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Chapter 22.5: Parahumans Online

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Topic: [Endbringer] False Alarm: There is no endbringer.
In: Boards ► United States ► New England ► Brockton Bay ► General
(Original Poster) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Posted On Jan 30st 2011:

We apologize for the alarm everyone. There is no endbringer. Please disregard the sirens. You do not need to head to the shelters.

I repeat: You do not need to head to the shelters.

The PRT received confirmation from Lady Photon within minutes that the beam in the sky and the roar were caused by the independent hero and changer, Menagerie.

Please direct all further inquiries to [Lady Photon].

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Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

For everyone who's seeing this and confused as fuck, [this] is what Bril is talking about. I was recording my little sister's sweet sixteen when this shit happened. A massive roar, so loud that I couldn't hear anything else. Then a fucking beam that drilled a hole through cloud cover.

And then someone panicked and triggered the endbringer sirens I guess.

Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

lol Yeah, we all heard it. But seriously, what the fuck, [Menagerie_Officia]?

Whitecollar (Cape Wife)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I'm scared. Does anyone know what's going on here?

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Didn't you hear? [Menagerie_Official] did something. Or became something. I've never been more scared. Aroused. Scaroused?

Is that a thing? It's a thing now.

Whitecollar (Cape Wife)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Sweetheart, you have problems.

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Ehh, this is Brockton. Daddy can't afford therapy so raunchy cape-fics and furry porn are how I explore my sexuality.

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Okay, I'm here with updates. This comes straight from a phone call with [Lady Photon] so if you have any questions, send those her way.

As far as we know, Panacea and Menagerie went out on a date(?), or maybe to do hero things. Then Menagerie turned into whatever sounds like that and can shoot a laser that makes Purity look like an airsoft gun in comparison.

I'm sorry, I really don't know much beyond "Menagerie was fucking around," courtesy of Panacea. So [Panacea_Official] or [Menagerie_Official] want to chime in, that'd be neat.

Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Oh, wow... Was... Was Menagerie being a dumb teenager and trying to impress his girlfriend? Because, I'm willing to cut the guy some slack, but what the hell could have warranted that?

Lady Photon (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

We don't know either [Brocktonite03]. We'll be sure to keep everyone posted, but I've been assured that there is no danger.

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

So, who wants to bet this was some weird foreplay thing?

*User has received an infraction.*

Brilliger (Original Poster) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Seriously, why are you like this, Void?

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I mean... My panties are wet and it's not pee. He might be onto something. Stopped clocks and all that.

Bruce Lao
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

God damn, what a power move. I mean, if you could cleave the sky to impress a girl, you would, admit it.

Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I wouldn't because I'm not a stupid teenager. Or dating one since we don't actually know how old Menagerie is.

Bruce Lao
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

You were though. Are you really telling me you've never done something stupid to look cool?

Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

... No comment...

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

So anyway, I saw [this] and took video. We now know what caused that roar. It's a 17 feet tall Godzilla-lite that's apparently called a tyranitar. Menagerie crossed the street carrying Panacea on his shoulder and it's both the cutest and most horrifying thing I've ever seen.

Seriously, he let me take a picture of his teeth. [They're fucking massive.]

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Well, for once, you guys are learning this at the same time I am.

Fun fact: The Simurgh is only 15 feet tall, making Menagerie officially "endbringer-height."

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I don't think you know what "fun" means, [Bagrat]. That is not a fun fact. That is a pants-shittingly terrifying fact, no matter how smug Panacea looks on the dino.

Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

So, I'm lost. I've been tearing my hair out trying to edit Menagerie's [wiki]. Then he pulls this shit.

So he is now officially Changer-YES with subratings in everything else set to "Probably, if he's bored enough."

If the PRT wants to chime in and offer an amateur some advice on your rating system, please, by all means.

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Nah, you're about right, [Valkyr]. Our guys pretty much gave up too. We're just happy he's a hero.

Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Oh, wow, I'm getting so many pings today. I definitely didn't expect this to blow up. For what it's worth, I'm sorry everyone, I got a bit carried away messing with Amy.

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

So... What happened?

Lady Photon (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Yes, I'd love to hear that as well.

End of Page. 1

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Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Ah... I was doing some gardening.

Lady Photon (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:


Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I'm serious. I needed to do a bit of gardening. Get rid of a tree, you know? So I ate it.

Lady Photon (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Sweetie, I'm going to need more than that.

Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Amy did say it was a false alarm, right? There was a tree. There is no longer a tree. That's it.

Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I'm worried. You have no idea how worrying your comments are.

Whitecollar (Cape Wife)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I don't know if I should laugh or cry. My husband looks like he wants to quit his job.

Glitzglam (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Wow... Umm... What the fuck?

Lady Photon (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:


Glitzglam (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Proofread. And, again, what the fuck, [Menagerie_Official]?

Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Ugh, sometimes, I think even the dino-rides aren't worth your bullshit.

Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Lies. You've never been happier.

Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Under protest. I have fun under protest.

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

lol That explains so much about you, [Panacea_Official].

Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

No bullying Amy. Only I can bully Amy.

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

In light of dinosaur-with-teeth-bigger-than-my-face, yes, sir.

Brilliger (Original Poster) (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

[Menagerie_Official], I realize all this is probably some convoluted plot to fuck with us, but we'd like you to come in and answer some questions.

Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Oh, yeah... Let's not…

Hey look! A [distraction]!

Bruce Lao
Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

Did... Did you... make a video game? So you don't have to answer PRT questions?

Replied On Jan 30st 2011:

I think he did.

Bruce Lao
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

God damn, you're my favorite hero, [Menagerie_Official].

