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Pilar was quickly forced out of the apartment. He protested his removal, but Becca was having none of his shit. She slammed the door straight in his face and locked it before turning back to me. She stalked toward me with desire and passion painted across her face. I gulped nervously and then she was upon me.

Becca launched herself at me. I instinctively caught her, holding her up by the bottom of her thighs. My hands squeezed involuntarily and her tantalizing flesh deformed under my grip. Hooded eyes gazed into mine as her fingers interlocked behind my neck.

She smirked at me, “Well~ We’re all alone now, choom~ Whatever will we do?~”

I was sure she could feel me hardening beneath her ass. She was grinding herself against my growing bulge. It was subtle, but her hips were rolling in my grip ever so slightly. I could feel how soft she was even through my pants. I hadn’t appreciated how Becca was perpetually bottomless until this moment.

Becca’s teasing sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach, but I rolled my eyes, trying to play it cool, “Oh, shut up. I’ve been able to smell your arousal since we got into the tank. You’re not fooling anyone. There’s only one thing we should be doing right now.”

Her grin somehow grew even cockier, “Yeah?~ I guess you’ll just have to educate me on what that thing is~”

Becca’s eyes darted down to stare at my lips. I absently licked them as my eyes mirrored her. Without warning, Becca dove forward to seize my mouth with hers. Passionate lust surged in both of us as she tried to devour my lips. I quickly matched her movements with enthusiasm. She moaned into my mouth and we both melted into the kiss.

Our lips danced together to unheard music. Her tongue quested into my mouth as if she was trying to explore every inch of me. I pulled her hips forward so our crotches were pressed firmly together. Becca’s arousal quickly stained the front of my pants. All my blood pooled downstairs. My cock throbbed frantically like it was trying to burst free of its prison.

“Bedroom~… is~… behind you~…” Becca moaned in between kisses.

I grunted my understanding into another kiss. Our lips didn’t part for a second as I tried to navigate us into the bedroom using only my spatial awareness. Eventually, I managed the herculean task. Reluctantly, I broke the kiss and threw Becca onto the bed. She bounced once before I lunged to join her. I landed on top of her, planting both of my hands next to her head to hold myself up. Her hands reached up to caress my face and pull me into another kiss.

I resisted, pulling back and grunting out an explanation, “Clothes.”

Becca pouted for a second before nodding. I stood up on my knees and whipped my shirt off. Becca hurried to strip off her jacket at the same time. Her bra and panties practically disappeared in an instant with how fast she took them off, ending up flung across the room to be forgotten. My pants took a bit longer for me to get off. I got them down to my knees before realizing I still had shoes on. Grunting with frustration, I fell to my side to get at my shoes while Becca helped pull my pants the rest of the way down.

With only my boxers left, I somehow ended up on my back. Becca straddled my ankles, perched like a big cat ready to pounce. She eyed my bulge hungrily as it stretched the fabric of my boxers to its limit. I lifted my hips slightly so she could pull my underwear down. Surprisingly, she took her time pulling my boxers down, savoring every inch of my meat as it was revealed. I watched Becca’s expression change from anticipation to excitement with a bit of alarm as my cock just kept going. When I finally popped free of my cloth prison, my cock swung up and smacked Becca on the chin.

“Holy shit, choom… You chrome out your dick or something?” Becca asked as her eyes went crosseyed trying to stare at my cock.

“I’m 100 percent natural, baby,” I smirked. Which I was… technically… The Company’s version of all-natural was bullshit…

“Goddamn, choom. I really hit the jackpot with you. I’m a bit worried you won’t fit, to be honest…” Becca said while trying to subtly huff my musk.

“It’ll fit,” I promised.

A visible shiver wracked Becca’s body and she chuckled, “I’m in danger.”

That made my cock throb for some reason. A droplet of precum beaded at my tip. Becca’s tongue immediately darted out to lap it up. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she moaned as the taste of my essence coated the inside of her mouth. She dove back in for another taste.

Her lips and tongue ran up and down my length like it was a lollipop. My cock was quickly covered with a thin sheen as Becca lovingly applied spit to my shaft. I groaned as her warm, wet, oral organ traced circles around the flare of my cockhead. Featherlight kisses all over my shaft punctuated her licks. My hand reached down to cup her cheek as she lavished me with attention.

