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Jedi Master Fay worked tirelessly on the half dead form of Han Silver. She didn’t know what had happened in the throne room, but the next thing she remembered was standing in front of her ship. She was baffled and confused, but, when she saw Han missing almost the whole right side of his body, she quickly recovered and moved to support him.

Fay had plenty of experience with Force healing, but, even still, Han surviving would take a miracle. She didn’t have a bacta tank on her ship, and instinct told her that the city would be rather hostile to their presence at the moment.

After dragging Han’s unconscious body aboard her ship, she got the Prosperity ready for take off. She couldn’t chance the idea that the Hutt didn’t know what ship they had arrived in. Teemo the Hutt was the king of Mos Shuuta, and Han had most likely just made his way to the top of Teemo’s shit list.

Fay returned to Han’s side to see him in dire straits. He was tossing and turning in his unconscious state, and his skin was pale and clammy. The blood loss had taken its toll on the young man. His right side was burned by a blaster shot in addition to missing a key limb. Losing his arm and pushing through the trauma had obviously taken its toll on Han.

She called upon the Force in an effort to aid him. Everything she had was put into healing the young man who had become so important to her view of the Force.

His original appearance had shaken something loose in her perception. Something was clearer, more vibrant, when she viewed the Force. His vision only served to reinforce that idea. She hadn’t told him, but she had had her own vision before everything went wrong in Teemo’s palace. A vision that conveyed the impression of new horizons, of the power to change things, of the ability to make a difference. Most importantly, the vision showed her in new settings beside the man who was currently dying under her care.

Fay didn’t know what the vision meant yet, but she was more than willing to fight for the life of the person who inspired it. And so, fight she did. The light side of the Force soothed Han’s wounds, both mental and physical. Even so, the deep sense that it wouldn’t be enough wouldn’t leave her.

::Initiating emergency procedures. Connection: Fay. Statement: Master Fay. Do not be alarmed. I am Grim, Han’s grimoire, and currently his only hope to survive the trauma he has undergone.::

Fay’s senses stretched and warped as she was suddenly allowed to see the tome hanging from chains on Han’s wrist. Master Fay hadn’t lived long enough to see civilizations fall without being adaptable. She pushed aside her questions, and focused on the droid-like voice coming from the book.

“What would you have me do? The Force is barely able to keep him from dying faster, let alone stabilize him.”

::Statement: Han’s only hope is to receive aid from the grimoire. I’ve done my best to apply first aid, but I need outside assistance to do anything more. Instruction: Give a drop of lifeblood to the grimoire. This will register you as a temporary user and allow you to access a healing technique that should save Han’s life. My reserves are dry, so you will need to supply the power for the technique. I will do my best to guide the process.::

Fay hurried to comply with Grim’s orders. A drop of her blood sparkled as it fell onto the grimoire’s cover. Fay felt a shaky thread connect her to something, somehow, beyond the Force. She opened the book to a seemingly random page. Instructions filled her mind.

She called upon the Force, praying and asking for its assistance, and the Force answered. She hadn’t felt a connection with the Force so clear in centuries. The power of Order and Chaos flowed into her soul, and through her soul into her hands, which were perched above Han’s abdomen.

She could feel some sort of background process start up. The power she supplied flowed and shaped into unfamiliar patterns that seemed to magnify the healing potential of the Force. The will of the Force felt happy and curious of the new methods that it was being used for, but, most of all, the Force felt glad to be helpful.

Color returned to Han’s skin. Sweat evaporated from his forehead, and Fay felt him fall into a peaceful, restful, sleep. The torched skin on his side from the blaster bolt turned into mere blisters, and then to pink skin. The shorn off flesh that used to connect to his right arm healed over in a similar manner.

Speechless, Fay could only watch and continue to supply the technique power as it went to work. She was in awe of the minute details that Grim was managing in an effort to keep her master alive. Everything from room temperature, to blood type had an equivalent variable within the technique.

By the time Han was stabilized, Fay was drained both mentally and physically. Channeling that much Force energy had taken all of her mental facilities and sucked her own reserves dry. But Han would live.

Han woke up with what he thought was a killer hangover. The events of the last day were blurred and distant. ‘Never drinking again,’ he thought. He groaned and raised his right hand to massage his temple. He flinched when he realized that he didn’t feel anything move.

