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Coil’s interlude is dark and contains non-explicit noncon. It’s the main reason why ACL can’t be posted on SB/SV. Yes, it shatters tone. Yes, I’m keeping it anyway despite protests. I went over my reasons in more detail on Akun/FL, but long story short, it’s character that determines tone, not the other way around. The moment perspective shifts, tone shifts appropriately.

Chapter 13.5 Various

Amy Dallon

Brockton Bay, NH, USA
Sunday, January 23, 2011

I nestled into Vicky’s chest as she flew us home. She was warm and soft and the way the streetlights reflected off her golden hair… My chest tightened as I felt the comforting flood of her aura against my mind. Yes, Blake’s monsters were cool, but nothing beat flying on air-Vicky.

“Ames?” my sister called. “Did you hear what I said?”

I shook my head to clear it of any perverted thoughts. I felt a pang of guilt at that. Teenager or not, I shouldn’t have the mind of a horny old man, especially not for my sister. “S-Sorry, I spaced out a bit. What’s up?”

“Heh, thinking about Menagerie? Maybe how he felt between your legs?” she asked, doing that thing with her eyebrows whenever she thought she was being funny.

“No, don’t be gross. He was a dog.”

“A dog who can consent.”

“How are you somehow more perverted than Eric?”

“Because his balls haven’t dropped yet, duh. He’s still in the puppy love phase. Or maybe he’s got a library of porn on his computer and we just don’t know.”

“Whatever. You can keep your weird bestiality fantasies to yourself.”

“Guess I’m the only girl who wouldn’t mind it doggy-style. Eh? Eh?”

I groaned audibly. “You can drop me now.”

“Oh come on, Ames. I’m just messing with you. So, did you really not notice that Menagerie left?”

“I didn’t. I was kinda busy with my own patients. Seriously, what exactly did he do?”

“Pretty much what I said. There isn’t a whole lot to say because it was over so fast. He showed up in the middle of the Nazis, fed them their collective teeth in like ten seconds, turned into some kind of plasma, ripped off Hookwolf’s legs, then dragged him off somewhere. I didn’t actually see him drown anyone personally, but some of the dockworkers who were on the pier working saw the show. Then he came back, chatted with Aunt Sarah and Militia, healed some people who needed it, then left. I guess he went back to the hospital.”

“That’s… What the fuck?”

“I know, right? I didn’t think he was that strong. Normally, capes have either versatility or power. It’s like he looked at the box of powers and decided to just make off with the whole thing.”

“Yeah, he’s kind of out there…”

We chatted about more inane things as we flew home, but my heart wasn’t really in it. Blake… He was an enigma. Everything I knew about capes, about teenage boys, said he should have been an arrogant blowhard with delusions of grandeur. He should have either been the biggest Eidolon fanboy and signed up with the Wards or claimed a huge chunk of the Bay for himself. Power like his didn’t typically mix well with a teenager’s ego.

But… But he wasn’t. I wasn’t blind to the things he did outside the hospital, today notwithstanding. I also knew that he kept asking me out to try to get me to loosen up. It wasn’t about fulfilling some nurse fantasy for him, at least probably not entirely. He cared. About the city. About the people. About… me…

I didn’t get it. There was nothing admirable about me. If he knew what I could really do, what I had to keep a lid on…

‘He does know. Or he has a good idea already,’ a small voice in my head whispered. He did, didn’t he? I kinda gave it away by threatening to turn his nose into a giant zit.

We landed and Vicky flung the door open with her usual exuberance. “One Panacea for delivery on air-Vicky!” she called, already flying to the kitchen for a late-night snack.

I stepped in behind her. Mark, dad, I internally corrected, was vegging out on the couch as always. He was a man with cropped brown hair and an athletic build, though he was starting to show a bit of a paunch as age and lifestyle caught up with him. He had a five o’clock shadow, proof that he hadn’t bothered to shave today. It was also an indicator that he may have forgotten his antidepressants.

“Hey, girls,” he gave a halfhearted wave before turning back to the TV, some kind of cops drama that he wasn’t really paying attention to.

“Hey, dad,” we greeted.

“You’re home,” Carol, mom, said as she stepped out of her home office. She was an equity partner handling parahuman law. She also tried to be New Wave’s internal lawyer. She was as busy as that sounded and still wore her fitted, charcoal-gray blazer over a collared shirt. Whenever she’d gotten home, she clearly hadn’t even bothered to take off her work clothes before jumping right back into her home office.

“Hey, mom,” Vicky chirped before giving her a peck on the cheek.

I sat down next to dad and poked his hand. “You haven’t taken your meds.”

He winced before letting out a weak laugh. “I… forgot?”

“Dad, come on, I’ll go get them for you.”

“Thanks, sweetie.”

‘You can fix him,’ that same voice said again. No, I wouldn’t. I don’t touch brains. Not even something as simple as serotonin. ‘Don’t? Not can’t? Is dad worth so little to you?’

I swallowed thickly as I took out the pills. I held one in my hand, a pellet of dried and packed powder. My power told me everything about it. Healing Mark… It’d be so easy…

I cursed myself as I prepared a glass of water with the pills. It’d be so easy, but I wouldn’t. I knew I wouldn’t, because it was a slippery slope. I cursed my power for giving me knowledge I’d never asked for and wished it could be more like Blake’s. He didn’t know how his pink ball fixed things, only that it did. If, if my power was like that, I could shoot and forget, guilt-free.

But it wasn’t.

