. "But I should ask, are you fine with that? It seems that you're pretty close with him, you don't mind that he's running around behind your back doing this kind of thing?" Sure, there weren't any romantic feelings involved...yet, but he was still dicking down half-a-dozen other women at the very least while apparently wooing these two girls. Maybe I was overthinking it, porn stars probably faced the same kinds of issues - and they could have families too, right?

Taylor shrugs. "That's just the way that he is. I wouldn't even want to change the part of him that wants to help everyone that he can. I'm not quite that selfish." She grins down at Lisa. "Besides, it's kind of hot to see him with other girls sometimes. And, nobody could argue that you don't deserve what he's going to do to you. You're all heroes! You've earned it! He's going to help you and you're going to end up being so much happier than you ever were before. I'm not so cruel that I'd even dream of denying you that chance after all you've done for the city."

"We weren't-" I pause, then correct myself. "I wasn't thinking of it as a reward or anything." I couldn't say the same for the others. They were definitely enthusiastic about their future prospects right now. I was probably the only person thinking about saving the future and reputation of the team. "It's just something that needs to be done for the team to stay as heroes. I don't know that there is even a choice-" What's with that knowing grin on her face? "-if anything, I'm a bit nervous about the-" I wave my hands in the air. "-specifics of what's going to happen on that stage. The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm just going to make a mess of it and let everyone down."

Taylor's response is cut off as she arches backwards against the seat, oblivious to the world as Lisa apparently finishes driving her to orgasm - emerging from below the table with glistening lips and a healthy, lusty glow on her face.

"That's ridiculous." Lisa's the one to speak up in her place, electing not to even comment on what they had obviously been doing under there. I would send have tried sending thanks to whatever god was listening that they hadn't been caught with me in the area, but now Lisa had given up on any display of pretense and had decided to keep Taylor distracted with her hands while she talked. "Let's consider what a 'successful' event looks like. Everyone needs to know and understand that you five are horny sluts that are a complete disaster of a hero team if you don't have a man keeping you in line. They need to understand that the new job of New Wave is to sit there and get fucked, bred by Mr Guy as publicly as possible. They need to understand that the pride and dignity of New Wave is a thing of the past, and all that remains is five wet, willing onaholes looking to degrade themselves in any way possible for the sake of one, single cock."

"Those are- Those are not quite the exact aims we were going for." I liked her better when she had her mouth occupied. Taylor had a good point there.

"Forgive me for paraphrasing a bit." The blonde drawls. "The important thing is that the only thing that's required from you to do all of that... is to sit there and watch obediently as Mr Guy desecrates everything your family worked so hard to build. You just have to watch as your precious family get stripped, humiliated, fucked and bred in front of an audience of thousands and millions of people. You just have to mindlessly obey as he does the same to you, too oblivious to even realise what he's doing."

Despite her words, she had a point. "That's true. I don't really have to do all that much, do I? Mr Guy will be the one with the actual hard job." I turn and scowl at her all of a sudden. "And, hey! I didn't say any of the specifics of what we were doing up there!"

A shrug. "I would love to boast about being a Thinker, but anyone could guess if they knew Mr Guy. He's got a bit of a one-track mind. It would be a complete shock if sex wasn't involved. I'll admit, I hadn't quite realised until just now that you would be having Amy around to absolutely ensure that everyone got to watch you get impregnated live - I assumed that you were just going to get fucked enough over the next few weeks to basically guarantee it, but that works too. Makes it a bit more special, I suppose."

"That's supposed to be a secret!" I hiss at her as Taylor's expression lights up again.

"You're going to have his babies? That's amazing!" Taylor gushes. "Lisa and I have been thinking about that as well-"

"-speak for yourself-" Lisa objects, but it lacks the heat of her earlier objections - perhaps a little harder for her to deny than before? I try not to change my expression, but Lisa levels a glare at me anyway. Thinkers.

Taylor doesn't even slow down. "-but we were just going to wait a bit longer before dropping the pill. I want to get through Winslow at the very least, and Lisa decided that she won't suffer alone - so we'll both go for it together."

"That sounds reasonable, I guess you're doing it for a different reason to us - so it makes sense to wait." I glance up as the lights change, an indication that I might have to meet up with the others earlier than I was expecting - it looks like the show might be starting soon. No rush though. We weren't the first people expected up on stage. "We're doing it to help the New Wave movement, and raise the next generation of heroes. I'm not sure Mr Guy would even have considered fucking us if it wasn't to help us with that." Past the initial fuck-of-opportunism, that is. It was one thing to get laid, another to stick around after the fact. Lisa chokes on her water at something I said for some reason.

"I don't think you have to worry about that." Lisa recovers. "He obviously didn't pick any of you for your brains, but any guy could tell you that your bodies are enough. Trust me, you were destined to be his cocksleeve the moment he arrived in Brockton Bay."

I mentally revise my opinion of the girl upwards. She actually could say nice things, sometimes.

"Lisa's right. You're unbelievably beautiful." Taylor throws an all-encompassing gesture at me. "And you're going to look so, so hot when Mr Guy hilts himself inside you in front of all of your friends. Everyone will be so jealous of you when you go back to Arcadia-"

I groan. Lisa snorts. "Oh, now you've done it. She was trying so hard not to think about how her classmates were going to react."

Taylor crosses her arms. "What? Why? They'll either be happy or jealous. And in the case of the boys, horny. I mean, they were probably jerking off to you already - but if it's anything like it was with me, it'll become a lot more obvious and noticeable, especially online. I thought it was kind of flattering, actually."

"The novelty wears off." I assure her. "But I was more thinking about my close friends. I don't want things to become weird. You know. 'Oh, hi Crystal. How was your day? Oh - spent the morning getting your insides painted white again? Cool, cool.'" I mimic talking heads with my hands.

Taylor looks nonplussed. "I don't see the issue."

"She's concerned that going from a celebrity, do-gooder hero with an unshakeable moral compass, to a degenerate, cum-guzzling slut with a sex-life more public than the library down the street, might have some small impact on how her friends interact with her." Lisa comes to the rescue. Sort of. Still a bitch. Not wrong though. "But I'm sure that she's thought through all of the consequences of her decision already and made her peace with them. If they're real friends of Laserdream the superhero, they'll happily be the friends of Laserdream the superslut that gets fucked by the substitute teacher behind the bikesheds every lunchtime."

I level a glare at her. "I'll still be Laserdream the superhero, thank you very much. My job title isn't changing in the least. And there's nothing slutty about deciding to... you know. Start a family, have a child - all of that. Everyone does that! My parents did that as superheroes too, nobody complained then."