Opening his eyes, Han saw a gun metal gray ceiling close to where he was lying. He estimated he had just enough room to sit up on the bed without hitting his head. ‘Wait, what? This isn’t my bed.’ He heard voices coming from close by. One of the voices was light and sounded like bells ringing in harmony. The other was stiff, but not cold, and robotic. The robotic voice caused something to shake loose of his memories of the last day.

Slowly it all started coming back to him. What might have been the worst day of his life, the bookstore, the Akashic Record, Star Wars, Tatooine, the Hutt, fighting for his life, Vos’ sacrifice, losing an arm, his suicidal plan to leap off a cliff, and finally his reckless sprint back to Fay’s ship. He felt around in the back of his mind for the presence that was quickly becoming comforting. Grim was there, and he felt the grimoire still wrapped around his left wrist.

::Excitement. Statement: Master is awake, Fay. Query: How are you feeling, Master?::

“Like I just lost a fight with a slug,” Han said. “And a bit peeved that my jack off times will be experiencing technical difficulties for the foreseeable future.”

Fay cleared her throat, “Ahem… that aside… Do you feel alright? No pain or sensitivity?”

“My head’s a little out of it, but I’ve had worse. What happened?”

“Negotiations with Teemo had just gone south, and the next thing I remember was appearing in front of my ship with you about to collapse on the spot. You did collapse. I tried my best to heal you, but it seemed to be in vain. You would have died if it wasn’t for Grim’s emergency measures. She contacted me and registered me as a temporary user for the Akashic grimoire. I then used one of the grimoire’s techniques to heal you. You’ve been out for about a day now, and we’ve left the Tatooine system.” Fay explained.

“Good call, Grim. So other than the fact that I’m now a cripple, everything worked out?”

Affirmative. Statement: The mission objective was completed. Unfortunately, Quinlan Vos did not survive his sacrifice, but Aayla is safe within the grimoire’s storage. I must advise against such hasty actions in the future, Master. If Fay wasn’t here, you easily would have died.::

“Yeah,” Han sighed, sobered by Grim’s assessment of the situation. “Any other complications I should know about?”

“Your clothes were a lost cause. In order to heal you I had to remove your shirt. That was the only reason it survived the healing process. Your pants, and undergarments were obliterated by the amount of Force energy I channeled to heal you,” Fay said, blushing as she averted her gaze from Han.

Han looked down. ‘Huh, that wasn’t that big before, was it?’

::Statement: A side effect of the Ritual of Reinforce Self you performed, Master.::

Han was glad that Grim had the presence of mind to say that in his head instead of out loud. Fay’s embarrassment seemed to be contagious, and Han crossed his legs in an attempt to conceal himself. The size of his new package made the action difficult, but Han eventually managed to hide his enhanced cock with his hand. He cleared his throat, and Fay looked back at him, obviously still trying to disguise her blush. Han couldn’t help but notice that Fay looked very good with a bit of red on her cheeks. The color complimented her pale skin and ethereal beauty.

“Right, first, let’s get me some clothes. Then I guess I better get started learning how to live without my dominant hand.” Han said.

::Correction: Actually, Master, that won’t be necessary. The Akashic grimoire has records of very advanced magical prosthetics that can be used for exactly this scenario.::

“Of course it does,” Han sighed, now with slightly more hope for his situation. “I keep forgetting that the Akashic Record is a compilation of all knowledge. It makes sense that prosthetics are included in that.”

::Compiling. Statement: Supplying you with a list of options you can currently afford now. All prosthetics will move according to your will once attuned. The sacrifice or loss of a limb is the only cost of the most basic prosthetic. The advanced and morphic prosthetic have additional costs in the form of longer attunement time and material supplied respectively.::

Han considered the mental list that Grim had sent him, “I don’t really want to skimp out on something that will become an essential part of my body. Hmm, what material does the morphic limb need?”

::Statement: Anything from common iron or steel to platinum to even adamantium. Keep in mind that the material supplied will affect the quality of the final product.::

“Hmm,” Han thought for a moment, “is there any rule against using a summoning ritual to get the material? Could I say, summon some beskar at reduced cost since it’s native to this reality and use that?”

::Exclamation: Now you’re thinking like a munchkin, Master! There are no rules against that. You seem to have stumbled across a loophole. The Akashic Record doesn’t care about where the material comes from, just that you supply the necessary amount to pay the cost.::

“Let’s do that then! Set up a summoning ritual for an ingot of beskar. Master Fay, could I ask that you help supply the power for the ritual?” Han asked, excited to be gaming the system.

