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Hey guys! The surgery was a tiiiiny bit worse then I'd imagined..much so that I spent the whole first night asking myself how I could ever think it was a good idea and being shocked by how little pain tolerance I had. I literally had to call for the nurses to come every 2-3 hours to come with more meds for the pain and I for some reason could barely get the strength to walk for 3-4 days. 

But anyways I'm feeling much better now, almost back to normal actually and it feels SO goddamn good. Could be the morphine talking but that's not important haha
So I've started getting back drawing, really missed it, don't know what it is with curvy chubby cute hentai but I just can't get enough of it. I'll be starting slowly of course with colored sketches and such, though considering how much faster they are to make maybe it wont look so slow I guess. Have a good day guys and I'll see you later!