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PWP: Bryce's Fourth Specialization

  • Jackie Chan Adventures 33
  • Fairy Tail 43
  • Metal Slug (This thing has lore, lol) 18
  • Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood/Manga obviously) 111
  • Power Rangers (I'll roll for seasons I'm familiar with) 42
  • 2023-05-05
  • —2023-05-15
  • 247 votes
{'title': "PWP: Bryce's Fourth Specialization", 'choices': [{'text': 'Jackie Chan Adventures', 'votes': 33}, {'text': 'Fairy Tail', 'votes': 43}, {'text': 'Metal Slug (This thing has lore, lol)', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood/Manga obviously)', 'votes': 111}, {'text': "Power Rangers (I'll roll for seasons I'm familiar with)", 'votes': 42}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 15, 16, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 5, 16, 34, 39, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 247}


As promised, here are the five selections based on RNG. Keep in mind that Bryce can make things that were created, not things that are naturally occurring. For example, Bryce wouldn't get access to FT's dragonslayer magic, but creating things like Nirvana wouldn't be out of the question.

Also keep in mind where he is with relationships, resources, and position in the Bay. Some specializations are more useful than others based on circumstance.



Let's get rid of the material requirements!


Full disclosure I considered the fact that all of these would be great no matter what but I also considered what was said about not being ready for bigger specializations from before, so after a long and thorough decision process I went with Power Rangers for the memes

Fabled Webs

Even if I wanted to, I feel like that's impossible if FMA wins. The concept of equivalent exchange is so deeply rooted in alchemy that material requirements or sacrifice is mandatory. That, and Bryce would be so hilariously broken lol. I'm not sure I'm ready to make Bryce a god yet.


Could someone give me like a brief overview of the major technologies featured in these universes? I know nothing about any of them besides a very tiny bit about the Power Rangers.

Fabled Webs

lol Yeah, RNG skipped a lot of the popular ones like Naruto or Mass Effect and skipped straight to the obscure shit. JC Adventures: Talismans based on the Chinese Zodiac, Masks that summon shadow ninjas, Super-spy gear, Magic rituals made by Taoist priests to seal incredibly powerful demons. Fairy Tail: Magic crystals that store "flavors" of ethernano (their version of mana), Ancient superweapon that forcibly changes a person's moral alignment, "Tower of Heaven," Keys to European Zodiac summons, Glasses that let you read super fast, Cars that run off magic, Basically anything Erza wears... general enchanting and high fantasy stuff basically. Metal Slug: Alien weapons you'd expect from sci-fi. Mutagenic fluids that turn even hermit crabs into the size of a six-story building, Lasers, Micro-missiles, UFOs, Very cool looking tanks, Subs, Boats that are also tanks, etc. Honestly kinda neat. FMA: Alchemy that heavily relies on the concept of equivalent exchange and sacrifice. Can get very creative with it though so it's relative low-power in terms of shonen manga, but the versatility is unmatched. Power Rangers: Really depends on the season, but you know most of it. Power suits, morphers, AI(possibly), beam weapons, some sort of superbike, a combined "our hearts as one" weapon made from five other weapons, and of course, the zords.


I'm woefully ignorant of pretty much all of these, I picked based on watching "magic" interacting with Worm, and seeing the title used in other crossovers. Any of them will be fun though!


Bryce would be a god anyways. It's been repeated many times across the series that 'human life is priceless'. What that means in practical terms is that human sacrifice is the most efficient alchemy catalyst.


id be hyped for metal slug since that shit gets very technologically heavy and weird, it probably wont win though (would be awesome to see the gullrest become a walking crab gunboat tho)


Id go for power rangers for the memes and zords but i don't think he'd be able to gather the materials. Jackie chan would be my next pick but he's already got enough to master as it is. Plus he'd probably need the original dragon to make the talismans (though maybe he could make something unique?) FMA is probably the best just to help with future specializations.


Xiolin Showdown would've been better than Jackie Chan


Just to be clear FMAB Alchemy is super strong, the people in the show are limited by their science being less advanced than our own. Even without the added benefit of his ever growing scientific understanding, Bryce can eventually setup a sacrifice circle around Ellisburg and eliminate an S-Rated threat and gain a strong philosopher’s stone in the process.


as someone who really should read pwp, the idea of ganking nilbog and then healing piggot with that philosopher stone is appealing. repay evil onto evil to do good and all that jazz. no idea if thats even an angle that should be hit, but voting for this, nevertheless.


I feel like there should be some synergy between lineage factor and chimeric alchemy (the Greed and Kimblee kind not the Shou kind) but I'm not sure how yet. Also with alkahestry he'd be a healer.


I voted for Fairy Tail, as while I love FMAB I want me some dragon slayer lacrima. Granted FMAB would fulfil the role of the tech tree that would allow the MC to massively expand their operation since it allows you to transmute matter. And one of the few limits of alchemy can be overcome with the help of his Duck AI, circle alchemy get more complex the more intricate what you want to make is but and AI can do it on the fly. He can strip mine the entire boat graveyard in an afternoon. It’s definitely a good tech tree to allow him to scale up his operation. Other ToF stories have their own ways of gathering marital and scaling up, like the use of Zergs. Or having high end fabricators from a game that would build shit fast (as part of the lore).


Don’t forget about the prosthetics. That’s probably one of the largest things FMA has to offer, and combining that knowledge with his other specializations would theoretically allow some pretty neat stuff.