“I can certainly try. My reserves still aren’t fully recovered, but I should be able to supply a portion of the required energy.” Fay said, nodding her agreement.

::Ritual setup complete. Request: Fay, please place your hand on the grimoire, and, when the summoning circle starts to glow, channel the Force into it.::

Han had to temper his enthusiasm when the circle started to draw itself and glow. He dug deep and pushed the Force into the grimoire. The glow grew in intensity, and the outline of a metal ingot started forming where Han’s right hand would have been.

The summoning finished with a flash and a thump, as the beskar ingot fell to the floor. Han was actually able to laugh at the fact that he didn’t have another hand to support it. With the prospect of a new magical right arm so close, he was actually in good spirits.

“Now for the prosthetic. The morphic one, please, Grim.” Han said.

::Affirmative. Statement: One replacement arm coming right up! Caution: Master, this will feel odd. The prosthetic will form directly connected to your body, and attunement will take some time. It will be a short while before you can use your new limb as an extension of your body.::

Han waved off Grim’s warning, “Yup, got it. Let’s get this show on the road!”

::Ritual setup complete. Initiating.::

The beskar ingot was warped and sucked into the summoning circle in the grimoire. The magic circle glowed and pulsed. This summoning was more intricate and detailed than the others Han had performed. A wireframe arm formed in the place of his missing right one. Han felt tingles and small shocks from his right shoulder socket. The spot where the flesh met metal felt like it had fallen asleep. Pins and needles pressed against Han’s nerves and only grew in intensity as the ritual completed.

The final product was a chrome arm with the same damascus steel patterning of beskar. It was a perfect mirror of Han’s left side, only metal and nowhere near as responsive. Han tried to lift the arm, and it replied sluggishly. He made a fist and the chrome fingers curled into his palm after a whole ten seconds.

The delay was annoying, but workable. The real unfamiliar issue of his new arm was the sensations. His arm felt like liquid, even when he held it rigid. Han pushed a thought through the arm and his hand slowly turned into a silver mug. Relaxing the new muscle that allowed him to do that had the mug turn back into his hand.

Fay reached out and gently stroked his new arm. Han shivered at the feeling. It was just as, if not more, vivid as if she had stroked his flesh. Blushing as his mind wandered to Fay stroking different parts of his flesh, Han tried channeling the Force through his new prosthetic to take his mind off of dirty thoughts. As appealing as the idea of Fay’s fingers on his sensitive cock was, it was inappropriate. They had barely known each other for a couple hours, and most of that was with Han in a healing coma.

The Force pulsed and surged through the beskar prosthetic. It seemed eager to fill the new arm. Energy crackled and rolled off Han's chrome pseudo-flesh. Han found that channeling the Force through his arm made the prosthetic more responsive. He could almost feel a connection forming if he focused hard enough.

::Reminder: Master, please do not forget our original mission objective. Aayla is safe at the moment, but she is still damaged. The drugs must be purged from her system and her connection to the Force must be strengthened.::

Han went to smack his forehead, almost forgetting about the hurt Twi’lek in his storage. Of course, he used his right hand to do this, which meant the face palm was delayed by a significant amount. Fay giggled at his slip up, before getting serious again at the thought of what Aayla must have suffered through.

“Right, Grim, let’s take her out. Can you give me a diagnosis of the things wrong with her and what I’ll need to do to heal her?”

::Affirmative. Diagnosis: Almost overdose levels of glitteryll in her system, memory loss, mental facilities suppressed. Luckily, there is no physical damage to her body, but she was still essentially mindraped by the Hutt.::

Grim removed Aayla from the grimoire’s pocket space. She appeared, still kneeling, on the floor of the cabin. Her eyes were glassy, and her mind was barely there. Again, her soul cried out to Han through the Force.

“Fuck,” Han breathed, “Ok, first, can I get some clothes? I don’t want to treat her naked after what she’s been through.”

Fay nodded and left to get something for Han to wear. Han slowly approached Aayla. Physically, she didn’t react to Han’s presence, but through the Force, she was basically screaming for help. Han called upon the Force, using the light side to put her tortured mind at ease and the dark side to purge the glitteryll from her system.

