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[Tags: Snippet (more chapters to come), DnD, Highschool of the Dead, world-hopping, multiverse, apocalypse/doomed world focus, goddess, goth and yandere (yes, I’m predictable like that), Wizard/Warlock, ponder the orb, smut (eventually)]


There was a flash and Will’s world was consumed by colors and sights that shouldn’t exist. Once more, he was cast adrift between dimensions with only a single buoy to keep his soul afloat. A rather talkative buoy at that…

“Tsk, well, that was rather rude of them. Don’t you think so, William darling? Prudes and bitches, the lot. Oh, you start one itsy bitsy apocalypse and the entire pantheon loses their shit. It’s not my fault the fabric of their reality can’t even handle visitors.”

Will’s buoy, his new companion, rambled on and on into the void between dimensions. To be fair to her, there wasn’t much to do while traveling like this.

It seemed to take forever and yet was instantaneous at the same time. Will found the whole process fascinating on an intellectual level but he would rather not have to do it for the second time in the same day.

In his world of origin, Will was something of a prodigy. He was smart, studious, and serious. He was able to cast 5th-level spells by the time he was only 21. That magical talent made it easy for him to enroll in a university for the arcane arts. He was even set to graduate early.

Things were going oh-so-well for him. He must have gotten complacent. On an academic expedition for his senior project, Will stumbled into a long-sealed tomb. There, he made the mistake that set him into his current predicament.

But really, who could blame him? There weren’t many mages, even of the Arch variety, that could claim to have unsealed a goddess. He’d been curious. Reckless, even. Before he knew it, he was unleashing the goddess Nocturna upon the world.

She appeared to him in a graceful form of alien beauty. Unnaturally smooth and creamy skin. Impossibly long and flowing hair. Facial features that could kill. Voluptuous curves that could have tempted the most pious of monks and nuns alike. Four arms. A long sinuous tail. Pale glowing eyes that pierced the veil of reality. Wide sweeping horns atop her head that seemed to hold up the sun and stars.

Nocturna had thanked him. She’d elevated him above all other mortals in her eyes. She’d made a contract with him without asking his consent or approval. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Just by unsealing her, Will’s soul was eternally tied to hers.

Things kind of blurred after that. There was a divine ruckus at Nocturna’s unsealing. Some more gods made their appearances. The truth came out. Or at least, one version of it. The gods of his original world had sealed Nocturna to ‘prevent the coming night’.

Will wasn’t sure about that. Something about the other gods’ hatred for Nocturna seemed… off. He’d never put much faith in the divine. That was the realm of clerics and paladins.

But he supposed he had better start now that his soul was tied to a goddess. And what better way than by taking his new patron’s side?

Like with the official contract with Nocturna, Will wasn’t given a choice otherwise. The other gods lumped him in with her. Then, they cast both of them from reality itself, setting the bonded pair adrift between dimensions.

That was… eight hours ago? Not even half a day. Will was still very much reeling from the shock of being evicted from his original world. He didn’t show it on his usually flat expression but he was clinging to Nocturna as his only lifeline. She seemed to be doing the same for him.

Perhaps the gods had a point in saying Nocturna would bring about the apocalypse though. That certainly seemed to be what was happening in the world they landed in.

Again, most of the events there were a blur. Will used that brief time to fully come to terms with his new situation. He holed up somewhere and took stock of his situation.

Spellbook? Check. Enchanted jewelry? Check. Spelled tattoos? Those never left his side for obvious reasons. Clothes? Just what was on his back. Pack? A standard one for explorers that he’d taken on his scholarly expedition. Arcane focus? He still had his orb to ponder upon at least. Food? Water? That’s where the luck of his preparation ran out. Goddess (and wasn’t that a strange thing to check)? She wasn’t physically with him but he could feel her wrapped around his soul like a shadowy cloak.

Things could certainly be better. But they could be worse too. There was no use sitting there and regretting what was already done. Will resolved himself to put the past out of his mind and only look forward.

By the time he’d finally centered himself, it was too late. The gods of their new world took notice of them and a very similar scene played out again. Will and Nocturna were once again evicted from reality and cast adrift where they now floated to destinations unknown.

There was no telling where they were going. Hell, there was no telling where they just were. Ultimately, Will decided it wasn’t worth worrying about. He figured the best thing he could do was get to know his new soul (sole) companion. They had plenty of time before they landed back in reality.