Becca’s eyes fluttered up at me and she leaned into my palm. She was practically purring from the contact. Her lips stretched into a wide ‘O’ as she engulfed the tip of my cock. She bobbed up and down, suckling the first couple of inches of my length. My cock pulsed more precum onto her tongue.

Without any warning, Becca stopped sucking. When I looked at her with a question in my eyes, she just smiled with her mouth still full. She shifted herself into a new position without taking her lips off my cock for even a second. Her change in position put her kneeling perpendicular to my body. I was given a perfect view of Becca’s hips and ass as she wiggled them side to side invitingly.

Becca gave me a happy little hum when I took the obvious hint. My free hand clutched her ass and my fingers danced lightly across the folds of her pussy. She pushed herself back prematurely, trying to impale her cunny with my fingers. My other hand shifted from her cheek to the back of her neck. She barely had time to widen her eyes before I was shoving her head down the length of my shaft. Two of my fingers found her clit at the same time, tweaking it as I abruptly filled her throat.

She let out a sound that was halfway between a gag and a moan. I answered her with a moan of my own. Her throat clenched and swallowed around me. I kept pushing her down my shaft until her lips met the base. She took me surprisingly well for a girl of her size, only gagging and choking a bit before her throat relaxed and deferred to my cock.

I slowly pulled her up off my cock. Her lips dragged along every inch of my flesh until they hit the ridge of my cockhead. Her mouth fell open and she panted as my tip rested on her tongue. A steady stream of precum dripped onto her tongue and Becca whined as the taste went straight to her pussy.

The sensations, both physical and mental, were intoxicating. Becca’s tongue felt like white-hot metal against the bottom of my cock. Her lips felt like pillows made of soft sin. Even just her breathing tickled my nerves.

Then there was the utter worship I could see in her eyes. Becca was an adrenaline junkie of the worst kind. And I’d given her a date where she could really let loose. One filled with guns, explosions, thievery, tension, and chaos. The fact that the date ended in a tank only pushed her appreciation and arousal to even greater heights. Gazing into her eyes, I could see she wasn’t lying about her Mainline comment from earlier. If I kept taking her on dates like that one, she wouldn’t hesitate to up and elope with me.

And I felt like I wasn’t far from coming to the same conclusion myself. I never thought I’d be someone who reveled in the thrill of combat, but it was hard to not enjoy it with someone like her by your side. Becca’s energy was just infectious and I found myself enjoying every moment I spent with her.

“How the fuck do you taste so good, choom?~” Becca moaned, lapping up everything I had to give her.

“What, you never had natty cock before? You’re in for a treat~”

I didn’t give Becca a chance to reply, instead shoving her head down once again. My hips bucked into her mouth and I began to fuck her face in earnest. At the same time, I finally drove my fingers between her lower lips. Three fingers speared in and out of her cunt while my thumb pressed steadily down on her pearl. Whatever reply Becca was about to give me was drowned out by wet ‘glucks’ and choked squeals.

A full-body orgasm hit her soon after. My fingers curled down, scraping along the top of her channel and searching for her G-spot. She went stiff when I quickly found it. She voluntarily choked herself on my cock to intensify the climax. Soft inner walls twitched and spasmed around my fingers. Becca’s face started to redden as she held herself down on my crotch.

I relished in the feeling of Becca’s throat hugging my girth for a while. Eventually, I had to pull her off my cock so she wouldn’t suffocate. She gasped for breath while I held her head up by her pigtails. Bleary eyes slowly focused on my face. Becca smiled up at me. She looked beautiful even with bloodshot eyes and spit dripping down her chin.

That smile was also the straw that broke my proverbial back. With my hand still holding her hair, I easily twisted and shifted our positions. Becca ended up on the bed under me, craning her neck to gaze into my eyes. The curves of her figure were outlined against the bed below her.

My cock landed on her lower abdomen with a meaty ‘thwack’. Seeing it stretch from her pussy to above her belly button was beyond tempting. I could barely contain myself as I ground myself on her, running the underside of my cock along her clit. Her hips rolled up to meet mine. My hand in her hair let go, grabbed both of her hands, and pulled them up over her head while locking our fingers together. My other hand gave her pussy a light slap that made her hips jerk before wrapping around the base of my shaft.

“Ready?” I asked.