A good season of power rangers could be great he can create a quick change for the costume and teleportation technology like mmpr their a lot of faucets in power ranger season except like wild force where the zords are alive


The biggest thing that FMAB has to offer is skipping the method and arriving at the result. There is a lot you can do if you can jump the assembly/creation process. Every ToF tinker eventually gets a tech tree that massively enhances the speed and size of what they can build be it due to building technology or material gathering, or both. Alchemy does both to an extent. So if he wants to make a ship, he just needs to design it and make a circle with the write design and gather the materials and poof ship is built. Also scars tattoos would allow you to destroy endbringers (though very slowly).


As much i love to see creed using a megazord and doing a henshin with in his suit (and confunded with a sentai elite), he can not use the maximum of the specialization. So probably full metal alchemist can be the best option for stop being limited for materials (and can posibly gain money suministring exotic materials in his catalogue).


I doubt Bryce could get dragon slayer lacrima since the creation requires a dragon's heart.


I feel that power rangers would copy/support a lot of what he currently has. FMA seems like it would be to quick to power unless the calcs for the alchemist circles are very complex. I do not know much about metal slug but from the comments I’m seeing it could be fun. He can’t do anything dragon slayer related to himself or he will get motion sickness and lose all his vehicles. Jackie Chan adventures sounds neat but limited a couple of the item there sound fun.


Jackie Chan forgot about this show would he be able to create the talismans like the or would you


oops! sorry. I was going to say, could you create talismans like the show?


Don't forget these ones: Fairy Tail: Everything from Earthland (basically a magic powered society, though the magic crystals are unfortunately made from crystallized humans...), the new Fairy Tail 100-year quest is expanding on the world and lore. They also have alchemy but it's not matter transmutation but more like concept transmutation, some weird things happening right now. Then there are dragon cores/lacrimas but he obviously has no access to dragons to make them from, unless PanPan ascended lizards count lol. Or maybe make the lacrima out of Lung? lol. Golems of all spectrum, magic (power?) nullifying/amplifying Face weapons. Does Zeref's demons (technically enchanted books?) count as crafting? FMA: Homunculus, don't forget these sad creations. Alkehestry as someone mentioned is alchemy-based healing. Philosopher's stones too and Bapping mentioned sacrificing Ellisburg, but I think the main component is souls not flesh, can the goblins in Ellisburg be considered living beings with souls or just flesh golems? Granted, some of them are highly intelligent but most of them aren't (and I think they need intelligent souls, otherwise you can sacrifice an entire chicken farm to make a philosopher's stone...). Also, with this specialisation he can tell PanPan that she's now not the only Queen (King) of body horror. FMA is at least half biotinkering lol, not to mention the soul transmutations. Bryce can technically do resurrections, albeit with a steep price, but we have PanPan to fix him if he accidentally sacrificed his own organs... Or just partial soul transmutations to bind souls to inanimate objects for full resurrection later. I can just imagine Armsmaster bound to his own armor lol, Dragon will probably have very mixed feelings about her crush technically being closer to an AI as a soul puppetted cyborg. I'm unfortunately not as familiar with the others but they sound interesting. Metal Slug if I remember correctly has aliens in their lore. Both the technological and biological horror type. So, really, it's understated how much tinkering potential it actually has. Though admittedly, the alien technology features heavily on the mind-control/jack and probes in unmentionable places... Basically the classic idea of aliens from the 1900s. Btw, if he ever gets Mass Effect, how will he manage to get access to Eezo? He doesn't have a supernova handy to make some... maybe the FMA specialisation will help him make some by paying a steep price. Though the Alien-God-AI-Squid-Spaceship is already absurd enough, access to the source code for the AI of the Reapers will be OP enough as it is... Then there's the Indoctrination issue that can subjugate entire galactic civilizations, "Master: YES". Though he might be able to make tech to protect against Master effects instead using Indoctrination as a base. Trying to think of any tech tree that can protect against precogs and the only one I can think of is from the Fate series, FGO in particular. Chaldea is isolated from time, space and Human Order. Cauldron's base has got nothing on that lol. Also, technically, Demon God Goetia is a creation of Solomon... It's technically the Human Order Correction Ritual that became the Human Order Incineration Ritual, capable of erasing human history and wiping all parallels/iterations of the planet clean into a white, blank canvas. It's also capable of time travel and changing the past (even if it is a very bad idea), something that the Entities are not capable of. Also, ORT, who the author says is designed to be the embodiment of despair. That super-secret last boss who has at least 5 different 'Final forms', each more absurd than the last. The fantasy trees too...


I believe I read somewhere that the novel effects of materials that Tinkers create is just the Shard putting in work in the background to make it all happen. So if he needed access to any sort of materials or resources that don't exist in his universe, his Shard can just make up a substitute with the same effects or value. Though that all depends on Bryce having an actual Shard and being a proper Tinker, which I don't know since my memory refuses to cooperate.


Are lacrima’s naturally formed or created, cause dragonslayer or godslayer magic via a lacrima would be possible if they are created…


Nah, if Blake ever figures out what an endbringer is in alchemical terminology, I bet he could one-shot them the way Scar does with humans. Comprehending the eldritch beings would be the problem but maybe Porygon could handle the understanding part. I just imagine the angel bitch losing her shit. Also, whenever Blake needs a serious power up he could sacrifice something to Truth.


If FMA wins will Brice get knowledge of the Truth?

Fabled Webs

As in use alchemy like Ed, without the full circle? If he's willing to make a hefty sacrifice, maybe. I don't know that he'd be willing to do this though, especially not when he can machine incredibly precise circles onto gloves, shoes, or even ninja stars if he wants to play up the chuuni thing even more.