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Been a really busy week, had an extremely hyped teacher who didn't hesitate to go through a whole forklift book in 2.5 days and then give us a test which we where only allowed to have up to 10% wrong to pass. He was an awesome guy but I really hopes he doesn't come back lol



Liquid Potato

I've had a few lecturers like that in the past. Can't say I appreciate the heavy workload at all but you gotta admire their enthusiasm I guess, lol. How goes your course by the way? Hope things have been going well (other than over-eager instructors).


Yeah it sure is impressive haha Oh it's going pretty good actually, thank god, it's fairly easy. Though I'm having a real problem with staying awake for the 8h or slow talking with half the teachers, they keep going off track with what they're actually supposed to talk about lol which I now realize is why they have double the amount of days as that hyped teacher