Becca nodded eagerly, “Tear me up, choom~ Split me open, ruin me for anyone else, convince me I made the right choice about you~”

An unconscious growl rumbled in my chest. My hips cocked back, aiming my cock at Becca’s winking cunny. Her lips spread wide around my tip. I was holding her in place, but Becca’s hips still bucked, trying to force herself down my length on her own. My cockhead slotted into place, popping into her pussy. Becca whined. Her eyelids fluttered as she stretched around my girth.

I pressed myself forward at a slow and steady pace. Becca’s pussy kept stretching around me, easily taking me even though that shouldn’t be reasonably possible. A bulge appeared in her lower abdomen, allowing me to track my progress. I made it halfway inside before Becca was able to do anything. Her legs coiled around my waist like constricting snakes and she pulled.

In an instant, my cock was slammed home in Becca’s pussy. The fit was so snug it made me gasp. My gasp was nothing compared to the lip-biting, hair-raising, utterly lewd moan that Becca let out. Her legs squeezed me as tightly as her inner walls did. I couldn’t move an inch. I was stuck simply throbbing deep inside Becca.

I leaned down to kiss Becca as her eyes were rolling in her head. She let out an adorable squeak when our lips made contact and my tongue dove into her mouth. The kiss was the additional stimulation needed to push her over the edge. She came explosively. I felt her squirt on the base of my cock.

I struggled to pull out from her pussy’s vice-like grip. I only made it halfway out before driving myself home once again. I thrust through Becca’s climax, beating up her inner walls and ramming deep with each stroke. Her clit was practically flattened every time my crotch slammed into hers.

Overstimulation frayed the edges of Becca’s consciousness. Waves of pleasure washed over her nerves, bathing her whole body in ecstasy. The milking of her cunt was doing similar things to me. A searing heat seemed to seep into my body from where we were connected. I could feel my brain drowning in endorphins.

Up and up our minds ascended as we coupled over and over again. Moans, whimpers, and the slap of flesh against flesh filled the room. The bed beneath us bounced and threatened to give out. I fucked Becca as hard as I could, trying to ruin her like she’d asked me to.

The mini orgasms that were tearing through her body with each thrust built into something intense and mind-breaking. With a barely suppressed roar, I buried myself balls deep in Becca’s cunt and released. A river of white heat rushed into Becca’s depths, pushing her climactic peak even higher. She raised her head to bite down on my shoulder and screamed. Becca came her little rimbo brains out.

Still pumping cum into her, I clutched Becca to my chest. She whimpered and shuddered in my embrace. Slowly, my climax began to wane. Her pussy rippled around me as we both came down from our combined peaks.

“H-Holy shit, choom… I-I think I love you…” Becca said when she finally managed to gasp out something intelligible.

Like a beacon coming on in the night, some connection fell into place between us. The confession and subsequent Company Bond rocked me more than my orgasm did. I knew she was just saying it in the heat of the moment, but she must have meant it enough for The Company’s systems to catalog her.

Becca was mine now. Mine by the standards of The Company and mine to take with me when I left this world thanks to First. I may have panicked somewhat. Becca, seeing that I was slightly losing it, reached up and grabbed my face.

“You good, choom? What’s wrong?”

“Y-You said you love me?!”

Becca snorted, “Uh, yeah, duh. Did you really not see that coming?”

“Uh… I guess?”

“Well, do you hate it?”

“What? No! It’s just… loving me comes with some extra baggage… baggage that I’m not sure you’ll like…”

“Don’t be stupid, choom. We just robbed a Megacorp together. We stole a tank today! I think we can handle a little baggage. Worst comes to worst we just up and run away somewhere your problems can’t follow us.”

“You’d elope with me?”

The look in Becca’s eyes softened and her fingers stroked my cheek, “Considering you’ve shown me more action since I met you than I’ve ever seen?… Yeah… I think I would.”

I relaxed into her touch, “Oh… Okay, that might make things easier then.”

“Is this shit really that bad, choom?”

“You won’t believe the truth when I tell you it…”

“Try me,” The trust and determination in Becca’s gaze shocked me. What had I done to deserve that? As a forever-alone loser who was about to kill himself only a week ago, I couldn’t wrap my head around it. But Becca was now irrevocably bonded to me. The least I could do was pay her trust back with some of my own.

