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“Mmmmm~ Yes, Octus~ Harder~” Sabine moaned.

Octus grunted, “I’m tryin’! Yer armor is Emperor-damned heavy!”

The suggestive mood of the scene broke to reveal Sabine standing to the side, trying to stifle her giggles, as Octus struggled with her power armor. He was currently deadlifting the torso piece of her power armor, and struggling to get it high enough to put onto the stand.

“Well, you did it before. Plus my weight because I was in my armor at the time,” Sabine pointed out, still suppressing her laughter.

“When was this??” Octus asked, bewildered.

“When you killed the Catachan Devil.”

“Huh…” Octus stopped to remember. “I honestly blocked that whole encounter from my mind.”

As he stopped focusing on the present and the weight he was lifting, Octus stopped struggling. He lifted the armor’s chest piece with the ease of a fit person standing. Sabine watched with awe, purposefully keeping a tight hold on her tongue to avoid interrupting his feat of impossible strength.

Octus shivered at the memory of the Catachan Devil, setting the chest piece on the pedestal without paying it any attention, “Seriously, nothing should have that many legs… Oh, hey, I guess we’re done unpacking.”

It took all of Sabine’s willpower to prevent her from facepalming, “… Yes, Octus, I guess we are.”

“So what did ya want to do now?” Octus asked, turning to Sabine and dusting his hands off.

I don’t know~ Something more… ~physical~… perhaps~” Sabine put on her best attempt at a sultry smile. On anyone other than Octus Humblestock, it might have worked.

Octus just cocked his head to the side in confusion, “More physical than unpacking and lifting a few hundred pounds of armor? Like what? Working out? Ya are kinda in workout gear, I guess…”

Her smile faltered slightly. Still, Sabine would not be deterred. She would overcome Octus’ infamous density and finally get the mindblowing himbo dicking that she deserved!

“No~” Sabine purred, still trying to keep her voice husky and sexy. “Something more personal~ more intimate~”

“Uh… working out together?…” Octus was still clueless.

And Sabine, of course, was starting to get frustrated, “Try again, Octus. What would a newly-formed couple want to do?~… Together~… In their private quarters~…”

“Errr… Decorating?” Octus, bless his himbo-heart, tried his best.

Unfortunately, his best was what finally pushed Sabine’s frustrations and desires over the edge. She reached out and took a firm hold of the collar of Octus’ shirt. Sabine started dragging him toward the bed before he could protest or even process what was happening.

“S-Sabine?! W-Wha-…” Octus stammered.

“No! None of that!” Sabine exclaimed. “I love you, Octus, but you are dense as a rock. So I’m taking matters into my own hands! Now, strip!”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Octus may have been dense but he wasn’t dumb. He knew when to follow orders and when to go with the flow. He removed his clothes quickly and systematically, only now realizing that Sabine was trying to hint at sex.

By the time he’d finished stripping, Octus had internalized that fact. His cock was already responding to the idea, hardening slightly until it was freed to hang between his legs. It hung to his mid-thigh and was still growing, now starting to stand upright on its own as blood flowed into the external organ.

He looked back up at Sabine and found her frozen. In her hubris and frustration, she’d forgotten about her virginity, and that lack of experience was coming back to bite her in a major way. Octus’ cock was the first she’d seen in a sexual way. His was the first naked male body she’d seen sexually as well. Her life in the Schola and then the Sororitas did not inundate her with the realities of the male form. Of course, she’d received sexual education and knew somewhat what to expect but it wasn’t the same as seeing the real thing.

Sabine’s eyes flicked up and down Octus’ bare form, never lingering too long on any one place lest she caused herself to faint from sudden arousal. She saw the moment Octus realized what was about to happen from the expression on his face. She drank deeply from the sight of his muscled chest and arms. She focused on his thighs, seemingly as thick as her torso, and wondered what it would be like to be trapped between them.

Finally, when she could no longer ignore the behemoth in the room, her gaze drifted to Octus’ crotch. Slowly, Sabine savored every inch of Octus’ exposed manhood. The veins on its meaty length were already starting to stand out and as it hardened, it began to stand erect despite what must have been a considerable weight. Sabine swallowed a whimper at the thought of feeling Octus’ heft against her palms.

Octus’ cock soon throbbed fully to life. It stuck straight out from his crotch, curving upwards slightly in a way Sabine could only describe as glorious. The heat in Sabine’s loins flared into an inferno in an instant as she imagined what that… that beast would do to her insides.

She didn’t manage to swallow her second whimper. Octus could only stare at the stunned and stuck Sister in front of him. Sabine’s current state was so at odds with how she was normally that it left Octus in no small amount of awe. Compared to the confident, self-assured woman he’d come to love, the Sabine in front of him now was almost unfamiliar. She was obviously nervous and unsure of herself, her lack of experience showing on her face and in the way her muscles had locked up.