My power was knowledge. I knew everything: every chemical imbalance, every frayed neuron, every mutated DNA strand. I knew, and I could play with it all like putty. I could fix anything, but what if I went too far? What if I gave in to the temptation to change someone to be the way I’d prefer them to be, not who they were? How could anyone trust me again?

‘Blake trusts you,’ another voice whispered. ‘He knows you’re no healer. He still didn’t hesitate to let you touch him.’

I took the tray to dad. Blake was a freak of nature. There was nothing normal about the goofball. “Here you are, dad,” I said, swallowing down my doubts.

“Thank you. I’m glad I have you to remember for me.”

“Yuh-huh, I’m going to go grab a shower and get ready for bed.”

“Okay, good night, Amy.”



I let the hot water pour down over my scalp. I scrubbed and scrubbed until my freckled skin turned raw and red. I was Panacea, greatest healer in the world. I saved countless thousands of lives. I was up there with the Triumvirate, Dragon, and Narwhal as one of the greatest heroes in the world. I’d heard it all.

Then why couldn’t I feel clean?

I remembered the female police officer with a bullet through her heart I’d treated today. It was a trivial matter to pull out the bullet and repair the chamber, but I could have done more. I could have given her a better immune system. I could have made her some subdermal armor. I could have done so much more.

But then I’d have broken my own rules, rules I’d painstakingly crafted around myself like a suit of armor.

I stayed there under the near-scalding heat until my skin was flushed lobster-red. I wanted to tear out my hair in frustration. What was I supposed to do when I was too scared to do more and too wracked with guilt to accept the life I led now?

Sighing, I dried myself off and wrapped myself in my favorite comfy bathrobe. My room was… spartan. There was a plain if well-made dresser attached to the queen-sized bed. The curtains were drawn closed, just the way I liked them. They were white and red, like most of the things I owned.

I remembered being thrilled when I first triggered, after the mess with the Chorus was settled anyway. I could help Vicky. I could be like the rest of the family, a hero. I insisted on redecorating my room red and white, the universally recognizable colors of the Red Cross. Panacea’s colors.

I laughed bitterly. How naïve I’d been. I hadn’t known then just how miserable having a power like mine could be.

I shed my bathrobe and changed into an airy tank top and sweats. Vicky got the top for me the last time we went shopping together on Dean’s dime. She said I needed to update my style or some tripe and that I looked cute in it and got her boytoy to nod along. I ended up buying it because I couldn’t say no to those pouty blue eyes. It was a midriff-baring white number that was way too low-cut for me and only had two thin spaghetti straps to hold it up.

I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing it outside, but… but it was comfortable… and Vicky picked it out for me…

God, I had issues…

I lay in bed, drifting in and out of sleep in that half-awake state every too-tired hospital worker came to know intimately when my sister flew into my room.

“So, what’re you doing Saturday?” she asked as she flopped down on top of me. She laid her head on my stomach with her knees over the side. “Cause I wasn’t lying about that double date.”

“Vicky, no,” I groaned.

“Vicky, yes. Come on, Ames. There’s got to be at least one guy who doesn’t piss you off. You sure you don’t have anything with Menagerie?”

“We don’t,” I stressed. “He’s just a friend.”

“A friend you feel up every chance you get?”

“A friend with interesting biology.”

“Okay, fine. Who do you not hate at school then… Blake?” she tried. She perked up at the idea. “Ooh! That’d work! You and Dean both get along with Blake so it’ll be fine, right? I mean, he’s not hideous or anything and he’s a pretty good listener.”

‘Except they’re the same person,’ I thought. I instead took a pillow and slapped her with it. “No. Not Blake either. He’s a snarky dick.”

“Hehehe, most people would say that about you too, sis. See? You even have the same type of humor.”

“I don’t think what we have is called humor.”

“Fine, same jaded bitterness at life or whatever.”

“Still no.”

“Why not?””

“Why? Why are you so insistent on finding me a boyfriend?”

“Because then you’ll spend less time stressing yourself out in the hospital,” she said seriously. It was a long-standing argument between us. Then she said something that made my heart skip a beat. “I want to spend more time with you. I want my sister back.”



I caved. I folded like a house of cards because I was a filthy degenerate and Vicky did that pouty face with the quivering lips. “Okay…”

“Yes!” she thrust her fists in the air in victory. “Now I just gotta get Blake to agree. Remember, you agreed!”

I groaned. Blake was going to throw a fit and I couldn’t even blame him. What kind of mixed signals was I sending? “No pressuring him,” I said.

“Promise. So…”

“What, Vicky. What else do you want?”

“Menagerie. Let’s talk about him again.”

“Okay…” I had a feeling I wouldn’t like where this was going.



“Who is he?” she asked with a devious smile.

I was right. I snatched my pillow back and covered my face in it. “Nope. Not talking about this. Good night, Vicky.”

Trying to keep her away was futile. Even if she wasn’t a brute, I’d never been able to deny her anything. “Oh no. You’re not running. Spill.”

“Vicky, I’m not telling you who he is.”

“Come on, Ames. You know I can keep a secret.”

And, to be fair, I did. Perhaps paradoxically, if there was one lesson living in a family of public capes taught us, it was how to keep secrets.

When Crystal triggered, the first in our generation, some creep fished out her old school planner to figure out what she liked to eat, where she hung out, and even when she might be alone. She blasted that asshole’s hand clean off and no one, not even Director Piggot, made an issue of it when we learned just how he’d gotten the information. She was twelve at the time.