Lisa raises her hands in surrender, giving Taylor a temporary reprieve. "Flawless logic. You've got me there. Unfortunately, I missed the merchandise run that the older generation of New Wave released when they were having their first round of lovey-dovey, public baby-making sex just like this - I'm glad I'll have the chance to pick some up in round two. I was thinking a creampie pin-up calendar to keep track of the date, and maybe a celebratory group-facial poster to remind me about the unswerving moral values of New Wave. Maybe the incest home-DVD collection as well-"

"Lisa..." Taylor eyes up her friend, a reproachful tone in her voice. "You're winding her up too much. This is her big day!"

"And I'm just getting my kicks in while I can!" Lisa whines plaintively. "I let you have your little detour to spy on that girl, this is the same thing for me! And it's harmless. She doesn't even realise what's going on, so what does it matter if I have a bit of fun driving home the fact that I'm the only one immune to his power? Everyone's allowed a strange fetish or two, right?"

"Supposedly completely immune, but still doing the exact same things. I don't think there's really much to drive home." Taylor shakes her head. "I'm pretty sure you've already done literally everything you seem to be trying to tease her about, or at the very least, will be doing them in just a few days to make up for it."

"Yeah, but that's because I'm a slut. Nothing to do with his power." Lisa's smug grin grows. "The end result might be the same, but our situations aren't at all similar. He needs to be cautious of me. Keep me on his good side - or I might just send the entire operation crashing to the ground."

"Sending you back to a life of celibacy." Taylor responds blandly.

"I- well. I mean, it wouldn't be ideal for me either-" She sputters. "-this way forward is better for the both of us, really. And I do like him, even without his power having any effect. It's just because he's a likeable person."

I smile to myself as the two devolve into bickering amongst themselves, almost oblivious to my presence now. These people were nice. Definitely an odd-pair with unusual personalities, but they were starting to grow on me.

Hopefully, I'd see more of them in the future. But, for now...

I finish my drink. "I need to go and get ready. I'll have to leave you to it-"

"-see you soon!" Taylor waves at me. "We'll be somewhere near the front, cheering you on!"

Lisa smirks. "I won't be doing much cheering, but I'll definitely be enjoying the show nevertheless."

That was probably the closest I was going to get to any support from her. "See you around then."

I leave the pair behind, making my way up to the changing rooms being the stage.



Mr Guy was deviating from the script.

Not that we had an actual script, so to speak, but he wasn't saying or doing the things we had been talking about beforehand. Things were... a little bit off. It had started with our costumes, while I had understood completely that eventually we would need to lose our usual outfits for the 'main event' - I had only been expecting that to happen after a long, comprehensive explanation of what everyone was about to see. Just to make sure that there were no misunderstandings from anyone that this might be inappropriate in any way.

Instead, he'd practically ordered us all into these... I would say bunny suits, but if anything it was the exact reverse of one of those. Where you would expect this kind of outfit to cover all the important parts, and accentuate curves in general - this outfit covered absolutely nothing critical. Everything was completely bare and on display here, the fact that the arms and leggings of the outfit just deliberately stopped before offering any slight shred of decency was almost worse than wearing nothing at all. The logical assumption was that some small part of the outfit had just been left out, but Mr Guy had cheerily informed us that everything seemed to be in order.

At least this kind of outfit would make the logistics of taking clothes off later somewhat trivial. No need to think about removing any obstacles for Mr Guy, if there simply weren't any layers to obstruct him in the first place. That... wasn't entirely illogical. It sounded a little extreme, certainly, but there was a certain element of common sense in there. The entire point of this event was to... get to that kind of 'activity', so having clothes that were well-suited for that purpose just made sense.

Perfect sense. Hm. Maybe not perfect. Some sense. I would probably have done it differently myself, but could I really complain to Mr Guy after he'd already put so much effort into organising and planning this for us? No. We'd just have to deal with it. Or, that wasn't right either. I'd have to deal with it. The others seemed fine with the costume choice. Vicky had even snapped a quick selfie to tease people on PHO while we waited. The idea that we'd be exposing our goods to the world before a word of explanation got out didn't seem to bother them at all, but despite my own concerns about that - I'd just have to follow Mr Guy's lead.

At least this wasn't the first time I was exposing myself to the world. Mom had the right idea about getting used to this kind of thing before today, and it was paying off now.

After changing, we'd headed out onto the stage - not as equals, for some reason that I hadn't quite managed to decipher the purpose of yet. He'd collared and leashed us, then herded us out onto the stage to crawl towards our would-be interviewer. Mr Guy would, of course, have a perfectly good reason for doing this - and now would hardly be an appropriate time for me to ask, but I wish he'd explained things in advance because this was... embarrassing. And hot.

Usually, that wouldn't be a problem for me. It was a good thing to consider yourself hot, right? And I was- no, we all fit that description perfectly right now. The issue was that I hadn't been told the secret about why doing this was perfectly okay and reasonable - and sure, I trusted Mr Guy with my life, but now I was having to come to terms with the fact that I was completely fine with not knowing. I was enjoying my ignorance - in fact, the fact that I didn't know might even be making the experience better. Somehow, the slim, minuscule chance that there wasn't a logical explanation for this - that somehow we might completely fail at explaining all of this off as just another chapter of heroics - somehow that made me tremble with excitement in a completely different way.

It was fine. There was nothing wrong with having a strange fetish in this day and age. The only embarrassing thing would be if Mr Guy realised what kind of thoughts were running through my head. All of that talk about being better than the rest of the team, and I was having to clamp my legs together as we crawled forward to hide the evidence of the fact that I probably had more in common than the air-headed sluts that I had been complaining about than I could ever have imagined.

Okay, 'air-headed sluts' sounded mean but it wasn't wrong. What could possibly be a better description of what the four of them were doing now? They'd dragged me into this mess, the least they deserved was being called a few names from the safety of my own mind. It certainly wasn't my fault that any of this was happening.

I clear my head of the wilder thoughts with a quick shake. Back to reality. As fun as it was to imagine, a failure here would be a terrible outcome. Obviously. I wasn't blind to reality. The prestige and goals of our team meant so much to us all that anything other than complete success would be a travesty. But, having a stray fantasy here and there wasn't a crime. Particularly when the fantasy was such a safe one - one that, even if it did somehow come to pass, wouldn't even be that bad of a fate. Mr Guy wouldn't leave us to rot. He'd step in and... well. Do what he was doing now, actually - as he tugs our leashes forward and lines us up to kneel across the floor facing the crowd. He'd take charge of us, make sure that everyone knew that we were incapable of making our own decisions... and he'd make sure that everyone knew he was taking care of everything from now on.

