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For Hezekiah, Ritterstern, Empyreanobscure and Hicate




I must say I like that fox lady

Ovidius Naso

I really like that Hicate sketch! Now I want to know more about the story there :)


Awesome, thanks! Yeah hope he'll ask for a continuation next month!


Thanks! I always like to try to think of a bit of a scenario for my commission. It's based on Claudia from The Dragon Prince series on netflix. It has this magic mirror which has the main antagonist of the show trapped in it. It's able to fool one of the characters into conjuring a caterpillar the antagonist is able to control. He uses this to manipulate the actions of his victims by whispering in their ears. As the story progresses the caterpillar gets gradually bigger and more powerfull. Now my idea was to have Claudia find the mirror, and instead of a caterpillar have a futa parasite creature. Who knows what fun they will have together? ;)

Ovidius Naso

Awesome, thanks for sharing! I was hoping the futa had grown because of the spell, glad I was correct :) And the antagonist manipulating her with it sounds like a lot of fun ;)