Suffice to say, there were very few things more valuable to us than privacy. It was also why I couldn’t tell Vicky who Menagerie really was, why I couldn’t tell her that she ate lunch with him every day.

“You can. Still not telling you.”

“Why not?” She did that pouty face again and I felt my heart ache.

I shook my head and palmed her face, shoving it away. I had to put my foot down. “No. This is serious, Victoria Kate Dallon.”

“D-Did you just full-name me?”

“Yes, yes I did.” I looked at her so she could see I meant business. “I know who he is and it was a show of trust. I can’t break that, even if I know you can keep a secret. It’s… Menagerie… He’s… powerful, you know?”

“Uh, yeah. I saw him stop pulling punches, remember?”

“Yeah, well… How many capes could have done that? Not in Brockton. In the country. Go on, name them. How many people could have ended Hookwolf, a bunch of Empire goons, and then been back to the hospital and treated the whole thing like a fucking smoke break?

“Umm…” She started to count off on her fingers. “The Triumvirate. I guess Myrddin maybe? Dragon if she had one of her endbringer suits… Yeah, that’s about it.”

“Exactly. That’s how strong Menagerie is. He’s a healer on top of that. Brockton Bay has its own Triumvirate-tier cape now and he’s an independent.”

“So what?”

“So what? It’s like knowing Legend’s name. It’s trust. It’s responsibility. It’s… I can’t explain it. Names have power, you know? I can’t tell you, Vicky. If Menagerie decides to unmask for you, fine, but you won’t hear it from me.”

She sighed disappointedly but nodded in understanding. “Okay, fine. I get it. I actually do. I won’t ask anymore.”

I let out a breath I’d been holding. It was so achingly hard telling her no. “Thank you.”



“Do I know him?”


“Hahahaha, I’m kidding, I promise.”

“Get out,” I grumbled. “I really need to sleep.”

“Alright, fine. I see I’m not wanted,” she snarked, then said softly. “Goodnight, Ames. Love you.”

“Goodnight Vicky. I love you too.”


Thomas Calvert

Brockton Bay, NH, USA
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Timeline A

I lounged back in my favorite armchair at home, flipping through a series of financial reports from Fortress Construction. I was no longer the CEO, but I was on the board and it remained a wonderful source of clean funds to help launder my more illicit proceeds. With it, I could mask the construction of my base, funnel funds into my deals with Accord, and access records not available to the average person. Fortress was one of the bigger employers in this city after all, and with that came privileges I was all too happy to abuse.

There was much to do today and I’d ensured that I wouldn’t be called in to the PRT in my role as special consultant. I wanted some distance, a safe timeline just in case this blew up spectacularly.

Thomas Calvert would spend today at home, handing his investment portfolio and catching up on some recreational reading.

Coil, Coil had work to do.

Timeline B

In the second timeline, I sat in my base, overseeing the missions. They weren’t difficult. Just kidnap a girl and an old man. Subtly. I’d had a proxy bribe and blackmail someone in the college administration building to call her out. There, someone would drug her, fabricate a doctor’s note for her professors, and carry her off.

For the man, things could be a bit louder. Taking him from his home was no real trouble, not with the heroes and police spread thin around the Docks.

“Proceed,” I spoke calmly.

Ten minutes later, I had them. Sabah Azimi, Parian, and her father. It was almost cute how clever she thought herself. Finding out she was a cape was a trivial affair. One failed kidnapping in which she’d strangled a disguised merc by his tie was enough to connect the dots. I was better prepared this time.

By the time the sedatives wore off, I had her stripped by two of my men and strapped to a metal chair in the room I’d prepared for her. In it was the chair, a surgical table full of various tools of the trade, three cameras from different angles, and a TV screen for me to talk through. On the table was a polygraph machine, one I’d liberated from an old PRT surplus. A set of nodes were placed over her heart, wrist, and throat, tied down with plastic instead of cloth.

There was not a single shred of fabric in the entire room or anywhere around that section of the base, my men of course included. And if one of the men took some liberties with their assigned duty, I didn’t care enough to reprimand him. He was a good soldier and I was all too happy to forgive him his excesses so long as he did the job.

“Nnnggg,” she mumbled as she stirred. She really was a beautiful young lady, with flawless chocolate skin, full breasts capped by dark-pink nipples, and soft, brown hair that fell in gentle waves over her shoulders. Her trouble with men was entirely understandable.

I allowed myself a few indulgent glances as her eyes snapped open. Drowsiness lingering from the drugs. Surprise as she came to grips with her surroundings. Shock at the reality of being a young woman, stripped naked and restrained in a room with two naked men. Terror as she felt not a scrap of fabric around. Realization that she’d been thoroughly outed somehow.

I saw the fear wash away any lingering drowsiness like a bucket of cold water and savored it. Her eyes flitted to everything in the room. The chair. The table and the many sharp objects on it. The cameras. The TV. Then finally the men, one stoic and another with an unsettling grin and a half-mast. I saw her visibly shiver in disgust.

This, this was power.

“Hello, Parian. Or do you prefer Sabah?” I said pleasantly, as though discussing the weather.

“Wh-Who are you? I-I’m not-“ she stammered. I frowned. She had enough sense of self to lie right now. Impressive, but inconvenient. I briefly made a note to try and recruit her for myself later on. The beauty of the timelines was that I could, all this would be just another pleasant memory that never happened.