Nobody would complain. Not if it was Mr Guy. Not a single person would even dare to dream that he had a malicious thought in his head as he took responsibility for us as a hero team. Why, the people of the city would probably shake his hand and thank him for spending all the time and effort required to take us in. And when things inevitably took a lewder turn? Well. I was quite certain that people would be overjoyed that Mr Guy had stumbled his way into an eager harem. It would just be good karma, after all - good deeds coming to someone who was an endless well of likeability and charity, and asked for nothing in return.

But that was just an idle fantasy. No matter how things appeared, the one concrete thing that was certain in life was that Mr Guy had our best interests in mind. The fact that our best interests apparently involved lining up on our knees in front of him like some kind of trophy on display to the crowd, all while he laughs and jokes with the interviewer sitting just across from him - that came as a surprise, but not an unpleasant one.

He'd clearly thought about this, and engineered a situation that didn't overstep any of our boundaries. Any other guy in his position would get some mistaken notion of power in their head, push things too far and get trivially beaten down for their mistake. Mr Guy... he'd judged it just right. Realised how far we were willing to go for our goals, analysed how far he could push us and then taken us right over to the edge of our sensibilities without crossing it.

"-t a surprise for all of us to see these lovely ladies here tonight, here to bare their future plans - and everything else - for all the world to see. With me here tonight is their new handler, Mr Guy, who some viewers might recognise as a rising star around the Cape scene..." I glance at the interviewer blandly as he introduces everyone to the crowd. I recognised him, Mom had rescued him from a hostage situation a few years ago - some nutjob conspiracy theorist trying to hijack a TV channel to preach his delusions to a live audience.

Yet another considerate touch by Mr Guy. Making sure that we had another sympathetic voice on the stage, one that was invested in making us look good as well. A few softball questions as gratitude to his heroes, maybe it was a little shady but I think we could be forgiven in the circumstances. Most people wouldn't even have considered it, but it seemed that Mr Guy was just as aware as we were about the difference between someone hunting for an inflammatory headline and someone with a genuine interest. This guy respected us, and wanted our audience to do that too.

I politely ignore the way his gaze keeps slipping from Mr Guy's face down to Carol's shapely ass. And when his eyes flicker over to me, following the curve of my breasts almost reverently. And when he casts an unsubtle look at Amy, already breathless, redfaced and writhing as Mr Guy sets his hands to work on her as the closest girl to his own seat. A few weeks ago, I'd have called him out for that. Now, there didn't seem to be much point. It wasn't like every single member of the audience out there wasn't doing exactly the same. It wasn't as if we had no idea that our... state of dress would cause that kind of reaction. He was still a guy, I could hardly fault him for that.

That wasn't to say that I was looking forward to the number of people looking just like he does now that I'm going to have to shoot down, possibly literally. Looking wasn't a crime, but touching most definitely was. More than a few people would mistakenly believe that our new attire was some declaration that we were now loose women with looser morals, when the reality couldn't be further from the truth.

I turn away from the interviewer and Mr Guy as they launch into a spirited conversation, mostly drowned out by the buzz and roar of the crowd. It strikes me, just how far we'd gone to get to this point. Not just a step outside of our comfort zone - but a giant leap that had gone so far that I had been worried for a while that the rest of the team might lose sight of our conviction behind all of this - throwing in the towel early before we could reap any of the rewards of our choices. It was a minor miracle that nobody had lost their nerve at the last second, perhaps they thought the same as me - however much they tried to bluster about it, we'd all gone further than we had expected and faster than we had ever dreamed. Our limit was around here, surely. One tiny step further, over some as-yet-unnamed red line or upon the emergence of some tiny seed of doubt, and the team would start to rebel against Mr Guy and his benevolent suggestions.

We couldn't afford that, so I'd done my best to keep the rest of the team... suitably distracted in the run-up to this event. It had been difficult at the start, but a lot easier once I realised that engineering any minor excuse to get Mr Guy and any female in the same room together was bound to result in a few hours of wild lovemaking and the complete abandonment of any credible heroic plans or deep thoughts about our direction. It helped that all parties were all-too-happy to get 'distracted' in that manner.

My mind repeats that previous thought for some reason: 'We would rebel if things went much further.'

Obviously. Everyone had morals and things that they weren't prepared to do under any circumstances. We'd already changed so much for the sake of our heroic aspirations, but that wasn't an unlimited excuse. We had to keep things sensible, within reason.

Against my will, the thought festers in my head. Would we? It was a simple statement, that there were limits to the things that we could be convinced to do. That was plain to see and understand. Perfectly natural. Yet, what began as a certainty, fades into doubt and a general sense of unheroic-ness. Fine. A small correction then. Perhaps I wouldn't object that loudly if things were to go slightly beyond this point, but that unwillingness sprang more from a dangerous fetish that was rapidly growing on me rather than any common sense. But the others, they might be rather loose with their morals right now - but everyone would agree that they each had their own red lines. Their own moral event horizon that must never be crossed. That was still there, perfectly untouched amidst all of the chaos that the last few weeks had caused in our lives.

We just hadn't hit that point yet. Nor did we expect to, otherwise we wouldn't be here. We wouldn't have agreed to this if we thought that any of this was the slightest bit unreasonable, so that train of thought was rather pointless. Blindingly obvious. The fact that we were here, even after having the absolute freedom to walk away at any time, was in itself absolute proof that we were all on the same page here. They were all just as committed to this as I was.

Even if their attitudes weren't quite the same as mine. I side-eye Vicky as she stretches and arches back to thrust her oversized chest into prominence for the crowd. In other circumstances, I might have admonished her for being intentionally lewd and riling up the crowd - but on either side of her Mom and Carol were doing much the same, finding their own lewd poses to lounge in and allowing the cameras complete, unobstructed access to whatever angle they desired.

And as for Amy, there wasn't any need for her to put herself on display - because Mr Guy had pulled her up and done it for her. Openly toying with her without ever pausing in his ongoing conversation as the crowd listens in, cock already fully sheathed inside her as he idly bounces her on his cock.

"-resident healer, but all this time she's been concealing the true capabilities of her powers. A full-blown biokinetic, scared of what damage she might do if she ever lost control." What was he talking about?

"A terrifying prospect." The interview takes the opportunity to leer down at the girl as she continues to slam down on Mr Guy's dick. "But, by your tone - I imagine we have little to be worried about now?"

"Naturally." Mr Guy says reassuringly. "Her fears were ultimately baseless paranoia about what she could do in some hypothetical scenario - but as luck would have it, I happened to be in the area to work all of this out. I saw Brockton Bay's beloved, selfless healer - and decided that she'd find everything a lot easier to manage if I slipped a leash around her neck and made her into my sex slave."

"Which, obviously, is a big improvement for her." The interviewer adds for the benefit of the slower members of the audience. "By taking away some of her freedom, ensuring that an upstanding, moral person like yourself is constantly watching over her - she is free to move past any wild ideas that after a lifetime of heroism and charity, she might use her powers for evil."

