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Elodia attracted quite a bit of attention as she made her way back through the village. She was quiet, which already wasn’t like her. Her long, elegant ears were drooping in a clear sign of stress and inner conflict. Her steps lacked the smoothness that came naturally to all Aeldari. In all, it was clear to every clan member she passed that something was wrong with one of the flowers of their village.

As for Elodia herself… a war raged within her heart and mind. Her decision had been made and now she could only worry and fret as she followed it through. She would make contact with the Humans, almost certainly dooming her relationship with her tribe in the process. The only one on her side would be the Dragonlord, and even then, Elodia doubted he would be able to show her much favor.

Maybe this wasn’t how she’d always envisioned the start of her adventure, but it was finally happening. And there was no denying that she wanted this, needed this. Something new, something fresh, something that no one else could claim to have done. The Humans were her chance to escape the idyllic routine of Exodite life.

Her original plan was to wait for the Craftworld to come back so she could join up as a Ranger. But there was no telling when that would happen. She could be waiting for centuries if she stuck to that plan. Sometimes, adventure meant being open to adaptation, compromise, and taking the chances fate gave you.

At least… that was what Elodia was telling herself. She didn’t know the first thing about adventure or the galaxy beyond her world in truth. She’d been too sheltered by the clan and their rustic lifestyle to truly understand the hardships and realities of setting out on her own. All she had to go off of were her dreams and her grandfather’s tales of adventure when the galaxy was oh-so-different.

Those were enough for Elodia to take a leap of faith. Her naivety and innocence were a double-edged sword. She didn’t know what she was getting herself into, leaving her lost and nervous. But at the same time, that naivety meant she didn’t know what she was getting herself into…

In her mind, anything could happen next. She could finally be acknowledged for her skills instead of her youth. She could be swept up in a whirlwind romance straight out of the legends of old. She could uncover the past or find a way to save her entire race. A galaxy to be explored, worlds to be conquered, enemies to be defeated, bonds to be forged… anything was possible.

Elodia’s mood rose as the possibilities raced through her inhumanly sharp mind. She’d never been very good at divination but every one of them seemed so much more real now that she was taking the first step of her adventure. Her ears perked up and her steps took on a spring that was more typical for the bright, young girl that the clan knew and loved. Those who were worried and subtly watching her looked away, satisfied that Elodia had solved whatever was bothering her.

A familiar low chirp pulled Elodia’s attention away from her daydreams of what the near future could hold. Smooth, streamlined feathers suddenly rubbed up against her cheek. She giggled as her Dragon nipped lightly at her sensitive ears and pulled her the rest of the way out of her funk.

“Spiffy!” Elodia cheered. “Oh, there is so much to do!”

Elodia’s Dragon was relatively standard in size when compared to other Dragons. That still meant his shoulder was taller than Elodia’s head though. He stood bipedally but hunched over in a raptor-like position, with a long neck, flat back, and thick tail that tapered into a whip.

His legs were stocky and strong and his arms were webbed almost like the beginnings of wings. Wickedly sharp claws featured prominently on his feet and mostly-useless hands. One claw on each foot was larger than the others and cocked back as if ready to stab into something at a moment’s notice.

Pristine off-white scales lined his body, cleaned regularly by both Elodia and Spiffy himself to make sure dirt and debris never marred his natural coloring. Maroon plumage feathers adorned the crest of his head and all down his spine until they reached his tail.

His interesting combination of colors was what earned him the name Spiffy. He just looked neat… spiffy even!

Despite his name and charming coloration, Spiffy was obviously dangerous just from a physical perspective. Razor-sharp claws and needle-like teeth could tear prey to shreds. He was an apex predator. But the most dangerous thing about him was the spark of sapient-level intelligence in his golden, slitted eyes.

He chirped again, cocking his head in a way that showed his intelligence. Spiffy couldn’t speak Aeldari but he could understand it when Elodia spoke to him. The psychic bond between a Dragon-rider like Elodia and her Dragon deepened their interactions to the point that they could have a complete conversation despite the obvious differences between their species.