And so, with my dick still buried inside her, I told Becca my story. I told her how I grew up normally and how my life seemed to crash and burn with a single event. How I drifted through life after my mom died and just accepted that things would get worse and worse. How I’d given up on happy endings. How I ended up in a park at midnight with a gun in my lap and stars above my head. How just before I could gather the balls to end it all, I was saved and doomed in equal measure by something utterly impossible.

I told her everything I knew about the Fae. How they owned a part of me and gave me a mission to complete before sending me here. I didn’t get too deep into The Company, explaining it as a Megacorp with unimaginable power and reach. I did explain what it was most well-known for though: Companions. Likewise, I didn’t linger on the whole ‘fictional reality’ thing and thankfully, Becca didn’t seem to worry about it too much.

Then I got to the real kicker. I explained what she did when she confessed to me. That she was forever tied and bonded to me at the whim of a multiversal entity. Fortunately, since she’d freely given me a confession, there wasn’t any major mind control we had to worry about. Just the ‘normal’ influencing to make her more loyal and open to binding others. Then I told her that I’d be leaving this world as soon as I accomplished my goal.

When I finished telling my whole story, Becca had only one question, “How’d you manage to stay hard throughout that entire depressing-ass story?”

She clenched around the erect rod that was still buried inside her to emphasize her point. My brain blue-screened. I don’t know how I expected her to react but that question wasn’t even on the list. Becca giggled at the open-mouthed shock on my face.

“Uh… Skill issue,” I said, slowly recovering from that conversational curveball.

“Yeah?~ Think that skill issue is up for rocking my world one more time?~” Becca teasingly asked.

“That’s it? You’re not mad? Frustrated? Hate me for tricking you into what’s basically slavery?”

“Pfft, you didn’t trick me. You’re way overthinking this shit, choom. Don’t be stupid. You’ve got some corpo masters. So what? They’re not any Megacorp I know and you said you work for a fixer anyway. That’s not any worse than what I already do with Maine. All Megacorps practice slavery. They just call them “contracted employees”. And your version of slavery ain’t even that bad. At least I know you’re not going to harvest my body for organs and turn me into a brain hooked into the net like Arasaka would…”

I winced, “They actually do that?”

She gave me a somber nod, “Yeah. Every Megacorp has its dark side. Yours is at least honest enough to tell you about the slavery up front.”

“What about when I leave? You know you have to come with me, right?”

“Choom…” Becca deadpanned. “Do you realize you’re offering me the chance to rampage across the multiverse? Like, seriously, you’re giving me the opportunity to fuck shit up on worlds I can’t even imagine. You think I’d say no to that?”

“Oh… Ohhhhh… I’ve made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment…”

“Yeah, you couldn’t stop me from coming with you.”

“Still… You’re willing to leave everything in your life for me?”

“I’m an adult. I can make decisions for myself. And Pilar can take care of himself,” Becca shrugged. “Plus we still have to finish your mission before we leave. Which means raiding more Megacorps!”

I sighed, “You’re right. The Militech raid let me make a lot of progress all at once. I’d be stupid to not do it again…”

“And I can help!”

“I’m probably gonna regret this, but… Yes, you can help.”

“We’re gonna be rich, choom! Hell, we might even get Legend status for hitting so many Megacorps in a row!”

“Speaking of which… How are we going to move all the extra merchandise we took?”

Becca waved her hand, “Leave that shit to my bro. Pilar is a surprisingly good fence when he puts in the effort. He’ll keep shit discreet enough that nothing will be traced back to us.”

I blinked, “Why do I feel like this crime stuff is way too easy?”

“Because until shit goes wrong, it is,” Becca giggled. “And it’s fun. We don’t even have to worry about shit going wrong thanks to you. We can up and ditch this world and start over in a new one.”

“You’re not wrong…” I said hesitantly. “But I don’t think that’s the healthiest mindset for us to have.”

Becca rolled her eyes, “Whatever, choom. If you keep overthinking, I’ll end up the sensible one in this relationship. Trust me, you don’t want that.”

I chuckled, “You’re probably right. I guess we’ll just play it by ear for now.”

Becca nodded, “Good enough. Now, roll over.”


“Mama wants to see what else that magic, natty dick can do~”

Her pussy flexed around my cock. I groaned and complied with her request. She straddled me, rolling her hips on my crotch. The cushion of her ass felt amazing against my skin and the naughty look she shot me sent even more blood rushing to my cock. Yeah, I could get used to this…


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