Mr Guy beams. "I'm so glad you understand. I'll confess, it's been a real worry of mine that people might look at how things have ended up with New Wave and imagine that I wanted such an uninspiring end for New Wave, or that I was making them into my personal cumsluts out of simple lust or greed."

"A ridiculous assertion." The interviewer plays along.

"Quite. I obviously want what's best for these heroes, that have done so much for our city over the years. They deserve a bit of rest and relaxation as much as anyone, and while perhaps their tastes are a bit wilder than anyone might have expected - is it really too much to allow them a bit of leeway like this? As men, I'm certain that we can both speak for a large percentage of the audience when we say that everyone appreciates the show that they've been putting on already."

"You couldn't be more right about that. I can't even begin to imagine how many fantasies have been fulfilled over the past weeks and months by the growing number of superheroines becoming sex icons. I don't doubt that a great many people are happy to see New Wave joining in on the trend, I know I am!" Both men laugh in sync as the audience rumbles their agreement.

"But back to my slutty little healer here. She's actually the star of today's show. Thanks to her power, we can completely guarantee that Amy, alongside every other member of New Wave here today, will be successfully impregnated on camera tonight!" Mr Guy waits for the cheers at that to die down. "I think that's a fitting enough event to kick off a new, New Wave. Don't you think?"

I shift uncomfortably. This wasn't quite what I had envisaged when we had come up with this plan. Putting on a... performance, yes - that was expected. But if I didn't know any better, I would almost say that this felt more like Mr Guy flaunting us than any display of our new heroic commitments. Mr Guy wasn't like that,  but that didn't change how it felt - as if he was... almost taunting people about our current situation. Taunting the interviewer and the crowd with the fact that we were, in some ways, his.

Thankfully, that wasn't true, I didn't believe it for a second. Not only was Mr Guy not that kind of person, but nobody would stand for us being given that kind of treatment and disrespect. We might not have the approval of everyone in the Bay, but people were proud of us. Protective of our image and supportive as fans and neighbours.

And, in a pinch, even someone without powers would stand up for what was right. If someone was trying to demean us, the crowd would be buzzing with rage right now - as Panacea lets out a final, needy moan as his seed pumps inside her - the scene echoing a moment later on a dozen screens scattered around the room even from my angle, and god-knows how many more across the country. They'd be furious instead of gazing at us with barely-concealed lust, half the crowd roaring for Mr Guy to hurry up and breed the next in line - my own mother gleefully taking Amy's place - and the other half trying their best to hide raging erections or even quietly getting themselves off when they thought nobody was looking.

So, given that I could plainly see the crowd's reaction for myself... then even if it didn't seem like it, the message must have gotten across. Nobody in the crowd was angry. Nobody was protesting, or screaming at us about morals and decency. Everyone seemed to think that this was fine, and they were all content to just enjoy the show. Mission accomplished.


I shake my head. Too late to start having doubts now. Far too late. Mr Guy had done too much for our benefit for me to ruin everything on some baseless gut feeling. Hell, he'd gotten naked on a stage in front of the world, broadcasting his actions live on TV - just to help us with our image issues. It was one thing for us to do it, we were professional heroes and the public understood that this kind of marketing was just one facet of the business at the end of the day. Mr Guy was a normal person. This wasn't something that was expected of him because of his role or job title, even if he had seemed all too happy to assist. This kind of exposure - in every sense of the word - would follow him for a long time. His relative anonymity would be a thing of the past, and there was nothing we could do to fix that - even if we later decided to end our arrangement and part ways.

He wasn't thinking about that now. Who would? I think any male balls-deep in Lady Photon would be just as distracted. Even if they were the kind to think about consequences, she didn't seem inclined to give him a moment to think about anything other than the woman in front of him. She's a natural performer, all-too-capable of making her needs known to both her partner and the wider audience - slamming back into the man, her unspoken demands insistent on increasing the pace of the fucking frenzy. The pretence at a composed interview temporarily suspended, none of the parties seeing any real need to add any commentary to what the audience really wanted to see: The image of a once-proud heroine turning herself into a free-use onahole for her new owner.

Once proud? Still proud. I mentally correct myself. This was still heroism, after all. It was easy to get carried away, easy to start to think that the words and actions that merely looked degrading were in fact genuine. Mr Guy was such a good actor, that I needed to constantly remind myself that he was acting at all. At times, it genuinely seemed like he didn't care about us as people at all - just walking bags of fuckmeat, not good for anything except his cock. The way he discards my mother to the floor, semen flowing from her snatch like a river, it almost seemed like he didn't care - only interested in moving on to his next target to humiliate and dominate. Carol, this time.

Almost. We all knew better, of course. Nobody even really considered otherwise for a second, we were a team - that kind of trust towards each other was perfectly natural. It was all an act. The subtle amusement and near-contempt that never fully seemed to leave his voice when he talked to us, the torrent of degradation flowing from his mouth as he seems to gloat to the audience about Carol's transformation from a strict, moral-crusading lawyer to the needy slut being fucked into the floor in front of him - even the harsh-sounding blows cracking out across the room as he spanks each rippling asscheek in turn. The constant stream of dialogue to the audience, to the interviewer next to him or even to the woman moaning under his dick - his words only narrating the unvarnished truth of how far we had fallen to get into this situation, eyes alight with an almost savage cruelty as he reminds us - and the entire world - just how strange this series of events has been, and how dire the consequences for us might truly be.

A perfect actor.

But not quite perfect enough. I didn't have the heart to tell him... but nobody was falling for it. Not even the audience trickling into the show late. He was just... too nice. It shone through every action that he took. Recontexualised everything he did no matter how much incredible effort he put in and no matter how much raw talent went into acting like he didn't care. We might not realise his exact intentions all the time, but guessing was fun all on its own. Perhaps he had identified Carol as a closet masochist. Maybe he'd identified her high moral standards as the root cause of her stress, and decided to lower them for her. Or, maybe he was just looking out for our heroic reputation - trying to make it appear as though choosing to be bred wasn't all that much of a pleasant affair, but an arduous task truly worthy of a heroine.

That last one might have had a bit more potential as an idea if it wasn't for the sheer satisfaction already displayed on three out of five female faces on the stage. It would be one thing to pretend that we were tearfully sacrificing our time and dignity for the sake of the future, but quite another to be fucked into a blissed-out puddle on stage and then try to pretend otherwise. Most of the women in the audience were probably jealous, rather than having any sense of awe at our nobility for going through with this.

But, still. Even the audience saw through his act, so it didn't really matter what he was going for. No matter how much he tried to make himself out as some bad guy, some monstrous villain that had somehow made slaves of the best of the Bay - not a single soul could doubt the purity of his intentions.