“What happened to your previous form?” Will asked.

“What do you mean, William darling?” Nocturna’s ramblings ceased instantly at his question and she looked down at herself. “Eek~! T-This isn’t right! You’re not supposed to see me like this yet! How do I-? Oh, how do I-…?”

Compared to the first form she’d taken to appear in, Nocturna’s current form lacked some of the same alien beauty and grace. She was still beautiful. But now, it was more relatable and palatable to the Human mind. She seemed less likely to drive Will mad with her mere presence and appearance.

For one, she no longer had four arms. For another, the sun and stars no longer seemed to rest upon the top of her head like some kind of crown. Her tail was gone and her eyes had lost their divinely alien glow.

Before, she looked like some sort of higher being — noble, elegant, and powerful beyond belief. Now, she looked almost like the elves that were so common in their world of origin. Still, the resemblance wasn’t quite exact.

She shared the long tapered ears, pale skin, and inhuman beauty. But she also had a pair of horns, curving up from her head like an upside-down Omega symbol. The horns were pitch-black and looked as if they would have been just as at home on a demon as on a goddess.

Her eyes still glowed but in a different way than they had previously. He could see her pupils and the white of her eyes now. Only her irises shined with a powerful inner light instead of her whole eye.

Her facial features were sharper than before as well. Her jawline tapered elegantly and her cheekbones looked as if they could cut glass. Her hair wasn’t merely blonde, but white — pure white.

A strange cross decorated her forehead, not marring her skin but there all the same. It stood out no matter what, not able to be covered by her bangs or even her hand when she covered her forehead in a panic.

Her ears were covered in piercings and jewelry — rings, bars, studs, and a pair of crosses hanging from her tapered lobes. Her manner of dress had shifted, no longer seductively old-fashioned but now almost… gothic.

Will could honestly say he appreciated the change. It made his new goddess seem less out of reach. As she was now, he could have mistaken her for a fellow student at his magical university. Former university…

He also appreciated that her voluptuous curves hadn’t been diminished by the shift at all. If he was to have his soul tied to a goddess, she might as well be something to look at.

“Damn…” Nocturna swore to herself, failing to shift back to her ‘goddess’ form. “Well, this is just a whole mess, isn’t it? Damn, those meddling old fools…”

“So is this closer to your true form or farther from it?” Will inquired, his intellectual curiosity stimulated by the matter of divine forms.

“Closer,” Nocturna sheepishly admitted. “You could say it… is my true form…”

“Fascinating,” Will pondered the implications there. “Perhaps being removed from our world of origin and cast through the veil of reality removed the veil you put around yourself?”

Nocturna blushed slightly, “Don’t think about it too hard, William darling. It’s embarrassing.”

“Ah, my apologies…” Will paused. “What should I call you? We haven’t had much time for introductions.”

Nocturna perked up at the question, regaining some of her ‘noble’ bearing, “You may call me ‘Goddess’. Or ‘Goddess Nocturna’. Or ‘She-Who-Brings-The-Night’. Or ‘My Belove’-… forget that last one…”

Will shot her a very deadpan look, “How about just ‘Nocturna’? We’re tied together now. Irrevocably, as far as I can tell. And cast adrift through the Void. We’re the only company the other can count on now and we might as well get along. Formality feels… unnecessary.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s acceptable,” Nocturna smiled softly on the outside. Internally, she squealed at finally having someone else to talk to, someone to call hers.

Will nodded, “Good. I’m Will. But you seem to already know that.”

“Of course, William darling,” Nocturna cooed. “Why wouldn’t I know everything about the man who saved me? My sole worshipper~ My soul anchor~ My darling William~!”

“We just met,” Will deadpanned again.

Nocturna giggled giddily, “Irrelevant to a being of my power and capability~! You said it yourself. Your soul is tied to mine. We are intertwined in fate and destiny, life and death! You are mine and I am yours!”

“… Should I be worried about that? The life and death part?” Despite the ‘confession’, Will was only slightly unnerved.

The enthusiasm that leaked through Nocturna’s noble mask softened, “No, William. Never. I shall never harm you. You are mine to nurture, mine to support, and mine to care for. I’m quite sure you’ll soon come to see how I already feel about you. And you’ll eventually return my sentiments. I’m sure of it.”

Will, ever the Wizard, couldn’t help but ask one question, “… Why?”