“Yes, what should we do first?” Elodia mumbled as if Spiffy had actually said something. “Oh! Pack. I very much doubt we’ll ever be coming back here. Worst case scenario, we will have to try and join one of the other clans…”

She quickly sobered as she spoke. It all became so real when she said it out loud. Spiffy cooed, nuzzling Elodia’s head with his own.

Elodia sighed, “I know, Spiffy… It truly seems likely that we will be walking the Path of the Outcast for the foreseeable future… But my mind is made up! I will not let this opportunity slip by me!”

Another chirp made Elodia shake her head, “This is necessary. Not just for me… us… but for the clan as well. Come, there are things we must do…”

It took a depressingly short amount of time for Elodia to pack up everything she could call hers. Her entire life could be distilled into a pack that wouldn’t even burden Spiffy. The Exodites lived simple, rustic lives but surely there should have been more, right?

Her handcrafted Wraithbone bow, lance, and armor were kept on her person. There was no doubt in her mind that they would be needed soon. Everything else went into the bag she strapped to Spiffy’s back. From her toiletries and essentials to the feathered headdress that the Dragonlord had made with feathers from the plumage of his own Dragon and given to her as a Name’s Day gift.

As she packed, Elodia knew she would not be coming back here. The moment she stepped foot outside the village to pursue her father was the moment her Path diverged from Exodite to Outcast. But as tragic as it was to have everything she’d ever known come to an end, Elodia could not suppress the spark of excitement in her breast.

Elodia was securing Spiffy’s saddle when she overheard news that made her hurry. Her father had acted faster than she thought he would. The moment he’d stormed out on the Dragonlord, he had apparently begun gathering support around him and preparing for war.

The hardline traditionalists of the clan — a significant portion of their fighting population — quickly rallied around him, with the sole intent of purging the savage Mon-keigh from their world. They had already left the village by the time Elodia had received her mission from the Dragonlord.

The Humans now had a posse of experienced Dragon Knights and bloodthirsty Exodite Warriors bearing down on them… And Elodia was the only one who could stop the potential bloodshed and the cycle of retaliation that now loomed in the clan’s future.

With a thought and a tap of her heels, Spiffy took off out of the village. He ran through the jungle at breakneck speeds, sensing his master’s urgency. Animals large and small got out of their way as desperation radiated from Elodia’s potent psychic mind.

Were they already too late? Was Elodia’s adventure doomed before it even began? Would the clan be drowned under the weight of millions of Human soldiers? A plea to the World Spirit echoed through her mind. “Please… give me just a few more minutes…”

The Sea of Souls seemed to roil around her, bolstering the strength and speed of Elodia and her mount. Branches, bushes, and vines that got in Spiffy’s way were carved apart by claws and teeth and speed. Yet their passage through the thick undergrowth of the jungle was still as quiet as a whisper.

It didn’t take long to reach the old Human ruins where Elodia and Ilioch had first seen the Human party. They weren’t in the same place as then so Elodia and Spiffy had to venture deeper into the fallen city.

Skyscrapers and ruined monuments practically blocked out the sun as the trees of the jungle did. Wood and greenery were replaced by concrete and metal. But there was still a thick coating of green growth over everything. Some of the buildings had crumbled where they stood, falling to pieces as a testament to the mortality of manmade works. Others stood the test of time, worn from the erosion of millennia without repair but still mostly intact.

Instead of sticking to the overgrown remains of what looked to be roads, Elodia and Spiffy opted to take the high route. Spiffy leaped into the canopy of the concrete jungle, landing on a walkway lined with steel with nary a clink of his claws. The Dragon mount immediately set off along the walkway, following the faint scent of something different, something he’d never smelled before.

As he did, Elodia closed her eyes and centered herself, trusting her best friend to navigate the ruined city and evade detection for now. Her mind reached outward, finding the familiar psychic signatures of her father and the rest of her clan. She then purposefully hid from their attention. It would take a combined, concentrated effort for anyone from her clan to find her now.