He picked her up, his new arm grudgingly complying with his will, and laid her on the cabin’s bed. Fay came back with clothing, and took over the healing while Han got dressed. Once dressed, Han sat near Aayla’s head. He took her unresponsive form and moved her head into his lap.

The tender lap pillow seemed to relax Aayla on some barely perceptible level. Han massaged the Force into her lekku (brain tails), frustrated that all he could do was wait for her to recover. Fay gasped softly at Han’s actions. She knew what massaging a Twi’lek’s lekku meant in their culture, but, considering Han’s connection with the broken girl, she didn’t say anything.

Han’s Force presence held and caressed Aayla’s soul. The Force, having brought the two together by linking their fates, rejoiced. It swirled around their combined presences, connecting them. The will of the Force subtly strengthened Han’s healing efforts, and Aayla’s soul stopped screaming in pain. Reconnected to the Force, Aayla’s being relaxed into Han’s embrace.

Fay stayed silent as she witnessed the Force Bond forming in front of her. It was unlike any Force Bond she had ever seen. Different from the Bond between a master and a padawan, this was a Bond between fated equals. The clear activity of the Force was centered on the pair, supporting and bringing them together in a way she never would have imagined. A not so small part of her envied Aayla. She wondered what it would be like to have a Bond like that, and her mind wandered back to her vision unprompted.

The cabin was silent as the two of them healed. Han finally had the chance to release all the pain and loss he had suffered. He was naive. He had thought the path to unlimited power and knowledge would be an easy one. He didn’t consider the harsh realities that such a quest entailed, and his naivety had cost him his right arm and Aayla’s master his life. Aayla commiserated and joined Han in the process of letting go. His presence was like a balm to her tortured soul. The two screamed their emotions into the Force in a process that was unlike any method used by the Jedi or the Sith.

As Han struggled to process how much his life had changed in the past day and Aayla struggled to come back to herself in spite of the chains the Hutt had inflicted upon her, Fay’s soul cried out to them in empathy. She steeled her resolve to follow Han. Just as her vision had implied, this man would lead her to something that had been missing since she became a Jedi master. He was changing how she viewed the Force and the teaching of her order, but in a way that felt of progress. After centuries of stagnant wandering, Fay had finally found a way forward.

Eventually, Aayla’s glassy eyes cleared and closed. As she fell into a deep slumber, Han followed. Fay left the Bonded pair to their healing sleeps.

For two nights, Han sat with Aayla. Fay brought him food, and he sustained Aayla through their Force Bond. The constant channeling of the Force that was needed to heal Aayla had sped up the attunement process of Han’s arm. By the time Aayla’s eyes opened, Han’s body was whole again.

“Hello? W-where am I?” Aayla’s weak voice asked.

“Hello, Aayla,” Han said, smiling reassuringly down at her, “You are aboard the Prosperity. I’m Han Silver, and I was the one responsible for getting you out of the Hutt’s palace.”

“Han Silver,” Aayla said, turning the name over in her mouth to get a feel for it. “Why can I feel you so clearly?”

Han smiled sadly, “Well, I’ve got good news, medium news, and bad news. First of all though, what do you remember?”

“I-I remember we were on an undercover investigation. We had infiltrated the palace of Teemo the Hutt in order to try and dismantle his organization from the inside. He must have made us instantly, because the next thing I remember was smoke and blurriness.”

Han nodded, “About what I expected. The good news is that you're free from Teemo and the drugs he used to mindrape you have been purged from your system. The bad news is that your master did not survive the escape. He gave his life to save me, and I’ll forever be grateful.”

Aayla gasped. She barely had the strength to cry, but, now that Han had mentioned it, she could feel a gaping void where her Bond with her master used to be. “And this Bond between you and I? The way I can feel you more closely than I could him?”

“Ah, that would be the medium news. The reason I knew to rescue you is that I had a Force vision. While healing your mind and purging the drugs, the Force decided that we were fated to be together. It took the opportunity of me channeling the Force into you to connect the two of us. Master Fay says it’s the most complex and impressive Force Bond she’s ever seen.”

Aayla welcomed the distraction from the loss of her master, “Master Fay? I thought she was only a legend.”

Han chuckled, “Nope, she’s very real. This is her ship.”

“And you’re her padawan?”

“Ha! No, no I’m not a Jedi.” Han couldn’t help the laugh that escaped at the idea of him being a Jedi. “I’m a Force user, for sure, but I don’t really follow either of the two main sects’ teachings.”