Just like us, nobody seemed inclined to let him know that his acting wasn't working out. Perhaps that was because of the show that we were putting on, or maybe it was just that - like me - the energy and passion behind the acting gave them the same, fleeting moment of madness where the thought 'what if this was real' becomes a dangerous thrill and thought experiment. I could understand that. Some people were into roleplay, I could hardly judge from this position - a 'humiliated' heroine, mostly naked save for a fetish outfit, a leash around my neck, exposed to hundreds of thousands of viewers and just waiting for my turn to be impregnated. It was like I was going down a list of fetishes to tick off rather than organising a serious turning point in New Wave's history.

That wasn't even touching on the fact that Mr Guy, whether by accident or through deliberate research, was playing directly into one of the most popular fantasies of our fans. One man dominating a harem of superpowered beauties - whether by his own power, like the constantly popular Master/Stranger tag that stood proudly at the top of any 'collection' about New Wave, or just by sheer happenstance. It was a popular, if delusional, fantasy - people picturing their favourite heroines humiliated, enslaved or just generally at the mercy of someone that was as much of a loser as them. Completely unrealistic, usually made by people that had no idea about the limits of powers, even less understanding about the fairer sex and certainly no knowledge on the standard countermeasures against Masters and Strangers that were so ubiquitous in this day and age - not to mention how anything on the scale required to make their wish-fulfilment work would just attract the attention of too many pre-cogs and Thinkers to count.

Though, I wasn't blind to the fact that we had ended up in a... similar situation to those fantasies on our own. The worst part was that no powers were needed to get us to this point, we could only really blame ourselves. It would almost be nice for someone to explain that we were mastered, that would be a better alternative to the shameful realisation that we- that the majority of us, would happily discard a lifetime of heroic efforts for the right dick. That was... a hard pill to swallow. We had all been all too happy being blissfully ignorant about that aspect of ourselves, assuming that we had the moral fortitude to be above such things - only to realise that it wasn't any amount of mental strength or moral upbringing that had kept us on the straight-and-narrow, but simply having the good fortune to not meet the right man for so long.

Or, should that be 'bad' fortune? True, the whole experience was devastating for my self-esteem. The team would never really live this down, for all that I'd made such a spirited attempt at dressing up what we were really doing here. The reality was that none of the others had shown any interest in this until they heard that Mr Guy would be fucking them on TV for everyone to see. This situation was terrible from the perspective of the heroes they were a month or two ago, undoubtedly.

But they were happy. I'd never seen Carol make an expression like the one she was wearing now before Mr Guy arrived. Now, it was all too common to see her fucked-silly face and recognise it on sight. Amy had a beaming smile on her face, kneading Vicky's tits from behind as the girl breaks from our self-imposed position kneeling on the floor - riling up the crowd with a series of flirtatious, provocative poses.

Quite how Vicky could focus with Amy touching her, I had no idea. The healer had taken to Mr Guy's teachings with a vengeance, and had been my most common nighttime visitor in the run-up to this event. Not an unwelcome one, any way to take the edge off was appreciated given how Mr Guy seemed content to use my body in any way that didn't involve explicit penetration - Amy was the giving sort that was all-too-willing to dive under my bedsheets at night without a word being said, but it was when she let her power loose that the trouble started.

Every nerve alight, every feather-like touch turned overwhelmingly sensitive - she seemed to relish in the feeling of the other person turning into mewling, helpless putty under her touch and none of us were an exception to that rule. She'd let us cum over and over, until she was either satisfied or until she decided that we would need a bite to eat and a drink before we could continue - allowing her power all the fuel it needed to keep things going safely. I wouldn't pretend to understand what she was doing to make it all work, but I couldn't argue with the results.

Either Vicky was made of sterner stuff than me, or Amy was going easy on her right now. The slick, glistening wetness along her thighs as she blows a kiss towards the camera only confirms that Amy was at least doing something - either that, or Vicky was really, really looking forward to her upcoming turn with Mr Guy. I shift my own legs uncomfortably beneath me, focusing on not shying away from the closest camera as it comes closer to inspect me - lens zooming in on my clamped legs, highlighting to the audience that I wasn't all that different from my cousin, even if I was being less obvious about it.

There's nothing wrong about it. It's perfectly natural. Just the body's response to... anticipation. Plus whatever subtle touchups Amy had done when I wasn't looking, and I knew that there were bound to be some of those to discover no matter how much she tried to dodge my questioning probes about what else she'd done at Mr Guy's request.

I shake my head. Not important now. What was important was that this event went off as planned. I couldn't help but feel a little useless and passive here, with nothing to do but obediently wait for my turn. I suppose I could copy the others, who seemed to have gotten similarly impatient with standing around and had started to entertain each other instead. It wasn't that I was opposed to it, hell - I'd spent most of the last week getting a deep education in all the ways to pleasure - and be pleasured by - another woman, I wasn't a prude about it whether Mr Guy was there or not. I was just... watching. We could fuck at any time, but I couldn't redo one of the defining moments of my life in the future - best to take it all in now. Not just for the experience, but also for ways that this might go wrong.

One of the things that I had been concerned about was the crowd's reaction to New Wave and our evident skinship outside of our interactions with Mr Guy. It was one thing for two - or more - people in a family to have a threesome or whatever. Sharing the same cock was fine! But, when you took that other person away - all that's left is a lesbian incest orgy. I was down for that. I'd admit it. I'd participated, and planned to continue doing so in the future. But it was definitely wrong, without Mr Guy present to make it right. Incest was the kind of fetish best kept to shady books and fanfiction, the natural response to it in real life would be disgust and repulsion. Not something that we could come back from.

But then again... nobody looked repulsed when Amy was unashamedly feeling up Vicky. Nobody started complaining when my mother had started swapping spit with Carol even while Mr Guy was at work. And once Mr Guy finished inside, cameras capturing the action from every angle - not a single person seemed upset to see the two sisters practically tackle each other to the ground, mouths already attached to each other's slits with not a care in the world as Mr Guy moves on to Vicky, starting out with a practical demonstration of the positions you can try out when you have a slutty flying-brick eager to please you.

Was I the one that was out of touch? Had I really misjudged things the likely reaction this badly? The crowd wasn't just tolerating it, they were actively encouraging us - Amy getting a cheer of approval as she takes her hand off of the floating, seemingly weightless Vicky bouncing on Mr Guy's shaft to take a step in my direction.

"You're looking a little lost." Amy hums at me.

"Just thinking." I tilt my head back at her as she slides one hand down the curve of my back. "This isn't... quite how I had imagined it. In lots of ways."