‘The legendary Sororitas Gap Moe,’ Octus thought with reverent awe. ‘Now, all this scene needs is-…’

“A-Ah-… Awawawawa~” Sabine’s mouth moved but instead of words, only flustered noises came out.

“Perfect~” Octus expressed with a content sigh.

Still, it soon became obvious, even to Octus, that Sabine was mentally stuck. Her mind was trying to take in the sight before her and failing to process it. She couldn’t get past the fact that the culmination of her recent desires was standing in front of her. Octus would have to take matters into his own hands if either of them wanted to see any progress.

The only problem with that idea was that Octus had no idea what he was doing. With a deep breath, he put that worry out of his mind. He’d just do what he did best and go with the flow. He at least knew the basics and getting Sabine to touch him seemed like a good place to start.

Slowly, he took the first step toward Sabine and his future. Then he took another. And another, coming to a stop only a foot away from Sabine. Sabine’s eyes tracked his cock as it bobbed and swayed with each step. They widened as she realized the focus of her attention was coming closer.

With a feat of great will, Sabine tore her gaze from Octus’ manhood and shifted it to look into Octus’ eyes. There in his eyes, she saw concern and compassion and a determination that sent shivers down her spine. An understanding passed between them without a word and Sabine realized that all her nerves and worries were for nothing.

Octus’ hands landed on her shoulders and then drifted down her arms to cup her hands between his, “Easy now, baby girl. Ya ain’t alone here. I’m just as lost as ya. But just trust me. We’ll figure this out together… one step at a time…”

Sabine closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax into Octus’ touch. She unconsciously leaned in closer as if to rest her head on his shoulder. Before she could, though, she squeaked and jumped as something poked her right below her navel. Octus chuckled as Sabine froze with her abs pressed against the tip of his cock.

“Shut up…” Sabine mumbled, wanting to bury her face in her hands but not willing to let go of Octus’. “It’s not funny…”

“Kinda is,” Octus said as his chuckles died down. “Yer allowed to touch me, Sabine. It’d be kinda hard to… ya know, do the deed… if ya couldn’t. Go ahead. It won’t bite ya.”

Octus’ encouraging words helped Sabine unfreeze herself. Her tentative hands reached down to cup Octus’ manhood. Once she had it in her hands, Sabine could only marvel at how heavy, hard, and hot his cock was. It felt like a red-hot rod of dense steel wrapped in soft velvet. It was hot enough to burn and solid enough that Sabine felt like she was holding onto it for support.

Then there was the feedback she got from just the simplest of touches. Octus drew in a quick breath between his teeth. His body stiffened and Sabine had never felt more powerful from something so small and seemingly insignificant.

Her fingers traced the veins of his shaft, drawing little moans with their movements. She felt the warm, smooth skin of his cock beneath her palms. Her hands explored its length, from the very tip to the base and even the full, hanging balls. She was so caught up in playing with the glorious monster in her hands that she nearly jumped when she felt Octus return the favor.

She tore her eyes away from the cock in her hands to look back up at Octus. The fiery passion she saw in his gaze did its best to burn itself into her soul. Sabine felt her mouth dry suddenly as Octus’ hands went to her hips. Strong, calloused palms gripped her tightly and she suddenly wished she’d thought to remove her casual wear before they got going.

“How ‘bout we get ya out of those clothes?” Octus asked rhetorically in a voice that was almost a growl.

Sabine couldn’t nod fast enough. Though it practically pained her to do so, she let go of Octus’ manhood. Her hands instantly went to the bottom of her sports bra and wrenched it upward over her head. Octus helped by pulling her skintight shorts down her thick thighs.

All of a sudden, Sabine found herself standing there just as naked as Octus was. That fact invaded her brain and a luminescent blush painted her chest a very nice color. Her flawless skin practically glowed with her flush. Generous teardrop-shaped breasts capped with rosy peaks rose and fell with each shuddering breath.

Still, Sabine didn’t move to cover herself. Octus had long since claimed her heart and now he was about to lay claim to her body as well. She let him drink deeply from the sight of her bare form. From her heaving chest to her rippling muscles to the dripping petals between her legs.

“Beautiful,” Octus simply said.

He stepped forward, pulling Sabine into him at the same time. Her breasts came to rest on his chest. His cock was trapped between both of their stomachs. Their cores were so close that Sabine shivered at the thought of them finally touching, joining, and completing one another.

Octus shifted himself lower and Sabine gasped as his steel slid against her dripping core. His cock threaded itself between her legs, rubbing past her clit as it went. She was practically riding his shaft now and there was no doubt in her mind that — if given the chance — Octus would find a way to hold her up with just the strength of his erection.

