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Hey everyone!! 

Updating you with some news, like I promised I would a month ago :)

I'll be opening a couple of commission slots starting on 4th of March :)

Click HERE to read all the info if you're thinking about commissioning me! Supporters of the Pink and Gold tier get a discount so take that into account hehe.

Now,  here's the main reason why I'll be doing this! I don't like talking about money issues and whatnot but I will need a bit of extra help, because in April me and my girlfriends (and since people keep asking yes, I am poly and in relationship with 2 women) will be going on a very expensive trip to Paris for medical reasons - one girl is trans and needs a gender-affirming surgery. We'll all be meeting there since the other one is traveling from the US. Needless to say, we've spent a sizable amount for the surgery, travel costs and apartment renting, and there will be more expenses as we're staying there (about a month or so), so ya girl will need some extra help. It's honestly scaring the heck out of me but this is something that has been planned for a long time and needs to be done so we'll just have to brave it. 💖

Talking about personal life and relationships online isn't super easy for me as I tend to keep to myself, for personal safety and other reasons, but I thought it would be fitting to share some of it now, as it would give you a good explanation as to why I'll be on a break soon again.

And while we're there, I of course won't be able to draw at all - I'll be traveling with bare minimum necessities, tablet will be staying back home, so I will most likely pause the pledges so you don't end up paying for nothing.

And on the last note, I've delayed my comic pages to release on this Saturday, because the flow wasn't doing it for me with only 2 more pages as I originally planned so I opted out to draw four instead, so it's taking a bit more time.  Thanks for being patient! 💖

That's it for now. I can share more details as time goes on, but if you have any questions or concerns or anything my DM's are always open.

Have a good one, and stay safe! ❤️



Alaster Boneman

id love to commsion something, but im broke to at least late April


I might be (as you know) the worst person possible to get the opinion on this, but IMO you shouldn't pause pledges for April!! y'all Patrons agree with me that we should show Kitt support in this time/not make her lose the entire month of April's income?! I definitely won't mind paying for April myself if it gives her peace of mind!!


Aww! It wouldn't feel right, and I would feel the pressure to post new art if the pledges weren't paused :) Please don't worry about it hehe!