Amy shrugs. "I think we've nailed down the most important parts of the plan. I'll admit, it was kind of hard to hear those two talking over the crowd - but I'm pretty sure I heard a question or two about our future activities, and the response that we would be doing more of the same for the foreseeable future. That was the only bit of information that you were really worried about, right?" The unbothered, lackadaisical tone in her voice serves as a reminder of how little the rest of the team actually cared about that aspect of the event. "And if it's about the other aspect, there's no need to worry - guaranteeing fertility is actually quite easy assuming both individuals don't have any conditions to complicate matters. None of us have anything like that, so we'll be doubling the size of our team in nine months or so. You must be thrilled."

"No-well. Yes, sure." I flounder as Amy's hand traces my curves, a sensual burning sensation left in her wake that makes me want to pin her down and force her to do that somewhere else. "That was something we planned on doing, even if it wasn't the entire point of all of this. But it was supposed to be about us, as a heroic organisation - making an official kind of production. Like the PRT has been doing. The things that they do there are, well - you've seen them-" Amy nods. "-but everyone knows that nothing has really changed. They're still heroes. Still the Protectorate. This doesn't feel anything like that."

"It probably just feels different because it is different." Amy considers me for a moment with pursed lips. "We're an entire team on our own, with no government obligations to live up to. We've all decided that the best thing we can do with our lives right now is to become degenerate cumsluts with a breeding fetish, and that means that all of our heroic activity falls second to that."

I put a pained expression on my face. Did she have to phrase it like that? Maybe it was true from her perspective, and I was self-aware enough to admit that I couldn't entirely exclude myself from that idea - but I didn't like the idea of putting the entire point of New Wave off to the side as some side-objective. It was one thing to temporarily set it aside for the long-term, but admitting that it was no longer our main priority felt like something we couldn't come back from.

Amy ignores the look on my face. "But the PRT, they have other staff. Other heroes. Even from other cities if the need gets big enough. There's no need for a change in policy or an announcement that all of the girls are turbosluts now-" Was that even a word? "-because the PRT as a whole isn't changing. They still need to do their jobs when the time comes, they can't just step back as an entire organisation like we can. Only we have the flexibility to do what we like, to manage public expectations as we like - and to tell the public exactly what's going on with us right now. Because it's our choice. Do you think Piggot is going to do a press release explaining that Vista and Shadow Stalker aren't going to go on patrol anymore because they're too busy taking dick? No, because they're still supposed to be active Wards with certain expectations of them - even if that doesn't line up with the reality anymore. They just quietly appear on the streets less, and on certain PR videos more."

Amy was talkative today. I guess this entire experience is right up her alley. "Maybe you're right. I was a bit too focused on something that worked elsewhere, and didn't think about how we would need to change things to suit us." I shake my head. "To be honest, I didn't even think an approach like this would resonate with people. I thought we'd have a riot if they even got a glimpse at what we were like behind closed doors. My original plan was a bit more tame than this, but it looks like Mr Guy had a better grasp on the situation."

One finger dancing across my skin becomes two. "And? Nobody expected you to work everything out perfectly. Mr Guy is the expert, just leave it all to him. Hasn't he done enough to prove that we can put our trust in him?"

"That's just about the only thing I'm not worried about." I mumble. "Even if everything else seems crazy, at least Mr Guy is as reliable as ever. I just wonder what else I've missed, what else he's had to put time and effort into covering for. Look at what he's managed, the entire crowd is loving this. I was trying to work out a plan to avoid a riot, trying to think of ways to deflect those puritanical types like the ones that used to tell me how hot hell would be every time I squeezed into my bodysuit. I don't fully understand his approach, but whatever he's doing just works better than anything I could have managed alone."

"I'm still not seeing the problem." Amy admits.

"I'm not sure I do either." I shake my head, scanning the crowd. "I should be happy that things are going off without a hitch, but I just feel a bit useless now. All of these plans for saving our reputation, but nobody cares - and looking at this crowd, I can't even blame them. We were heroes, and yet, everyone's just fine with us acting like this? Like- like sluts? The incest? The fact that we're openly admitting that we're ditching our regular patrols to get laid? My original plan was to avoid the subject as best as I could, dance around the facts - but Mr Guy just blew past them and nobody even batted an eye. I can't help but feel a little, I don't know. Disappointed? Did we mean that little to everyone? Did I just have an oversized view of our own importance? It's hard to be mad when it makes things so much easier for us, and for me, but still..."

"I think you're thinking about it in the wrong way." She places her chin on my shoulder as she continues to whisper to me. I whimper as the phantom sensation of absolutely nothing dances against my clit. "People only care about that sort of thing when it happens to someone close to them. To everyone else, when we aren't actively saving lives - we're just celebrities. Think of a celebrity you ever had a crush on, then imagine their nudes got leaked online. Even if you respect them, you'd look in a heartbeat - right? It's just like that - except this time, it's official content. Guilt-free, because we want everyone to see this. And deep down, they want to see it too. Their favourite superheroines, put in their place by some guy with a big dick - and the fact that they're lezzing out with each other as well, that's just the icing on the cake. That's never a downside in porn."

"We're heroes, not porn stars." I grouse at her. "And I wouldn't say 'put in our place' either. This isn't- this isn't us. Not really. It's a temporary-"

"Speak for yourself." Amy interrupts. "I'm never going back. Not a chance. The others feel the same, and I think, you do as well. He might have opted to wait until today to properly break you in, but I've brushed up against you enough while you've been entertaining him over the last few days enough times to know your exact feelings on the matter. The body doesn't lie as easily as your mouth does, let's put it that way."

"My feelings don't matter. Actions do. We're heroes, not sluts!" I insist. "The city needs us-"

"Says who?" She challenges back. "What villains have we fought in the last month? All the gangs have basically packed themselves up for some reason. The Endbringers seem to have stopped. Pretty much every S-rank threat is handled, and most of the A-ranks as well. Meanwhile, here we are. Here you are - about to get your holes stuffed in front of your audience. About to get a baby bred into you live. What else would you call yourself?"

"It's not just about what we're doing, but why we're doing it. You know that." I protest.

Amy continues, practically ignoring me. "It's not even a special event either, this kind of thing is going to be normal." Her fingers slide down my belly, then brush against my lower lips as she whispers her statements into my ear. "You're going to be a fucktoy for the rest of your life, and you're going to love it. Nobody out there genuinely wants to see you succeed as some moral paragon, they like at you like they were just looking at Mom - an uptight bitch just waiting to be put in her place. One stubborn brat that's one good dicking away from admitting what she's really like deep down. You know that too. Your body tells me everything that you won't say. All you've wanted for the last few days was for him to throw you over the counter and fuck you like everybody else."