Every little shift and movement sent lightning up Sabine’s spine. Her mind was already reeling from the pleasure and Octus wasn’t even inside her yet. And she wasn’t given much of a chance to recover. Octus kept her on the backfoot to keep her from overthinking things, seizing her lips in a passionate kiss.

While the kiss started out slow and a little unsure on both of their parts, they quickly got into the swing of it. Soon after, Octus slipped his tongue between Sabine’s lips, intertwining it with hers. Sabine leaned down into the kiss, suddenly extra aware of their height difference. That awareness only added to Sabine’s desires.

Octus could not be called short by anyone’s standards (except for maybe a Space Marine’s). But still, compared to a Sister of Battle, borne and bred for warfare in His name, he found himself beat in the height department. Sabine, for example, had a good 4 or 5 inches on him. A fact that just made the way Octus effortlessly took control of her body even hotter.

As she lost herself in the kiss, Sabine found herself being manhandled and pushed around by Octus. He piloted her body backward without breaking the kiss, his hands on her hips and his cock still grinding against her core.

Sabine gave herself to him completely, submitting to his whims and trusting him with every fiber of her being. With her eyes closed, she didn’t even know where she was. She and Octus were fumbling through the room, relying on pure blind luck to not trip over anything in their unfamiliar surroundings.

She was expecting to eventually feel the softness of the bed against the back of her legs. Instead, she felt the room’s wall on her back. Octus obviously wasn’t expecting to find the wall before the bed either but he mentally shrugged and rolled with it.

His hands shifted to the back of Sabine’s thighs and lifted her into his arms, sandwiching her between the wall and his hard body. The sudden shift made Sabine squeak and wrap her glorious legs around his waist. Yet still, Sabine couldn’t find it in herself to break the kiss for any reason.

What followed was a lot more blind fumbling as Octus struggled to align himself with Sabine’s lower lips. The way Sabine ground her hips upon the tip of his cock didn’t help matters at all — other than by teasing them both until they couldn’t think. Eventually, Octus had to use his strong arms to hold her in place before she drove both of them insane.

Giggling giddily against his lips, Sabine took pity on Octus. One of her arms unwrapped itself from the place it had taken around his neck and reached down to help him line himself up. She let out a gasp as his cock slotted into the proper place. He wasn’t inside yet, just resting upon her entrance, but even just the tip barely spreading her lower lips was perfect.

With one last loving peck, Octus slowly withdrew his lips from hers. He wanted to watch her face as they became one. Sabine’s hand, the one that wasn’t holding him in place, came up to cup his cheek. Her eyes spoke of love and devotion, almost begging for him to go further, to cross the last barrier between them.

Octus watched Sabine’s face intensely as he began to lower her onto his manhood. She did the same to him as she was slowly but surely split open by glorious himbo cock. Octus’ cockhead slid into Sabine almost effortlessly. Sabine’s eyelids fluttered at the sublime sensation of being stretched by her beloved.

Eventually, something made Octus hesitate in his quest ever deeper into Sabine’s depths. He stopped, locking eyes with her and waiting for some form of acknowledgment or permission to go even farther. It took a few seconds for Sabine to realize something had changed. She tried to shake her hips and continue Octus’ plundering of her depths on her own but Octus held her firmly in place.

Ya-… yer sure about this?” Octus asked once Sabine stopped fidgeting and began to pout at him.

Sabine was about to snap at him before she noticed the nervous uncertainty in his eyes. He’d taken control and gone with the flow so naturally that she’d forgotten that this was his first time as well. He didn’t want to hurt her and he still couldn’t quite believe this was happening.

Sabine all but melted then and there, “… Yes, Octus~ Claim me~ Make me yours~ Fill the aching hole in my soul, and make us one before His eyes~”

Though he was sent reeling somewhat by the intensity of Sabine’s declaration, she managed to get her feelings through his thick skull. She wanted this just as much as he did — maybe more. He felt himself throb inside her at that prospect.

So, never one to disappoint or keep a lady waiting on purpose, Octus continued. He wasn’t sure of the best way to take a woman’s virginity but he put his faith in Sabine’s toughness. With a barely controlled lurch of movement, he drove Sabine down onto the rest of his cock by her hips. At the same time, he tried his best to thrust up and meet the downward motion of Sabine’s pillowy ass.

He ended up misjudging the force such a generous ‘asset’ would carry with it. His hips impacted Sabine’s bottom with a fleshy clap. Octus immediately stumbled, both from the force of the impact and the wonderous sensations of being fully engulfed by Sabine’s core. By some force of god, he managed to keep most of their momentum going forward so the wall behind Sabine still supported them.