“You are,” I cut in. “Please do not count me as a fool, Sabah. I would not have prepared a room such as this without being certain.”

“You have the wrong girl, please. Please let me go.”

I rolled my eyes. She was good, really. She had large, brown eyes that naturally lent her an innocent, doe-like expression. With her height and obvious fear, it wasn’t hard for her to pluck at heartstrings. “You are precisely who I want, Sabah. But rest assured, I don’t care that you’re Parian. No, it’s your associate I want to know about.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I think you know. You’re small-time, Sabah. You are of little interest to me. It’s Menagerie I want.”

“I’m not telling you anything,” she said, her voice trembling. I smiled at her faux-bravado. She was no soldier. Powers tended to make someone rather obstinate, but that was no substitute for genuine training and hard-won discipline.

“You will,” I told her, not bothering to hide the mocking smile in my voice.

“He healed my father. You’re going to get nothing from me.”

“Hmm, I suppose you’re right. I suppose I’ll have to ask Mr. Azimi directly. Would you like to meet him?” I flipped the channel, replacing my masked face with that of her father, tied down in another part of the base, gagged, but otherwise unharmed. His eyes widened as he spotted his daughter and the two men beside her.



I allowed her a second for her situation to register before turning the channel back to my office. “As you can see, Sabah, I am being quite merciful at the moment. You can tell me what I want to know, or I will have to ask your father. I believe he’s less likely to know anything, but who knows? I’ve certainly been wrong before.”

“You can’t!”

“Oh? Or perhaps these nice men can ask you more… intimately… I’m sure Brown would be delighted to get to know you better. Do you think your father would like that? Watch his little girl become a woman?”

“No… Please…” she sobbed.

“I’m glad you understand your situation. Now, let us begin.”

There was a small hiccup. I wanted, no needed a safe timeline. One which did not involve any cape activities at all, one I could be wholly distanced from both my identity as Coil and away from the PRT. That meant this timeline was all I’d get. If I collapsed this one, I would have to arrange for their kidnapping all over again as I made sure to arrange no such endeavors in my safe timeline.

Menagerie was that dangerous. He seemed to have been wholly serious about having a thousand forms, but nothing Tattletale did could help her discern more of them beyond what he’d already revealed. Even with the monsters he’d shown, her power seemed hellbent on underestimating them. I’d had her watch the battle between Menagerie, the Wards, and Circus. She couldn’t begin to guess at the full scope of the “weezing’s” abilities, only that its biology made no sense and it should explode in a fiery conflagration simply for existing.

How could something be innately, deathly toxic yet exhale clean air?

No. It was evident that Menagerie had some anti-thinker power, which was why I was so insistent on maintaining a safe timeline, even if that meant I’d have to proceed slowly so as to not break little Sabah.

“First, why don’t you tell us your name, dear?” I said, breaking the silence.

“S-Sabah Azimi,” she stammered.

“Clearly. No stutters.”

“Sabah Azimi.”

“Good, good. Now, how old are you, Sabah?”

“Twenty years old.”

“And what is your major?”


“What did you study before fashion?”

“Mechanical engineering.”

She looked confused, likely expecting more intimate questions. We’d get to those. This was how polygraphs worked. They established a baseline for an individual’s heart rate. By asking her questions I knew the answers to, I could determine what her heart rate looked like when she was telling the truth. Or at least, that was the theory.

In reality, I didn’t care much about it. The polygraph was what most called a “lie detector,” but it was an inexact science at best and utterly worthless at worst. The psychology of having it in the room, clearly being monitored, was far more useful than the device itself.

I proceeded in this manner for half an hour, slowly lulling her into a false sense of security.

Even Brown leering at her mons wasn’t enough to keep her from relaxing a little now that it became clear to her that he wouldn’t be approaching without my permission. She was still tense, but there was a cautious optimism, a hope that this would be all there is. It was amazing what humans could get used to.

“Do you know Menagerie’s secret identity?” I asked, finally on the topic at hand.

“I-I can’t tell you.”

“Can’t or won’t?” She stayed silent. I flipped the channel, showing her her father. “Brown.”

A hand reached out and cupped her breast. Her eyes filled with tears as her entire body froze. I’d done a thorough investigation of her of course. It was highly likely that trouble with men was a part of her trigger, a fear I was all too happy to play on. I allowed Brown to play with her breasts as her father watched helplessly.

“Can’t or won’t?” I repeated.

“I can’t! I don’t know anything!”

I made a big show of leaning forward to look at another screen, this one depicting the polygraph. A rising heart rate was expected considering the assault. But then again, under the circumstances, odds were that she really knew nothing.

“Brown. Withdraw.” He did so with a final pinch that drew a disgusted gasp from her. “I believe you. It is in your best interest that I continue to believe you. Let us continue. How many forms does he have?”

“I-I don’t know. Please, please let me go.”

“White.” The stoic one reached out and backhanded her. “No begging, dear. All you have to do is answer the questions.”

The questions continued, but despite her relative cooperativeness, I got frustratingly little from her. There was another form called a lycanroc I didn’t know about until today, some kind of wolf with rocks sprouting from its mane. She of course could tell me nothing about its unique power. I also learned that under the helmet, he was a young boy of Wards age with wavy brown hair and gray eyes.

He seemed to treat Victoria Dallon with some familiarity, so I’d begin working through Arcadia for those of a similar appearance and body type. It was just a matter of time, and I could afford to fail.

“Thank you, Sabah.”

“Y-You’ll let me go?”