My thighs clamp down on her fingers, a wordless groan barely contained in my throat as she lets her power loose - turning the delicate touch of her fingers into something that felt more like a full-power vibrator. "Amy-"

"And you know that after today, there won't be any obstacles against that. He's up there, declaring that we're all his personal property. His personal onaholes to do as he pleases with, and you know that he means every word. You know that isn't what you wrote out in that plan of yours, but you don't care - because that's what you want too. Even if you won't be honest with yourself, Mr Guy saw right through you from the start." Amy tilts her head to the side. "And if I'm wrong, then just go up there and say something. You know that he's a nice enough guy that he'd come to an arrangement that made you happy if you said you had a problem. But if you don't, then that's the end of it."

I open my mouth. I close it again. A sigh escapes me. "I-" I lean back into her as she kneads her fingers in and out of my core. "It just seemed so important a few days - or even just a few hours - ago. New Wave was... everything to us, you know?"

"I'm aware." Her tone is dry.

I grimace. "I know, I was just- forget it." I shake my head. "I just meant that the idea of letting that ideal down seemed like such a terrible thing. The worst-case scenario for us as a family. Not just that, but I really, genuinely thought that people would care." I sweep my gaze across the onlooking crowd. Most had their eyes locked onto Vicky and Mr Guy, either directly or via their nearest screen - but some were leering at either myself or at the entwined figures of Brandish and Lady Photon. "Mr Guy hasn't said anything so far indicating that this isn't the end for New Wave. He hasn't mentioned that this is all just part of a long-term strategy, or anything of the sort. He hasn't mentioned any of the reasons behind the decision - as far as the crowd knows, this is the end of New Wave as a whole. Our entire legacy ending with a whimper in one debauchery-filled afternoon - and not a single person in the crowd is against it."

Amy rolls her eyes. "So?"

"You don't care either?" It wasn't a shock, but not what I wanted to hear regardless.

Amy's touch turns electric, zaps of not-quite-pain but not-quite-pleasure spasming outwards throughout my body from the tip of her finger on my bare skin. "Why should I? I know what I want to do with my life, and I don't need their approval or disapproval for that. Besides, how can you blame them for not being worried, when not a single person on this stage has an issue with it either? Not even you - as far as I can tell, your only issue is that you feel like you're obliged to think that all of this is bad. I certainly didn't hear you sounding so glum with his cock lodged halfway down your throat this morning."

"That was different." I protest, feeling oddly defensive.

"If you say so." She seems willing to humour me. "The point is, everyone knows that it's with Mr Guy - nobody out there could name a guy better suited to making sure that this whole thing is done for the right reasons. Why focus on the negatives? This is a celebration - you're not about to be bred, you're about to be bred by Mr Guy! There's a big difference between those two things, you know that - and the audience knows that too. Don't blame them for not being confused when everything has been made so clear to them."

"You're right, you're right." I concede. "I'm just... I don't know. Nervous. I thought I'd already settled these doubts, but sitting here really hasn't helped on that front."

The crowd roars as Vicky takes the full length of Mr Guy's shaft, her Brute powers being put to use as he hammers into her again and again. "Well, by the sounds of it - you won't have to wait much longer." Amy grins. "And don't worry, we've all been in the same position - Mr Guy knows what he's doing. The best part is that you can't really screw it up at all. If you do anything wrong, Mr Guy will just pin you in place and fuck you like the onahole that you are. You'll love it. The crowd will love it. Mr Guy will love it. Nothing to worry about, right?"

"Right." I echo.

Amy pulls her hands away, slightly turning me to the side to see Vicky slumping out of the air - slowly leveraging herself off of Mr Guy's shaft. My turn. "Then go and get it. For the sake of truth, justice and whatever else you were pretending this was for."

"I was not pret-" I interrupt myself as the screen shifts to focus on me. I straighten up and pace towards the patiently waiting man that had started all of this. "Only me left then." I murmur.

"The ever-radiant Laserdream is the last to show us her true colours today-" The 'interviewer' enthuses next to Mr Guy. "-yet another beauty, I'm reliably informed that she's actually a virgin. But don't let that veneer of innocence fool you, she's secretly the architect of this entire show. Who can even begin to guess at what thoughts are running through a mind depraved enough to sell out her own family like this, dragging a reputable Cape team down with her!"

"I think that's a bit of a harsh outlook on what happened." Mr Guy responds to the man. "Is it really right to blame her, when the reality is that the team was already on the path to something like this anyway? All-too-willing to be dragged under, in this case."

The interviewer nods. "That's a very good point. So far we've seen that sluttiness runs in the family, and that the proud superheroines we all once looked up to were secretly masochistic whores looking to be put into their place this entire time. I'm sure Laserdream would count herself as an exception to that, but zoom those cameras in - her lust can't be mistaken! This slut is every bit as horny as the rest of her team, and luckily, Mr Guy here is around to sate her!"

Wasn't this guy supposed to be on our side? His words weren't exactly helping the narrative that we were doing this for the right reasons.

But I wasn't saying anything to dispute his words.

Because they weren't entirely wrong.

"How should I-?" The question is answered for me as Mr Guy spins me around to face the crowd, angling me down and across the small, but sturdy table in front of his seat. From here, I have a near-perfect view of the closest screen - giving me a somewhat surreal image of Mr Guy's cock lining up against my own slit right as I feel him press against me.

"So then. Mr Guy, before you deflower the last of New Wave - any thoughts to share with us before you get started?" Shouldn't he be asking me those questions? Whatever. Mr Guy was fully capable of giving reasonable answers in my place, it was just... it felt like we'd been demoted, somehow. No longer worthy of attention or respect, despite nothing really changing. We were still the same team, yet the usual undertones of awe and respect weren't present in his voice.

"I think I'd just like to thank all of the people that made this possible. The lovely ladies of New Wave themselves, of course, for being the insatiable women that they are - but also to all the viewers and fans out there now." I can barely focus on his smooth voice, thanks to the slow, subtle teasing of his cock threatening to breach my inner folds. Close enough that if I just thrust myself backwards, that point of no-return would finally be crossed. But I didn't want to look desperate, not in front of an audience like this. I had self-respect. Dignity. "It's truly thrilling to be in this position, despoiling your idols and knowing that I have your full support in doing so."

I find myself nodding along. Thanking the fans for supporting us in our journey, textbook PR move - sharing some of the credit so that they feel like they were a part of making this happen too. The words didn't have to be genuine, nobody could really claim any credit that wasn't on stage now - but ignoring that was an easy, polite fiction that made everyone feel better.

