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Greetings fellow translators,

As we close the chapter on 2023, I'm delighted to share the incredible strides we've taken with Translator++ Ver. 5. Your unwavering support and valuable feedback have played a pivotal role in shaping this version. Let's take a moment to reflect on the key enhancements and features that have defined this year:

Translator++ Ver. 5 Highlights:

  1. Engine Improvements:
    We've dedicated efforts to improve compatibility with a range of visual novel engines, including WolfRPG, Yu-ris, LiveMaker, KAG, and more. Also I have decided to maintain a fork of VNTranslationTools library, since the development of the original VNTranslationTools has been halted.
  2. Addition of AEC (Archive Extractor Compendium) :
    The introduction of the Add : AEC (Archive Extractor Compendium) addon in version 0.1 marks a significant milestone. This collection of tools empowers you to extract and repack game archives internally, providing enhanced control over game asset management.
  3. AI Translation Support:
    Translator++ now supports a diverse range of language models, including ChatGPT, Text completion, GPT4All, Kobold, LiteLLM, and more. This ensures a comprehensive selection of LLM models for aiding translation, making Translator++ a versatile tool for your projects.
  4. Translation Memory Module:
    The addition of the Translation Memory module facilitates the storage and retrieval of translations. This feature promotes consistency across projects and streamlines your workflow.
  5. Introduction of Hook Feature:
    Unlock new possibilities with the Hook feature! Programmatically execute batch operations at any point in your translation process. For instance, hooking a shell command through onAfterExport enables seamless integration with third-party applications for compiling translations.
  6. Character Name Display:
    Enhancing the translation workspace, we've added the ability to display character names on the grid. This provides crucial context for translators, aiding in the identification of the actor whose dialogue is being translated.
  7. Automation Script Enhancement:
    Elevating automation capabilities, we've implemented a WYSIWYG form editor. This allows you to easily add forms for parameter input in automation scripts, making the automation process more intuitive and user-friendly.

Translator++ Ver. 5.12.31B, which has just been released, marks the conclusion of Translator++ Ver. 5. The next release will be in Ver. 6.

Sneak Peek into Translator++ Ver. 6
As we look ahead, Ver. 6 is shaping up to be even more groundbreaking. Here's a sneak peek into some of the exciting developments planned:

  1. Harnessing AI Advancements:
    In response to the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology, Translator++ Ver. 6 will continue to harness the power of AI and LLM. One notable example is our focus on leveraging the newly introduced JSON mode in ChatGPT. This enhancement ensures the integrity of the translation results, keeping pace with the latest advancements in AI.
  2. Developer Tool for Empowered Creation:
    I understand very well that innovation comes not only from me but also from our community. In Ver. 6, I'm introducing a developer tool to empower anyone interested in creating their own translator engines, add-ons, or automation scripts. This tool is designed to make the process more accessible and seamless for developers of all levels.
  3. Expanded Game Engine Support:
    My commitment to versatility continues with the addition of support for more game engines. Translator++ Ver. 6 aims to provide an even broader range of compatibility, ensuring that you can seamlessly integrate my platform into your preferred projects.
  4. Revolutionizing Proofreading:
    Take notice of the empty Assistant section on the option menu? Ver. 6 is set to introduce an entirely new section dedicated to tools that aid proofreaders. This section will list automatic proofreading tools to streamline the proofreading process and enhance the overall quality of translations.
  5. Unveiling a Never-Before-Seen Feature:
    While I won't reveal all the details just yet, I'm working on something unprecedented for Ver. 6. This feature, currently under wraps, will allow you to integrate Translator++ with any translator you currently use for automatic translation of games, manga, anime, light novels, and more. Stay tuned for this groundbreaking addition that will revolutionize your translation experience.

As we embark on this exciting journey into Ver. 6, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and enthusiasm. Your feedback has been invaluable, and I can't wait to share these new developments with you soon.

Stay tuned for the great things ahead!

Your fellow translator,




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