“Brown. Have fun.”

“No. You promised. Please!” I smirked as her eyes widened with fear. Brown picked up a knife and got to work; he’d always had some eccentric tastes, something about the contrast of desecrating beautiful women, I didn’t pay attention.

I allowed Sabah’s wails to fill my office and switched the channel so her father could watch. Yes, this was power, real power, the power to indulge.

Timeline A

I collapsed the timeline after several hours of Sabah’s musical cries. I could still hear her broken sobbing as Brown had his way with her, as he tore out her nails. When she closed her eyes to her violator, he ripped out her eyelids so she could carve his face into her memories.

Beautiful. This was why I kept him around.

Then, if only to grant her a taste of some ironic justice, I had White shoot his partner in the back of the head. That look of surprise on her face, the sheer bewilderment as her rapist went flaccid inside her. Perfection.

I stretched and stood. As delightful as that was, I had work to do in this timeline. I’d gotten what I could from her, though I might have her brought to me for a more personal interrogation later.

It seemed there was nothing for it. I could of course try something similar with Amy Dallon, but such endeavors were often not worth the hassle. New Wave might have been washed-up fools, but they were still a force to be reckoned with.

No, with any indirect sources of information dried up, I had no choice but to orchestrate a scenario which might draw out Menagerie’s full power. I dialed a contact with the Empire.

“There’s a party at the Docks. Be sure to bring your fireworks,” I told him, lips curling with disgust. He was the type of imbecile who thought he was James Bond. Code words and idiotic pageantry drawn from too many spy movies.

Still, I allowed him his games; his intel was useful if nothing else.

The fight drew in the gangs and I soon had the powderkeg I wanted. Oni Lee showed up, which was a bonus. That brought in Hookwolf and his merry band of pit fighters. From four blocks away, I had a trio of mercenaries monitor the confrontation. Even if Menagerie never showed, he was currently in the hospital, this would go a long way to inflaming tensions between the two most powerful gangs. Then, he’d have to show eventually.

I didn’t have to wait long. I didn’t really expect him to show, which was why I went for something so indirect but beneficial in the long-term. I felt a wide grin spread across my face.

“Recon team, do you read?”


“Use the drones. Keep tabs on Menagerie. All others are secondary.”

“Copy, sir.”

I saw it all. I saw him run so fast that thunderclaps resounded in his wake. I saw him throw grown men dozens of feet with a casual nudge of his shoulders or a lazy slap of his paws. I saw him melt Hookwolf’s metal legs into a puddle before dragging him off like an unwanted kitten to be drowned. This one video told me more than anything else I’d tried so far.

“Permission to withdraw, sir?” the captain of my recon team asked. His voice was still cool and professional, but there was a hint of urgency in the tone. A well-deserved respect for a creature more akin to a natural disaster. Good, had he been utterly fearless, I’d have to have him replaced with someone with some brains.

“Granted. Well done,” I allowed. It paid to be a good boss, at least in this timeline. “Expect a bonus in your next paycheck, boys.”

“A pleasure, sir.”


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♦ Topic: Menagerie has zero chill
In: Boards ► United States ► New England ► New Hampshire ► Brockton Bay ► General

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Jan 23rd 2011:
Holy shit, guys. I've got some news for you hot off the PRT grapevine. If I didn't see the videos myself, I'm not sure I'd believe it so I'll give you a minute-by-minute playthrough. Yes, literal minutes because Menagerie does not fuck around.

4:00 PM: Menagerie arrived in the hospital [here]. Remember that big fire-tiger-dog-thing. You'll want to later. He did a tour of the children's ward in Brockton General, healing them and turning into something he called a growlithe. It's fucking adorable, [here] is the video to melt your hearts.

4:30 PM: Or thereabouts, Glory Girl ferried Panacea to the hospital. This was supposed to be a rest day for Panacea, God knows she needs one, but she was called in when a huge gang fight broke out in the newly valuable Boat Graveyard. A gas station blew up and enough people got hurt that they asked Menagerie to rotate to the ER. He of course agreed.

5:12 PM: By hospital security cameras, two gang members were wheeled in, one E88, one ABB. They bitch at each other as they're wont to do. They mention that Hookwolf and Oni Lee are going to fight and bicker like the anons on the VS threads. Menagerie hears about this.

5:15 PM: Menagerie tells the nurses he's working with that he's going to go to the site to heal them in-person. It makes sense. He's a combat-capable cape as we saw yesterday against [Circus]. I linked the vid from Vista's helmet cam here.

He then proceeds to turn into that huge fire-dog and runs towards the site. Not hard to find considering the column of smoke coming from the gas station. Across the rooftops. Shattering every window in a straight line. Because he broke the sound barrier. Didn't even take the madlad a minute before he was there.

5:17 PM: [Here's] the video from the few working security cameras. I also linked a few of the videos from the helmet cams of PRT troopers on site. Watch the Empire faction. Yeah. That orange blur is Menagerie. [Here's] the video slowed down 10x. You can see the fire-dog ripping into them. Five seconds later, they're all out.

He then goes on to banter with Hookwolf for a few seconds before dragging the Nazi into the ocean. This is where the helmet cams lose him, but I managed to piece together something from a few of the dockworkers who were cleaning up their now not useless real estate. [Here.]

Yup. You saw that right. My new favorite doggo ran on water, drowned Hookwolf, then shook him like an unruly puppy before zipping back to dump him in front of the PRT.