End of Page. 1, 2


Topic: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Legacy of Steel
In: Boards ► United States ► New England ► Brockton Bay ► General
(Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Posted On Jan 31st 2011:

Hey, everyone!

I've been working on this as a side project of sorts and it's now ready for release. Introducing, [Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Legacy of Steel]!

Yeah, that's right, your favorite hero made a video game. It should be compatible with most PCs, but here are the minimum [system specs] you need to run it smoothly.

The game contains hundreds of pokemon with accurate typings, stats, abilities, and moves. Or, as accurate as I can make them in a videogame while preserving a good gameplay experience.

The main story follows the adventures of a buneary, [this thing], as she protects her home from an ever more dangerous group of pokemon, eventually uncovering a plot to awaken a Legendary Titan. I also did my best to include side quests and hidden bosses to give it a bit of replay value.

How much is it?

Free. This was a bit of a passion project anyway. Instead, please consider donating to [these charities]. I did my due diligence; they're good people, guys.


PS: Any resemblance to people I may or may not have interacted with in real life are purely coincidental. I promise. Pinky swear.

PPS: Sorry I tried to blow up the sky. Teehee~

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Bruce Lao
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:


Also, my man legit made a videogame to avoid answering [Brillinger's] questions. I'm impressed.

Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

So am I, honestly. This is seriously next level.

White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Ooh, a cape-made game? And free?

Edit: Why is the main character named Aimee?

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I would like to point you to my post-script: Any resemblance to people I may or may not have interacted with in real life are purely coincidental. I promise. Pinky swear.

White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

lol, of course, of course. And that's why not-Victoria is named "Nike?"

I suppose it's a complete coincidence that "Nike" is a reckless meathead who breaks everything around her?

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:


Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

lol. It's not just the two MCs. I'm through the first chapter and the first boss is a [perrserker] named Hookitty. It's a steel type.

Blueshield (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

[Menagerie_Official], this is actually a pretty fun game. Also, did you seriously make parodies of Brockton capes?

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Thank you.

Also, coincidence.

Blueshield (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I'm telling my cousins.

Answer Key
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

lol I'm sorry, [Blueshield], but I keep thinking of the insurance company when I see your name.

Blueshield (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

That's uncalled for. I protect you before you break your leg.

Answer Key
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:


Also, I'm at the first side quest and it's beating a conjoined bird-thing called [doduo]. The bird is named Ulcer & Leek. Leek ate an everstone, whatever that is, and they can't evolve ever again so they're stuck in a life of mediocrity.

Menagerie is fucking savage.

1337 (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

What the fuck is this? I demand royalties for your bullshit, [Menagerie_Official]!

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Actually... As a free product, there aren't any royalties to claim, even if you can prove in court that you're the inspiration for Ulcer & Leek, this qualifies as defamation, and you have received measurable harm.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

lol. That's never going to happen. This game isn't doing any harm that they haven't done to themselves already. "Measurable harm" implies they had a reputation worth keeping in the first place.

Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Wow, not even a page and it's already turned into shitting on Uber and Leet somehow, huh?

To bring this back to topic, I found Gallant. I think. It's [Knightly the charcadet]. He's very chivalrous. And keeps creepily stalking Nike in a weird unrequited love.

I assume this is because Victoria is dating Dean Stansfield.

Point Me at The Sky (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

What the fuck?

[Menagerie_Official], why? I don't break everything!

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:


If you see yourself in some of these highly dysfunctional characters, perhaps that is your conscience trying to tell you something.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Okay, I got introduced to the first arc boss. It's [Kaiber the bisharp]. Who creates metal blades and stole Nike's hammer. Hookitty's here too.

Brb, because this is actually really engaging.

Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

You didn't.

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I did.

Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I will kill you. Answer your phone, you dick!

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

But this is more fun.

End of Page. 1

(Showing page 2 of 2)

Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Wow, chat's just as good as the game. I have popcorn.

Also, what's with the titles?

Brilliger (Moderator: Protectorate Main)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Don't know. I can't remove them. Guys, I think [Menagerie_Official] may have a tinker friend.

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I decided I deserve these tags. All that I've done, all that I've experienced, they are like feathers that make up my wings. My deeds resound throughout worlds.

It is through these deeds that I bestow upon you the blessings of Arceus, the mighty Alpaca in the Sky.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I can't tell if he's brilliant or crazy.

White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Who says they're mutually exclusive?

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

lol I hit [Dollhouse the Beautifly] to see if I could kill the shopkeeper.

I can't. She has 999 HP. And Quiver Dance. And Roost to heal 50% of her HP. And Air Slash that does like 60% of my health even though I built tank and resist.

Guys, is Parian actually OP?

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't hit neutral shopkeepers. Or bad things might happen to you. Just saying.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Well, that's a warning if there ever was one.

Other than the outliers like those, how accurate are these "types?"

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Pretty accurate? Like I said, I tried to preserve gameplay, but they're a decent estimation.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

You realize every villain in the city is going to play this game religiously now, right?

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Good, maybe more people will donate to [these] charities.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Best. Hero. Ever.

Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

All hail Menagerie, hero to neckbeards everywhere.


Mac's Dual Rocket Propelled Grenades
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Guys! I found [Vista!]

For reference, [here] she is, riding the flower-dino. I assume a chikorita is the pre-evolution. Embrace your femininity, Vista. There's nothing wrong with flowers.

Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I'm not like that!

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape) (Crownless Champion) (Aura Master) (Will of Legends) (Guardian of the Hall of Origin) (Alpaca Whisperer)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

Pint-Size is not Vista. It's all a coincidence, I assure you.

Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Jan 31st 2011:

I hate you so much.

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