Her mind withdrew, pinging something unexpected in the process. One of the Humans noticed her. And her psychic gaze slid over another like they were not even there. The curious mind perked up and Elodia got her first glance at the mentality of a Human.

It was… almost cute in its simplicity. But Elodia had a feeling that the Humans weren’t lesser, just… different. She could feel the advantages in the almost malleable nature of their minds. They would be masters of adaptation, never stagnating as was so common among the Aeldari. That malleability would come with disadvantages too but it wasn’t the only thing different about the Human mind.

There were no emotions or sensations that threatened to overwhelm the Human with their intensity and send them spiraling to She-Who-Thirsts. Everything was muted and slower, but not to the point of stupidity or bleakness. The Human could still live a fulfilling life and even have a significant presence in the Warp as evidenced by this Human noticing Elodia. There was also no need for the Wraithbone-clad control of the Aeldari. Instead, this Human had her own protection from the Powers That Be.

A golden shield surrounded the Human female’s mind, crackling and sparking whenever Elodia mentally reached out for it. Fascinating… The Humans protected themselves with the pure strength of their faith in this ‘God-Emperor’…

Then there was the one Elodia’s mind slid off of. They felt… wrong, to be completely candid. Elodia couldn’t stop herself from shivering as her mind slid over their lack of presence in the Sea of Souls. She couldn’t even tell if the Human responsible was male or female.

Still, now she knew where the Humans were. She immediately shared the location with Spiffy through their bond and he started making his way in that direction. She could deal with the abomination-…

‘No,’ Elodia reprimanded herself, trying to stay positive. ‘Not an abomination. I do not even know them. Perhaps it is some strange aspect of Humanity that I am unfamiliar with…’

She could deal with the… oddity… later. For now, she had to worry about making peaceful contact with them. Something that was made more difficult by the fact that her father was currently trying to kill them… and was much closer than Elodia was… and had a posse of furious, experienced Dragon Knights by his side… Oh, dear…

Anxiety bubbled in her heart as she urged Spiffy toward the Humans. The Humans hadn’t gotten too far into the ruined city so it was still relatively easy for her to catch up to them. When she did, she had Spiffy take up position opposite where her father and his posse were hiding.

The Humans were taking their time to explore the ruins, oblivious to the Exodite-flavored danger that lurked in the crumbling skyscrapers around them. That wasn’t to say they were relaxed. Elodia could see caution and alertness in many of the Humans as she settled in to watch them for now.

This was where she ran into a bit of a dilemma. She couldn’t make contact with the Humans with her father lurking so nearby. This instant she did, Ilioch would spring his ambush, ruining any sense of diplomacy Elodia hoped to establish. And when faced with one seemingly friendly Aeldari and two dozen hostile ones, Elodia suspected that the Humans would shoot first and ask questions never.

She was stuck observing and fretting for now. There was basically nothing else she could think to do. Her father was practically frothing at the teeth to ruin any chance at peace between the clan and the Humans. Anything Elodia tried, he would obstruct or find another way to ruin.

So she watched and waited for a glimmer of hope to shine down from the heavens. Her mind raced, trying to find a solution to the problem. At the same time, she was practically giddy at the chance to observe the Humans from so close.

There were nine of them. If Elodia assumed the Humans exhibited the same gender traits as Aeldari, most of those nine were female, with the exception of two. One of the exceptions was the Human male whose scent caught Elodia’s attention and who looked to be leading the group. The other was a strange combination of flesh and machinery to which Elodia could not assign a gender.

The Humans seemed to naturally gravitate around the Human male. Perhaps they were a hierarchical society…? One that revolved around gender…? Were Human males rare in some way…? Or was this one special…? Elodia didn’t know and her curiosity was killing her. Oh, how exciting! There was so much she didn’t know and so much she wanted to find out!

Perhaps they were a family group. Like the Pride-groups of big cats that lived at the edge of the jungle. If so, this Human male was the alpha and the females who surrounded him were his claimed harem! Elodia nodded to herself. That made a certain amount of sense to her ignorant mind.