That support didn’t stop either of them from freezing from sensory overload. Sabine’s eyes went wide and rolled up partially. Octus’ eyes did the opposite, squeezing shut as he tried to weather the storm of sensation. His grip on Sabine’s hips tightened enough to bruise a lesser woman and her legs interlocked behind his back, squeezing him in return with much the same intensity.

It was like nothing either of them had ever felt. Thankfully, Sabine’s hymen had been obliterated long ago by the vigorous lifestyle of a Sororitas. Her world was overwhelmed with the pleasurable pain of being stretched and filled to her very limits. She swore she could even feel Octus’ pulse through the tightness of her core.

For Octus, it was as if every nerve in his body was suddenly submerged in a warm, wet pool of silky pleasure. The sensations clung to him, crushing down on his cock and locking him in place. He couldn’t move even if he wanted to. And, currently, moving was the absolute last thing on his mind because he knew moving meant losing out on this nirvana.

Twitches and shivers ran through both of their bodies. They held each other as close as two people reasonably could. Sabine was glad Octus was holding her up because she didn’t think she could stand on her own. Octus buried his face in her neck, struggling to regain control of his muscles. Neither of them thought that sex could possibly get better than that first thrust.

Then Octus moved and they were both quickly proven wrong. Sabine whined and whimpered as Octus pulled out. It felt like a part of her was leaving. That empty feeling didn’t last for long. Octus only managed to withdraw halfway before his hips bucked involuntarily and his cock was driven back into Sabine’s core.

Octus felt his knees threatening to give out on him at the worst possible time. He leaned forward into the wall, pinning Sabine in place with the weight of his body. Her neck muffled his moan and the bite he laid on her jugular had her throwing her head back in ecstasy.

He already knew he wasn’t going to last long. This was only his first time after all. Still, he was determined to give Sabine her slice of heaven before he spilled himself inside of her.

His body seemed to move on its own. The bite on Sabine’s neck turned into nibbles as he tried his best to mark her for the world to see. His hips struck up a rhythm of their own, pistoning steadily into Sabine. His thrusts bounced her in place against the wall, driving her toward her climax.

If Octus could feel what Sabine felt, he wouldn’t have been so determined to give her only one orgasm. Unknown to him, she’d already been swept up by a tidal wave of mini orgasms that wracked her brain and body with pleasure.

The feeling of his girth stretching her was delicious, almost decadently so. His cockhead rubbed against a rough spot just past her entrance before diving deep to kiss her core. Her clit was dragged along the top of his thick shaft, twinging pleasurably with each vein it rolled over. It was amazing. It was perfect. It was everything Sabine never knew she needed.

Seconds turned to minutes as Octus thoroughly claimed and ravaged Sabine’s body, mind, and soul. Sabine was brought to the edge so many times that all she could do was hold onto Octus for dear life. Yet the ecstasy was still building. Octus was pushing them, driving them to a peak like neither of them had ever experienced.

And even with his Perpetual nature, he was quickly running into the limits of his stamina to do so. His thrusts grew erratic and even more forceful. His ironclad grip over his orgasm wavered, straining to hold just a little bit longer for those last few morsels of pleasure.

Finally, with a thrust that was just like the hundreds that came before it, the dams holding back their orgasms cracked. A flood, both metaphorical and physical, burst forth within Octus’ mind and within Sabine’s depths. He groaned as rope after rope of his essence was spilled into her core.

The rush of warmth inside her deepest parts triggered Sabine’s final climax as well. It started as a swelling of heat within her core before radiating out through the rest of her body in a fraction of a second. It was as if every nerve, every inch of her body was set aflame by the spark of life Octus released deep inside her. A keening moan was pulled from Sabine’s lips. Her body shook and twitched as it drank deeply of nirvana and Octus himself.

Octus fell backward onto his ass, panting and bringing Sabine with him. She wrapped herself around him as tightly as she could. Her arms around his neck held his face into her bosom and her legs around his back kept his cock in place inside of her. Slowly, she tilted his head up so she had access to his face and began to lay kisses across every feature she could see. Almost as if she was trying to memorize him with her lips alone.

Shudders and muscle spasms, the aftershocks of their titanic climaxes, ran through both of their bodies. Their bodies were glued together by sweat and sexual fluids and a need to keep touching each other. They were both an utter mess. And neither of them had ever felt as alive and whole as in this moment.

The Emperor Himself could have appeared before them and they probably wouldn’t have noticed. They stayed in that position for what felt like an eternity. In reality, it was only an hour. Enough time for the Immortal Spirit to make the transition into the Warp without them noticing. And enough time for Sona and Alastor to return from their excursion to find the couple still intertwined on the floor…

When she found them like that, Sona only had one thing to say, “Lucky bitch…”


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