Aayla nodded, “Can you help me up? I need to use the fresher.”

Han complied, supporting most of Aayla’s weight for her on the way to the Star Wars version of a bathroom. Han left the room while Aayla peed, and was called back in shortly after.

“Han! Uh, I think I need your help.” Aayla called through the door.

Han entered the fresher and instantly turned around at the sight that greeted him. It didn’t help at all. The sight image of a nude Aayla was burned into his brain.

“Aayla, you seem to be lacking the scant bit of clothing you came in with,” Han commented, trying his very best to seem nonchalant about the beautiful blue alien he had just walked in on.

“Yes, I know. I wanted to clean myself, but my legs can’t support me well enough to get in the shower. I need you to support me and maybe help me wash.”

‘Right, cause that makes sense. Do Jedi have no sense of modesty? I guess, Fay is an exception in that regard,’ Han thought. He nodded in reply and slowly turned around.

“Thank you, Han,” Aayla was leaning against the shower wall with her whole body on display. Even under Han’s gaze, she didn’t make any attempts to cover herself. Han’s eyes traced her curves past her perky breasts and toned stomach, down to her shapely hips and plush thighs. Trying his best to shake off his arousal at the exotic view, Han started undressing.

Though he didn’t see it, Aayla’s eyes were just as admiring of his form as he was of hers. His broad chest caused her to lick her lips and his tight abs led to a ‘v’ shape that directed the eye towards his delicious looking cock. His arms were defined and the chrome of his prosthetic just added character to his handsome form.

Han got in the shower with her, and let her lean against his body for support. The warmth and softness of her skin did nothing to help his rising arousal. His cock had started to thicken, and he turned on the water in an effort to combat his erection.

Big mistake. The water came out at the perfect temperature, and the slickness it added to both of their skins was tantalizing. Turning Aayla around, he let her mostly rest her back against his front. He absently noticed that she was completely hairless, her body was just smooth blue skin all the way down.

Lathering up his hands, Han started washing her head and lekku. Aayla moaned so erotically that a pornstar would be jealous at the attention Han was paying to her sensitive head tails. Her moan was the final straw, and Han’s cock shot up to full mast. It tapped against Aayla’s pussy between her legs, and Aayla let out another moan. That moan caused his length to throb and hit her pussy again. They got caught in that loop as Han continued washing Aayla’s head.

He worked his way down her body, stroking and massaging the soap in as he went. Aayla’s arms managed to find their way behind her head and wrapped around the back of Han’s neck. Han made sure to pay extra attention to her boobs, circling the nipples and causing them to harden under his touch.

Aayla let go of all her worries and just sunk deeper into the Bond they shared. It was so easy to trust Han, and anything that felt this good couldn’t be wrong like the Jedi said. Pleasurable tingles raced up and down her body. Heat gathered in her core as he ran his fingers over her womb.

Disappointment struck when he skipped her pussy entirely, moving on to her thick thighs instead. Anticipation grew as he caressed her legs. Her longing built to a fever pitch as he worked his way back up to her flower. This time she wasn’t disappointed.

Questing fingers explored her pussy lips. Han’s touch felt like fire on Aayla’s nerves. The Bond allowed Han to read her like a book, experimenting in what gave her the most pleasure. Ecstasy struck her like a gong when his fingers flicked her clit.

Her first orgasm was soft and sweet, only made sweeter by the fact that she could feel her Bonded through the Force. His satisfaction, and the pleasure he took from giving her pleasure pulsed through the thread that connected them. Her thighs clamped together, trapping Han’s cock in the process.

He let out his own groan, the feeling of her supple flesh almost too much for him. Thrusting slowly, Han savored the feeling of euphoria brought on by his Twi’lek Bonded’s thighs. He quickly approached his own peak, backed up and wound up as he was.

A final thrust pressed Aayla fully against his front. His cock stuck out from between her thighs by almost four inches. It pulsed and throbbed as it delivered his load all over the shower wall. Aayla gasped at the feeling of Han’s chest at her back, and the view of his spewing member.

Han dragged Aayla with him as he collapsed against another one of the shower’s walls. She ended up sitting in his lap, his girth still throbbing against her pussy.

“How can the Jedi ban something so wonderful?” Aayla asked, partially to herself.

Han laughed, “Now you know the real reason I’m not a Jedi.”


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