Elodia could certainly understand how the male had attracted such a diverse pride to himself. From the statuesque Amazonian females to the cute, tiny Warp-sensitive, to even the… oddity. The male was obviously a prime specimen of Humanity.

Even Elodia could see his appeal. He was attractive in a rough, almost primal way that triggered something buried deep within her ancient Aeldari instincts. His features were different than the typical androgynous Aeldari beauty that Elodia grew up around. She had no words to describe the undoubtedly masculine nature of his appeal. Perhaps the Humans had a word other than ‘beauty’ to describe specifically male attraction…

He was tall for a Human, something Elodia assumed based on the average height of those around him. But while an Aeldari’s height was lithe and elegant, the Human’s was rugged and powerful, packed with muscles as if he was a warlord instead of a dancer. The rogueish conquerer image was certainly attractive in a taboo way that left Elodia feeling naughty and flushed.

Elodia knew absolutely nothing about Humans… But she was so curious! They were a unique addition to her sheltered view of life. One that she was eager to explore and learn more about. If only she could understand what they were saying…

A flash of inspiration cut through the ordered chaos of her mind as the tiny, Warp-sensitive Human looked up in her direction. That was it! Elodia might not be able to communicate through words but surely she could use thoughts! And the perfect target had been presented to her on a Wraithbone platter!

Slowly and carefully so she didn’t spook the Human or alert her father and the other Aeldari, Elodia reached out with her mind. She stopped at the edge of the tiny, Human female’s golden shield. After a moment of deliberation, she knocked gently and — she hoped — politely. Though she jumped in shock, the Human eventually reached outside her shield and connected her mind to Elodia’s.

“Lavair, Human,” Elodia greeted in Aeldari.

The Human’s mind recoiled, almost instantly overwhelmed by the intensity of Elodia’s thought processes and emotions, “W-What the fuuuu-… E-Emperor give me s-strength…”

Feeling her target begin to panic, Elodia pulsed feelings of peace and harmony down their connection. They seemed to do their job, calming the Human down enough to at least listen to Elodia. Knowing that words would fail her, Elodia then sent an image of her father accompanied by all of her complicated feelings toward him.

“W-Wha…?” the Human stuttered even in her mind.

But Elodia didn’t give her a chance to complain or break the connection. She sent more images and emotions, trying to paint a picture that the Human would understand without words. Her memory of first seeing the Humans was replayed through the connection. Then her memory of her father’s confrontation with Dragonlord alongside the best translation she could manage.

The Human’s mind fell silent, simply taking in everything Elodia was showing her. At the same time, Elodia subtly snuck into the language center of the Human’s brain, essentially downloading everything she found there so she could use it herself.

After the confrontation with the Dragonlord, Elodia showed the Human her father storming out and being followed by a good portion of the clan. As the Human looked at her father’s back in the memory, Elodia flashed feelings of danger. The scene switched to the memory of the Dragonlord giving Elodia her mission, once again translated into concepts and emotions. Only this time, that translation was a plea for peace and forgiveness.

Elodia hesitated for a microsecond as she came to the finish line. If anything would set off the Human, it would be this. She mentally crossed her fingers and sent the locations of her father and the other Aeldari. The Human party was basically surrounded and walking into an ambush.

Silence rang through their connection. Elodia let the Human absorb the quick flood of information, thinking prayers to the World Spirit that she would see reason. She felt the Human’s emotions fluctuate from disbelief and incredulity to fear and anxiety. They eventually settled on a steely determination that was tinted gold with faith and something Elodia tentatively identified as the Human’s trust in her alpha. It was fascinating to be able to observe the inner workings of the Human mind so closely…

“W-Why are you telling me this…?” the Human thought with her perpetual stutter.

Elodia’s reply came out haltingly but intelligibly as she put her ‘borrowed’ knowledge of the language to good use, “For… Peace… Between… Our worlds…”



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