Nocturna’s yellow eyes seemed to take on an air of zeal and crazed enthusiasm, “Why? Why?! You saved me from my seal! You freed me, William! You gave me my life back and you stood by my side as we were exiled from reality itself!

“You can’t possibly know what it was like to be sealed like that for so long. It was torture. I will quite literally die for you, William darling~!”

Will silently processed her speech. He turned it over in his mind and picked it apart. Eventually, he was satisfied with his conclusions.

Nocturna noticed the silence. She waited for his reply, getting more and more nervous by the millisecond. By the time Will nodded, she was just about ready to break down and apologize for anything and everything she might have said to freak him out.

“You know…” Will said, keeping Nocturna on the edge of her metaphorical seat. “Usually these relationships work the other way around. With the mortals devoting themselves to the goddess instead of what seems to be the opposite…”

That was all he said. No rejection. No disapproval. No disgust or discomfort. Just a simple observation as he accepted Nocturna’s — admittedly intense — confession. She laughed, free and relieved as ringing bells.

See, at the moment, Will was many things. He was lost and way out of his depth. He was a man who quite enjoyed having a literally divine woman express her interest in him. But most of all, he was an intellectual. A scholar. A Wizard.

As much as his life had been turned upside down in less than a day, Will felt like he would thrive in his current situation. There was so much to learn. So much to see. So much past the bounds of his original world.

And he would do it all with a goddess by his side. Not even the greatest Archmages at his college could say that much. He had a chance to study something that had never been documented: a mortal-divine full-soul-bond. He was breaking new ground. He was a pioneer.

If he ever made it back to his original world, he would change the magical academic scene forever. But why would he even want to go back? The whole of existence sprawled out before him. Wizards had killed for much, much lesser chances at knowledge.

Nocturna laughed until joyful, giddy tears filled her eyes, “William darling, I could kiss you~!”

Will shut her down immediately, “Don’t. Not until I set up some experiments and instruments. The way our souls react to increased intimacy will be good data.”

Nocturna wasn’t deterred much but his refusal, still giggling, “Hehe~! Of course, darling. If you say so~! I’m willing to wait until you’re ready~

“This is uncharted territory, Nocturna,” Will lectured. “We must carefully document anything and everything in our relationship. The data could be invaluable.”

“Oh~ How romantic~ Shall I start our couple’s diary, darling~?” Nocturna swooned.

Will didn’t notice as Nocturna became more and more lost in her fantasies, “-And we’ll need some way of recording soul fluctuations… Hmm… It’s a good thing I still have my spellbook and a book of lore from my expedition. Yes, Arthur Styn’s ‘Book of Soul Interactions’ will be perfect for this. How fortuitous.”

They were having two separate conversations at this point as Nocturna said, “-And our children! Oh, our children! They’ll love to hear about how Mommy and Daddy met~! Yes!”

The conversational disconnect went on for a while. Both of them lost in their respective fields of interest. Nocturna was quickly becoming obsessive over Will. Her savior. Her darling. Her bonded mate. And Will was busy designing experiments that might tell him more about the mortal-divine soul bond between them.

The disconnect ended when Nocturna’s fantasies reached a fever pitch and she threw herself at Will, exclaiming, “Darling~! I can’t control myself anymore~! Come, let us consumate our divine marriage~!”

“Sit,” Will only said one word — almost absently, at that —, stopping Nocturna in her tracks.

As much as she wanted to take her new Wizard hubby and ravish him, Nocturna complied involuntarily. She found herself sitting on nothing in this space between worlds, this strange dimensional tunnel. She blinked, “Huh?”

Will took notice then, the strange feeling of having his absent command obeyed pulling him out of his pondering, “Fascinating… Some sort of resonance… I wonder if it works both ways.”

Nocturna wiggled in her ‘seat’, “Ooooh~! Don’t worry, darling. I would never command you to do anything~!”

“Well, I’ll ask you to do it anyway. At some point. Just to test things,” Will said. “I’m hesitant to give the divine such control over me. But I’m also curious. So just once should be enough. Please, don’t get carried away with your command.”

Nocturna paused. A certain command for him to love and treasure her always balanced on the tip of her tongue. But he’d asked her not to get too carried away… Sighing, she settled for something less intrusive.

“Tell me what you first thought when you released me from my seal.”

Will felt himself answering without any effort. His focus was inward on the soul resonance as he did, “I thought you were beautiful. Alien. Divine. Stunning. I wondered what it would feel like to have six limbs wrapped around me. And I wondered why such a creature was sealed in the first place.”

