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I don’t know what it is guys…I keep telling myself “watch how much you’re eating”…”pigging out like this gonna catch up to you”…”maybe just one more day of binging and I’m good for a bit”…….yea right. Here we are again, pigging out at a Chinese buffet for lunch and I promptly demolished 4 large plates in less than an hour 🥴😰🤤 leaving me with an over 50” gut and need for even more tonight. Hell, I’ve come this far and I’m not THAT big yet, right??



Jon Taylor

No need to put your fork down, it's doing your belly good, and probably helping to make you stronger at the gym 🥰😍😘 x

David Holland

I still wanna bury my face in it


You make a very valid point. Yea…it’s for the muscles and growth 😏 maybe another buffet today juuust to make sure I got enough protein