5:20 PM: Yup. [Here's] Menagerie blurring back like he just played fetch. Three. Minutes. He chats with Miss Militia and Lady Photon for a bit before running off back to Brockton Bay General.

5:22 PM: He's back. [Here] he is on the hospital security camera again. The whole mess took seven minutes.

Thanks to Menagerie removing Hookwolf from the fight, the Protectorate were able to round on Cricket and take her down. Stormtiger and Oni Lee were able to flee.

Holy shit, [Menagerie_Official]. Do you have any chill?

(Showing page 1 of 5)

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
[Bagrat], we need to talk about your sources, buddy.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Daaayyyyuuuuummmmmm. I welcome our new monster overlord.

►Mane Magenta
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I work at the hospital. That fire-dog is named arcanine. No, I don't know why, besides the "-canine." A lot of Menagerie's pokemon seem to have punny names like that.

And you know what the best part of this was? When he came back, one of my coworkers asked him where was and you know what he said?

"Oh, you know. I thought I'd take a smoke break. See the sights. No big."

What a fucking legend.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol Yeah, I was there for that. Some of us legitimately thought he didn't go anywhere. I mean, yeah, we heard a boom outside, but we weren't watching him or anything. I know he said he'd go to the site, but I thought he turned around and decided against it.

Wouldn't have blamed him either. Oni Lee? Hookwolf? Yeah, no one wants to be in the middle of that.

►White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Except Menagerie, apparently. How fast is the speed of sound anyway? I wouldn't have expected the arcanine(?) to be able to do that either.

►NapkinMath (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Roughly 767 mph. Yup. That is one fast doggo. What's more impressive is that fire-tackle thing he did to Hookwolf. Assuming Hookwolf's metal blades are indeed made of high-tensile steel, they would have a melting point of ~2200-2500 F.

Seeing how he just ripped through Hookwolf's legs like they weren't there, the heat would have to be much, much hotter than 2500 F, hot enough to melt steel with only an instant of contact, or at least weaken it enough that a tackle can rip through it. And of course, while moving fast enough to treat the sound barrier like a polite suggestion.

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
[Bagrat], I have chill. I have all the chill. So long as no one makes any more work for me and Panacea than strictly necessary, I'm happy to play fetch with the kids in the pediatrics ward and give my friends rides around the city.

I stop having chill when a bunch of idiots fight over real estate I made for the sake of improving this city.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Dude, but why'd you let Stormtiger leave? You could have caught him at any time.

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Probably, yes. Maybe Oni Lee too. But no. I said it before and I'll say it again. Fighting isn't the way I want to be a hero. My priority will always be helping this city, and that means ending the conflict as quickly as possible so I can get back to healing people.

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Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Yeah, but now they're still around to cause trouble later. Greater good, man.

►White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
That's rich coming from Mr. Keyboard Warrior here. That's easy to say for you, but you don't get to make that call.

[Menagerie_Official], ignore him. I think you've done a wonderful job.

►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Ehh, there are arguments on both sides. But at the end of the day, the "greater good" is cold comfort to people who are bleeding out in the immediate. I don't think Menagerie was wrong to not give chase.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
How much do you wanna bet that Hookwolf and Cricket will be free by next week? Don't kid yourselves. This wasn't a PRT win.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol No one's calling this a PRT win. This was Menagerie's win, hands down.

You know what's funny though? The ABB lieutenant (not dropping names) is saying it's their win because they didn't lose their cape. And you know what? He's not wrong.

[Menagerie_Official], when're you going after the ABB?

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I don't care whose win you think it was. I just want my peace and quiet.

As for the ABB? When they next make a nuisance of themselves. And why would Hookwolf and Cricket go free?

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Heh. The PRT don't have a good record of holding villains. A revolving door, you know. The Empire's got friends all over.

►White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
You sound uncomfortably happy about that, [NordicChampion]. Not saying you're E88, but with a name like that, maybe have a bit more tact.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I know what I said. What about you [White Fairy]? Stop throwing stones from glass houses.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
He's... Unfortunately not wrong, [Menagerie_Official]. Hookwolf is guaranteed the Birdcage but was broken out mid-transport several times already.

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►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
That is... disappointing. You clearly have some moles in your organization, [Reave].

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Tell me about it. I'm just a grunt so I don't get any say, but I really hope the capture sticks this time.

►Mane Magenta
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
How about if you guys actually work with more heroes? I get that you can't spread yourselves so thin, but what if you let Menagerie ride with you? And if someone wants to try a breakout, well, sounds like a problem that solves itself.

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I would be open to guarding a transport. Depends when.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I'll kick it up the chain, but don't hold your breath. Upper management is very cagey about information security.

►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol You leak like a sieve. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Well... things just got interesting.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol Is no one going to say anything about [this]??? Menagerie and Panacea are totally a thing. They were even on a dinner-date!

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
No. Fuck you, Void. We're friends. FRIENDS.

I know that's a foreign concept to you, but try to take off your tinfoil hat for two seconds and wrap your head around that.

►Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
No infraction this time, [Panacea_Official], but please stop insulting others.

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(Showing page 4 of 5)

►Mane Magenta
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Ignore Void, [Panacea_Official]. You two are awesome and whatever you say you are.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
She doth protest too much. I don't see Menagerie saying anything either.

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Oh for fuck's sake. Panacea is right. We're friends. Deal with it.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Aww, the ship is sunk?

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
There was never a ship.

►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Can we not turn this into yet another shipping thread?