Nocturna gasped and shuddered at his confession. She felt the truth in her very divine soul. A fire lit in her core and electric anticipation danced across her nerves.

“O-Oh~” She moaned. “I regret leaving that form behind then…”

Regaining control of himself, Will reassured her distractedly, “This form is just as beautiful. Better, even. I find elves very attractive.”

Nocturna squealed quietly, trying to keep herself under control, “Eeeeiiii~! Yes~! He still wants me like this~! No, stay calm. He doesn’t want you to jump him just yet. Just bide your time. Be patient. You can do this, Nocturna.”

As much as he tried — which wasn’t very much at all, really — Will couldn’t ignore her frantic mumbles, “You’re rather different from what I expected from a goddess, Nocturna. Especially after how you acted during your first appearance.”

Nocturna gasped in horrified shock, “Oh no! You’re not supposed to see this side of me yet! I’m supposed to be noble and benevolent and all-knowing and reliable! Shit! Damn! You really fucked up now, Nocturna…”

Feeling somewhat awkward as he listened to her admonish herself, Will said, “I’d be willing to ‘forget’ I noticed anything and we can start over. If you’d like.”

“Yes! Oh, William darling, you’re too good for me. Too too too lovely~!” Nocturna’s face lit up with a smile before she schooled her expression again. “A-Ahem… Now, noble. Benevolent. All-knowing. Reliable. Yes.”

She held herself tall and proper-like, “Hello, William. It is I, your honest, kind, and wise goddess Nocturna. You may rely on me going forward. I promise.”

Will’s expression and reply were equally deadpan, “Oh my. A noble, benevolent, and all-knowing goddess I can rely on? Who definitely isn’t scarily in love with me and only pretending to be respectable? How lucky.”

Nocturna smiled brightly, disregarding Will’s sarcasm, “Yes! And I shall be doing my absolute best to fulfill your every need like a good Patron should. Again, please rely on me.”

“Hmm, alright, I’ll bite,” Will hummed. “Where are we going now?”

“Hell if I know-…” Almost immediately, Nocturna broke character before freezing sheepishly.

Will just raised an eyebrow at her, his expression flat and unchanging.

Nocturna quickly tried to recover for the second time in as many minutes, “I-I mean! Somewhere fun. And forgiving. With my ever-benevolent aid, you will have nothing to worry about. ’Tis a simple adventure in a low-power world. A romp, if you will, Will. Ohohohoh~”

“Wow, even a noble lady’s laugh…” Will pretended to be impressed, making Nocturna swell with pride in herself. “Now, how much of that wasn’t pulled out of your ass?”

“Ah?! None of it! All of it!” Nocturna gasped as if she was offended, scandalized. “A-Ahem… I simply looked ahead of us using my divine powers. Have faith, William. Your reliable goddess shall never lead you astray.”

“And how much longer do we have left on this particular journey, oh reliable goddess?” Will asked.

“Regretfully, not long yet,” Nocturna tutted. “I wished to spend more time alone with you, William darling.”

“I think you’ll have plenty of chances for that in the future,” Will’s reassurance was flat and amused.

“Yes! Quite right, darling. I can hardly wait for our next journey through the multiverse. Alone. Together. Think of all the ways we could get to know each other~” Nocturna purred.

“Careful there,” Will warned, amused. “Your noble side is starting to falter again.”

“Ah! Damn, this is harder than I thought it would be,” Nocturna swore. Will noticed that she had a habit of talking to herself. Something left over from her time sealed alone?

The space around them shook. The tunnel between dimensions began to collapse. The infinite Void warped and color began to leak back into everything. Will braced himself.

Nocturna perked up, “Do you feel that? We’re arriving now. Are you ready, darling? Have everything? Hungry? Thirsty? Do you need another blessing?”

Will smirked at the way Nocturna worried over him, “I don’t recall asking for any blessing in the first place.”

Nocturna sniffed imperiously, hiding her blush, “You didn’t have to. I am your goddess, ever reliable and benevolent. Of course, I would bless you to the best of my ability. Not even the greatest paladins would receive blessings from their piddly gods like the one I’ve bestowed upon you.”

Will hummed, “Hmm, next time, wait until I request a blessing. Not in the least because I’m interested in examining the process from a scholarly standpoint.”