"And I would also like to address any concerns that people might have about the future of New Wave. I'm sure some people truly appreciated what the old New Wave did for this city. You used to be a big fan yourself, didn't you?" He directs the question to the interviewer, getting a firm nod in return. "I imagine that you must have been disappointed to see the state of the group today. A group that so many looked up to falling so low, I know that some people will doubt their credentials as heroes. Some people might start to think misogynistic thoughts, that these girls should never have dreamed of anything other than spreading their legs and handling the kitchen. I understand why you might think that, but I'll ask you to put your faith in me. I want to make these girls back into a team you can be proud of. Into a team that won't betray your expectations again."

The other man leans in. "So you're hoping to recover their image? That sounds like an arduous task, even for you."

"I wouldn't say 'recover'. Perhaps 'rebuild' is the better word. Ultimately, the reason that New Wave collapsed so hard and so fast is that they were trying so hard to deny their true nature: These girls were born to be fucked, and deep down, they knew it all along. I mean, look at this girl." I shiver. They were all definitely looking. The cameras were exploring every inch of my nearly-nude body, tracing along curves as if to highlight exactly how much I had won the genetic lottery. "The new team will be about honesty. Not only to the public, but to themselves. No hiding behind closed doors, they'll be my personal sluts both privately and publicly. And when they act as heroes again, they won't be pretending to be better than they are. No taking the moral high ground, just some Cape sluts doing the best they can. I think that last part is all you really need to be a hero, and I think the public will agree as well."

"That truly is a noble goal." The interviewer seems a little teary-eyed. "I genuinely hope that it works out as you say. A lot of people have had their lives changed for the better by these girls, and I couldn't think of a better person to help get their lives back on track."

"You're too kind." Mr Guy demurs as he presses forward. I let out a quiet gasp as my slit widens to accommodate him, but not quite fully allowing him inside. More teasing. "But even if things don't work out, the public should still be able to enjoy the show - so to speak. How functional they'll be in life going forward is up to them, but for those people who are only interested in seeing them all get fucked in every hole - they'll be satisfied either way, I can guarantee that much. I don't think there's any need to keep those fine people waiting any longer, do you?"

"Certainly not." Enthuses the other man.

Mr Guy slams forward. This time, fully penetrating inside me in the initial push. Thanks to the screens in front of me, I get to see my own shocked expression as the split-screen shows Mr Guy starting to settle into a rhythm in and out of my core - never giving me a moment to collect myself, ensuring that the best I can do is merely clutch the edges of the table and enjoy the ride.

And boy, was I enjoying the ride. I'd gotten glimpses of the 'Mr Guy experience over the last week. Come to realise how enjoyable getting throat-fucked could be, the proud feeling of being able to make him cum with just my breasts - but I'd always been a bystander to the main course. Sure, I could see how much everyone else appreciated it - but how different could it really be?

Very different. The sense of fullness and heat that no dildo could hope to match. The unshakable feeling that this was right and the way that things should be, the absolute knowledge that I was safe with this man - that I could trust him above all else. The sheer experience on display as he effortlessly plays my body like an instrument, in the span of just a few minutes rendering the expression of the lewd girl on the TV screens in front of me near-unrecognisable. I'd never looked so wild. So desperate. So depraved.

Yet here I was. Almost oblivious to the requests for more escaping out of my throat, only realising what I was saying when the rest of my team starts making knowing smirks and the interviewer launches into another bout of over-the-top narration about my actions.

And Mr Guy responded to those requests with gusto. To those who didn't know Mr Guy well, they might confuse his kind nature with meekness. They might assume that he just wasn't the kind of person who could be harsh and domineering. They might imagine that if some waif of a girl begged him to drop any pretense at treating her like a lady, and give her a true pounding - that he might not be able to answer.

Obviously, that couldn't be further from the truth. Mr Guy only ever aimed to make other people happy, and anyone who interacted with him for long would soon learn that he was supremely talented at that. When I asked to be railed, I got fucked. Plowed. Pounded. Whatever other phrases that I couldn't think of right now that might be used to describe the near-inhuman frenzy that he launches into. At first, I thought that I might have overstepped my limits - asked for something I truly couldn't handle, but I'm quick to adjust. A hero needs to be fast on the uptake and able to take a beating, this was no different.

Fine, it was a little different - but the point remained. I wasn't going to let the first (of many) rounds against this dick end in an embarrassing failure. No matter how big it was, no matter how good he was at using it... I was going to milk it for all it was worth. All the anxiety I'd been having leading up to this moment, this was where I made it all worth it. This was where it all culminated - in me finally being able to entrust the future of New Wave into his hands, and entrust my own body to him along with it. Sure, he'd talked a certain game with the interviewer and to the crowds - but those were just words. He couldn't hide his true nature from people who knew him well. Couldn't hide the fact that he fundamentally cares about us.

And somehow, that made the experience all the better. An experience that couldn't be replicated by even some crazed, tinker-tech fucking-machine. Even as he tore orgasm after orgasm through my body, he was still focusing on my pleasure first and foremost. Still pounding me silly in just the way I had asked and begged for. Caring and trust. Taylor had shied away from saying the word out loud, but she hadn't needed to. Love. It almost seemed inevitable, with all the right building blocks in place for it to thrive.

Despite my enthusiasm, my body has its limits - and nobody seems more aware of them than Mr Guy. As my voice goes hoarse and the strength of my desperate bucking back into him starts to fade, his climax arrives. His seed spurting into my core - and if Amy's assurances were correct - starting off the long process of filling my womb on a longer-term basis. He stays lodged inside me for some time, the twitches of his cock inside me growing weaker and weaker as every last droplet gets squeezed out in the vice-grip of my inner walls - and then he extricates himself smoothly, looking down at his work with a pleased grin.

We both sit quietly for a minute, joint panting the only noise aside from the cheering crowd - who seem more than content to watch the replays on screen while we recover.

"So. Crystal." Mr Guy smirks down at me as I look back over my shoulder, no longer able to see a live view of the man by looking forward. "What did you think about your little event?"

"P-pretty good." I give him a weak smile.

"Just good?" He questions with a bemused grin.

"Definitely above average." I confirm. That would definitely get him at least a little bit riled up, obvious bait or no. "I might need a second round to check my score, you know how it is-"

"You look like you can't handle a second round right now." Mr Guy hums. "Although I don't have any complaints about your enthusiasm. This evening, we'll definitely-"

"No." I state firmly. "Now. I want more." My voice gives slightly before I strengthen it. "You wouldn't leave a girl unsatisfied, would you? Maybe it would be a bit much for me alone-" I sense, more than see, the two girls on either side of me. "-but we seem to have you outnumbered."

A grin lights up his face. "Working as a real team already. I like it." He takes his seat once more. "Well then. Show me what you can do."

My voice choruses with the others.

"With pleasure."


Guy Incognito

Well that was as hot and entertaining as always, and really liking the addition of Lisa as the only 'sane' individual. Still think I'm going to be glad to leave New Wave after a third of the story's been focused on them.