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
There are a lot of reasons Menagerie isn't right for Panacea, but in the interest of not having a grumpy fire-dog pay me a visit, that's all I'll say.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Wow, just saw this thread. Congrats [Menagerie_Official]. You're a goddamn legend. How fast are you anyway?

►NapkinMath (Wiki Warrior)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Approximately 832 mph in a straight line, comfortably past the speed of sound. Unless that wasn't his top speed? I don't know.

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
My speed is... extreme.

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(Showing page 5 of 5)

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I feel like that's a joke but I'm missing the punchline?

►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
It is. Don't worry about it.

►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Can we please get a thread of all of your forms? Please?


►Menagerie_Official (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Umm... I have more than a thousand. But sure, I'll make a separate thread to catalog all the ones I've turned into so far.

Edit: [Here] it is.

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♦ Topic: Pokedex
In: Boards ► United States ► New England ► New Hampshire ► Brockton Bay ► General

Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Posted On Jan 23rd 2011:
As [Bagrat] requested, here is a chronological list of all the pokemon I've turned into in public. Or, I think this is a full list? I lost track of what you've seen and what you haven't so if you have a picture or video of something funny-looking, go ahead and tag me and I'll let you know if it's mine. If it’s not, you may have a biotinker problem lol.

Claydol: EFI 0. It's a clay jar with eyes, guys. It floats. Yes, the eyes work. No, I don't know how. What do you want from me?

Phanpy: EFI 6. It's a baby elephant. Unfortunately not very fluffy, but the cuddle-factor makes up for it. Also amazing at rolling.

Panacea likes stroking my trunk ;)

Noctowl: EFI 7. It's an owl as big as a person. Slightly cuddlier than a phanpy because of those fluffy wings. Did you know owls have intentionally jagged feathers to create more drag and muffle noise? They're also extra-fluffy this way. Silent but deadly.

Audino: EFI 8. Supremely fluffy pink bunny capable of healing powers. Ears also make it empathic so its bedside manners are impeccable. Unlike a certain grumpy healer. *cough*

Pidgeot: EFI 6. Amazingly fluffy, but also very, very large. Large birds can be a little intimidating, especially when they're supersonic and make hurricane-force winds at will.

Panpan rode me hard~

Dusk Form Lycanroc: EFI 7. Good boy. Great boy even. But unfortunately not the goodest boy. Wolf with rock powers. Does not claim a higher EFI rating because its mane has stone blades coming out of it that are basically sharpened obsidian, but, you know, more durable. Still a great cuddler.

I made someone pee herself because wolves are scary. She's not holding a grudge. I think.

Tyrantrum: EFI 0. One does not cuddle a t-rex. Got skinned alive by vicious college girls. Laserdream is a horrid, brutal animal abuser who ripped off its poor scales. Please help.

Bites very hard. Do not stick head in mouth. Also, this is a dragon.

Spheal: EFI 10+. The ball seal pokemon. Supremely fluffy, with big, adorable eyes and huggable blubber.

Vista still has the Spheal of Disapproval.

Walrein: EFI 6. Spheal's big daddy. Walrus, but with tusks strong enough to rip through icebergs. I used it to move the tanker by freezing the water around it and lifting it using the buoyancy of the ice.

Avalugg: EFI 0. It's a living iceberg. I moved the tanker with it after I froze the ocean. It's very strong. Also bites hard.

May also be a skating rink. If Vista won't let me have a skating rink, I'll just become one. Right?

Riolu: EFI 10+. Cute. Blue. Pupper.

Also loves kung fu movies but is the type to criticize all of the actors for using stunt doubles like cowards. Can actually do all the kung fu movie stuff. HADOUKEN!

Panpan approved.

Lucario: EFI 8. Riolu's big brother. Fluffy, but has steel spikes. Very ouchy. Also heals. And punches. Really hard. Master of the Unity of Heaven and Earth. Fear his howl all ye wicked.

Gallade: EFI 2. Not a bad hugger, but more focused on being a gallant knight. Elbow-swords are practical weapons. Can do lots of other things. Like heal. And teleport. And recite the code of chivalry from memory as written in the Book of the Lake Guardians.

Has the phattest ass according to Panpan.

Turtwig: EFI 4. Small turtle with a shell made of topsoil. Unfortunately not very cuddly, but it tries very hard, okay? I used it to verify my PHO account. Ask [Tin_Mother].

Meganium: EFI 9. Giant flower dino who smells AMAZING. Loves to take care of gardens. Will give piggyback rides for free, even to Vista, destroyer of fun. Truly a heart of gold.

Alolan Ninetales: EFI 10+. A god who possesses appropriately divine levels of fluff. Top quality cuddler whose splendor your mortal mind cannot comprehend. You are blessed to gaze upon its glorious visage. Maximum EFI rating and the standard by which all other pokemon are judged.

Aurorus: EFI 9. Even bigger dinosaur than meganium or tyrantrum. Very blue, with pretty sails like the aurora.

Taking driver's ed.

Galarian Weezing: EFI 0. Unfortunately not very cuddly. Quite toxic actually. Do not hug. Do not consume. Otherwise quite the sophisticated gentlemen (yes, both heads work).

Gengar: EFI 1. Cuddly? As cuddly as a living shadow can be I guess? May or may not eat souls. Yes, souls exist. May the Distortion claim your doubtful heathen hearts.

Growlithe: EFI 10. Goodest boy. Fire-doge. Master connoisseur of ear-scritches and headpats.