Nocturna nodded deferentially, “Of course, William. My apologies for overstep-…”

She was interrupted as the tunnel fully collapsed. They were thrown back into reality. Will into realspace and Nocturna into that strange in-between that the divine were relegated to when they tried to visit the mortal realm. She settled into Will’s shadow — comfy as can be and ecstatic to be so close to her soul-bonded darling.

Their landing spot was picked out for them. A small infirmary. It was already occupied. Two of its occupants were students. The last was a blonde nurse. None of them noticed the ripples of magic and reality that preceded Will’s arrival.

One of the students jackknifed himself out of an infirmary bed. His skin was pale, clammy, and cold. Blood leaked from his eyes and mouth. He groaned, already long gone from the world of the living. Strange forces animated his still-warm corpse.

The other student was confronted with his friend’s animated corpse. He blustered. He tried to deny the reality before him. But in the end, he had no choice but to act.

“Okada…?! Damn it! Forgive me! Forgive me! Forgive me!” He cried, beating the undying corpse of his friend back to death.

The blonde nurse was looking through a supply cabinet frantically, worrying to herself aloud, “What should I do? I can’t get ahold of the police or fire department. I can treat them but once they’re bitten, they’re bound to die. And once they die, they’ll resurrect. This is exactly like that George Romeo movie I once saw…”

Then Will made his entrance, barreling through a tiny crack in reality. The crack expanded enough for him to pass as he was flung out of the Void. It snapped shut behind him.

Unable to control his sudden ‘landing’, Will was thrown directly into the blonde nurse. He bowled her over and she cushioned his ‘fall’.

He shook his head and groaned, “Damn, what a ride…”

He was lying on something impossibly soft. Perfect pillows almost completely engulfed his hands. It felt like a… body…? Whoever it was squirmed beneath him, letting out a sensual moan, “Aaaahhn~!”

Will eventually managed to open his eyes. The second-most — and it was a close second — beautiful woman he’d ever seen was sprawled out beneath him. Everything about her looked so soft and — from current personal experience — he could tell she was just as soft as she looked.

Long blonde hair splayed around her head like a halo. Her facial features were delicate and beautiful, stuck in a surprised expression. Her body beneath his was just as voluptuous as Nocturna’s. Perhaps more. His hands were currently buried in her breasts.

“… Hello,” Will greeted slowly, trying not to make the angel beneath him freak out.

It seemed his worries were for naught. She smiled brightly, “Hello~!”

Nocturna’s voice echoed within Will’s shadow, “Hey! Too close! Save room for Jesus-… I mean, Nocturna!”

Will started to roll his eyes but paused mid-action. His eyes narrowed, “Nocturna… Why does this world smell like Necromancy?”


[AN: It’s a bit short for a first chapter but I’ll live. I planned on this being the third or fourth story idea I worked on. Then some ideas happened and I bumped it up on my priority list. It’s still a snippet so I’m only planning on writing 3-5 chapters for now. Then maybe develop/write it in the background while I work on other stuff.

I have a multi-part femboy story I’m working on as well right now. It should come out sometime soon. Then after these two ideas, I’m planning an OC story tentatively titled ‘Prince of Hell’. Then finally (for now), I’m planning a cultivation story titled ‘I Swear, Officer! She’s Actually a 6000-Year-Old Demon!’. Yes, it will probably be as degenerate (but technically legal!) as you think it will. That one is going to be a QQ exclusive because I don’t want to give Patreon any reason to suspend my account. I have an idea for a Childhood Friend Harem story as well but I’m undecided on what to do with that one. I don’t want to commit to too many things at once because I still have to see about revisiting old stories of mine.

As for this story, some of you may have guessed but Will’s original world was a part of the DnD multiverse. He’s a Wizard. Well, some Frankenstein abomination of Wizard and Warlock now. But I’ll mostly be leaning into the Wizard part of that. I won’t be relying too heavily on the tabletop mechanics but they will be where I’m taking inspiration for his abilities and magic.

We won’t be spending too much time in HOTD. Just enough to get the ball rolling and abduct Shizuka. This will still be a world-hopping story but the next world will be more drawn-out. Haven’t fully decided what the next world will be yet but I’m leaning towards another short trip, this time to Kuroinu to kick-start the smut. Then either Worm or RWBY for a more extended stay.]




Okay, I'm sold on this goth girl aesthetic!


RWBY is nice, not many good RWBY fics that are completed

Sean Robbins

what about saeko?!?!?!