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Monthly Poll: September 2024

  • A Life Worth Living (Young Justice/DxD) 148
  • Homeless Bunny (RWBY/Campione) 110
  • Legendary Tinker (Worm/LoL) 156
  • Plan? What Plan? (Worm) 340
  • Pokemon: Apocalypse (Pokemon) 88
  • The Holy Grill (Worm/Fate) 151
  • Troll in the Dungeon! (Harry Potter) 270
  • When is a Spoon a Sword? (Pokemon 301
  • Did you know squirrels don't take fall damage? It's a glitch in the matrix. 72
  • 2024-08-01
  • —2024-08-16
  • 1636 votes
{'title': 'Monthly Poll: September 2024', 'choices': [{'text': 'A Life Worth Living (Young Justice/DxD)', 'votes': 148}, {'text': 'Homeless Bunny (RWBY/Campione)', 'votes': 110}, {'text': 'Legendary Tinker (Worm/LoL)', 'votes': 156}, {'text': 'Plan? What Plan? (Worm)', 'votes': 340}, {'text': 'Pokemon: Apocalypse (Pokemon)', 'votes': 88}, {'text': 'The Holy Grill (Worm/Fate)', 'votes': 151}, {'text': 'Troll in the Dungeon! (Harry Potter)', 'votes': 270}, {'text': 'When is a Spoon a Sword? (Pokemon', 'votes': 301}, {'text': "Did you know squirrels don't take fall damage? It's a glitch in the matrix.", 'votes': 72}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 16, 20, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 8, 1, 20, 50, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 1636}


You guys know the drill. ACL won this month so there won't be ACL on the poll for September.

If you're a commissioner, tell me which stories you want next month. If you don't, I'm going to assume you just like giving me money. Unless you have already, in which case, I have you, don't worry.

Things I published last month:

4: Life 4, Grill Omake 1-3
8: LT 8.8
11: Morgan 1-3
12: PWP 5.4
14: ACL Live
19: Apocalypse 1.17, Bees 1
22: PWP 5.4.5
26: Grill 3.1, ACL Live

Total chapters published last month: 15


noah summers

Can you add Morgan as an option plz?


o7 to all the ACL voters!

noah summers

Also can you please add BEEs to the poll cuz I want to vote for it... 🙏🥺


Spoon for life


You've got so many different fictions up now!


so sad so many don't agree with the glory that is pokemon:apocalypse


All I want is PWP and Spoon. Maybe more Spoon cause we got some PWP recently. Regardless, not enough of both. You write too many stories man, and you just keep adding more. Oof.

ha vu

Okay. Troll, ftw - I want to see how Blaise's scheme gets resolved and get over the first year in Hogwarts as fast as possible.




Add Pokémon apocalypse and legendary tinker and you got my choices


Am i an idiot.....i just spent 20 minutes searching for a squirrel fic, and now i just realised it might just be a joke/animal fact

Origami Phoenix

Once again Pokemon Apocalypse is the least popular. *clicks tongue*


ngl way too many different stories, if the update speed was a little more frequent i would understand but with updates happening approx once a week i feel like im not getting any updates on the stories i want to see