Arcanine: EFI 10. Other goodest boy. Fire-doge. Legend of Indigo. The Dogespeed. Does not like baths. Or Hookwolf.

Welp, I think that's everything.

(Showing page 1 of 6)

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Thanks for this, but can't you go into a bit more detail?

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Of course not. That'd require that I be helpful.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol These are great. What's an EFI?

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
The newly coined, totally scientific, Emily Fluffiness Index of course. Trust her, she's an expert.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Emily... Who?

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Emily Piggot obviously. See? I told you Menagerie's already part of the Protectorate! He's working as a deniable asset!

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Oh god, please stop feeding Void, [Menagerie_Official]. He doesn't need an excuse to be stupid.

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Yup. Director Piggot. Totally. She's a huge cuddlebug deep inside. Deep, deep, deep inside the endless pit of nothingness she calls a heart.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I'm fairly sure this "Emily" is not Director Piggot, guys. Relax.

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(Showing page 2 of 6)

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol Yeah, we know. Only Void's that stupid. Why the hell would the Protectorate want a deniable asset that makes them look incompetent in comparison?

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

*This user has received an infraction. Keep it down, please.

►Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Be civil now. Even if the jokes are in poor taste.

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I will not apologize for my priorities.

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol What're those?

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
1. Whatever amuses me at the moment.

2. Helping people.

Maybe in that order.

►White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol I'm glad you've mastered the storied art of being an internet troll.
Now, back to the EFI. Any chance any of us can verify in person? You know, asking for a friend.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Actually, that's a real good point [White Fairy]. I don’t think all of these have been seen publicly, like the turtwig thing. Only [Tim_Mother’s] seen that one.

[Menagerie_Official], are you willing to sell your healing services? And anything else? Because I can think of a dozen different ways you could make some real moolah.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
That's not how things work. You're going to have to make sure you don't conflict with NEPEA-5 for one.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Ehh, the NEPEA-5 exists to prevent a monopoly in an industry. If it's merchandising stuff like dolls of his monsters, he might be able to.

Disclaimer: IANAL.

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(Showing page 3 of 6)

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Heh. Yeah, you like anal.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Fuck off, Void.

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I don't think you should sell healing [Menagerie_Official].

►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I don't know, [Panacea_Official].

Assuming he wants to remain independent, he's going to have to fund his cape activities somehow. Even New Wave merchandises and has a donation page.

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
We do. I'm not saying he shouldn't make money off his powers, I'm saying healing shouldn't be one of those methods.

The reason I don't charge for healing isn't just because it's good PR. When you make something a business, you introduce a lot of greed into things. You can't really put a price on health and trying will only create a list of people who can't afford treatment. Bitterness. Spite. Greed. It's not worth it.

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Not really where I thought this thread would go, but both are good points. Truthfully? I could use more money. A lot of people I know could use more money because as powerful as I might seem, there are a lot of things I can't solve alone. Sometimes, I look around and wonder what I would do with wealth. Sometimes, being rich is a superpower in itself.

But [Panacea_Official] is also right. I don't want money to be the reason that motivates me. Honestly? It's something to keep in mind. Maybe I'll leave four or five slots open per week and charge a premium so I can invest it back in things I want without taking too much time out of my healing days. I'll have to think on it further.

►Answer Key
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Alright, keyboard lawyers and moralizing healthcare aside, I had a question about your pokemon.

Are all of them as strong as arcanine?

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Ehh... Maybe. They all do different things so it's kind of a "judge a fish by how it flies" scenario. If you mean physically, then yes and no? There are stronger, there are weaker. Arcanine is among the fastest for sure though.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
What is its top speed?

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Dogespeed of course. I thought we established that.

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(Showing page 4 of 6)

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol I'm dead. Bravo.

I still remember when you were an Alolan ninetales(?) Does that mean there are more ninetales?

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Some pokemon have variations on their forms, yes.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
What about that gallade? Why does it have the "phattest ass?"

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol Ask [Panacea_Official].

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
lol Can confirm. Ames loves stroking phanpy trunk.

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

►Specific_Protagonist (Temp-Banned)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

►Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Fuck off! No it's not!

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
*smug smile*

Why am I doing this? She knows what she did.

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(Showing page 5 of 6)

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Oh screw you, [Menagerie_Official]. It's not my fault that you can't freeze the pier whenever you want!

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

►Laser Augment
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Hahahahahahaha, lol poor Vista. Someone give her a hug.

►Clockblocker (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Tried. Pain.

►Specific_Protagonist (Temp-Banned)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
So, inquiring minds want to know. Is a lucario's boy bits anatomically accurate?

*This user has been temp-banned. Take a cold shower.

►Tin_Mother (Moderator)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Don't answer that.

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Who knows? The PRT offered to help me test my powers though.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Okay, taking the thread back on track. Pidgeot. It's also supersonic. And can make hurricane-force winds. Are all your creatures elemental in some way? Like, earth, fire, water, air, that sort of deal?

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►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Oh look, an actually productive question.

Some, yes. Others have more esoteric abilities like healing. Still others have great senses and excel at stealth or tracking. It depends because, again, there are over a thousand of them. Many are elementals though, yes.

Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
Huh. Can you come grow me a big apple tree? Fuji apples, please.

►Menagerie_Official (Original Poster) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 23rd 2011:
I might make another tour of the city someday so who knows? You might get lucky. Or at least your nearby park.

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It would be nice if there was a break after the coil part so it could be skipped.