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This video shows how to set up Sugoi Japanese Translator in the upcoming Translator++ ver. 4.1.29.

Translator++ since Version 4.1 is equipped with Sugoi Translator Manager. Through Sugoi Translator Manager you can make tweaks that will significantly improve translation performance. This includes GPU processing setup, batch translation and multi thread and multi server translation.

I'm currently in the process of uploading Translator++ version 4.1.29. You can download it in the next few hours.



How to set up Sugoi Japanese Offline Translator in Translator++

This video will show you how to set up and run Sugoi Japanese Translator via Translator++. Translator++ since Version 4.1 is equipped with Sugoi Translator Manager. Through Sugoi Translator Manager you can make tweaks that will significantly improve translation performance. This includes GPU processing setup, batch translation and multi thread and multi server translation. 00:07 Updating Sugoi Translator to support GPU Processing 07:18 Configuring local servers 02:42 Starting Sugoi Translator servers Sugoi Japanese Translator is an offline Japanese-English translator that uses CNN deep learning trained with many visual novels and modern Japanese literary works. Visit the creator's project on github here: https://github.com/leminhyen2/Sugoi-Japanese-Translator Instalation guide here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8xFzVbmo7k =============================== Please support Translator++ project by become a patron at: https://patreon.com/dreamsavior Learn more about Translator++ at https://dreamsavior.net Download latest public build of Translator++ at https://dreamsavior.net/download For questions and bug reports, please contact me via patreon or discord. I’m not answering questions on Youtube.



Sugoi has great potential, keep up the good work!


I'm using T++ because Sugoi, that's a nice improvement


Bummed I can't utilize the GPU process offloading due to running an all AMD rigg currently. I hope that the Radeon line receives support at some point in the future. No idea when I'll be on an NVidia card again. That aside, this software is genuinely a godsend for those of us trying to get some of these JP games running in an intelligible and readable version of the English language. xD


Joined you yesterday, because your competitor "ad****c***o" has become a nuisance. At the moment, i´m experimenting with your tool, but due to less free time, i can only translate parts of one game per day.


Yeah, I guess I knew what you mean :) I just didn’t consider it as a “rival” or something. Because we’re different tools. Translator++ has always been a CAT tool for quality translation. Anyway, thank you for your support :D


the cmd window autocloses when i try to apply your patch. https://puu.sh/IGTDD/4a5ce6ce47.mp4 any idea what could be wrong? graphic card in question: gtx 1080 ti


your tool is awfully frustrating! honestly! yesterday, i followed all steps shown in your videos and everything worked absolutely smooth, but i had to abort the translation for a game, because i had to go to work. today, i made the same steps shown in your videos (sugoi) and all i get is "ERROR Failed to fetch blabla.." every time i try to start it. it is extremely frustrating, because i can´t find anything what i could have made wrong. i didn´t change anything, i didn´t overwrite anything. all i have now is an expensive piece of something which doesn´t work...


Sounds like the problem on Sugoi Translator side. Was the Sugoi Translator running when you did the batch translation? Also, you can get a quicker response by DM-ing me through Discord. You will be invited to the channel by linking your patreon account with your Discord account.


sorry, but i can´t login to discorrd. i don´t know the reason, but my email-adress gets always an error when i try to login. and about sugoi: sugoi translator is running in the background and servers too but even after multiple runs, i always get the same message.


same goes for me. can you use sugoi? maybe this is the case, sugoi isn´t working for me.


Trying to get the Sugoi Translator GPU 3000 series patch to work doesn't do anything. It opens a CMD window then instantly closes.


where is papagotranslator? I thought it was there. i'm so sad


ok. thanks. I'll collect the points. Instead, please continue to pay attention to papago. It's a really good translator. And I hope there is a manual for renpy game translation.(Like a video...) I don't know how to translate only the lines without touching other parts. I'm sorry for bothering you.


Is there a patch for AMD GPUs? I have a 6900xt but I'm only seeing NVIDIA patches


My command prompt auto-closes when I choose to install patch for series 20xx or closer.


Try installing it manually: https://dreamsavior.net/docs/translator/translator-engine/sugoi-translator/manually-patch-the-server-to-allow-gpu-processing/


help.. when i try running the server it shows an error in cmd like this "Model file not found: ./japaneseModel/big.pretrain.pt" not like what it shows in video... i try run both cpu and gpu still not working... can you help me pls


You should install the model too : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgAsQzI-A0D8vmNIekwIRKlflGw9xz3i/view?usp=sharing


You should install the model too : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgAsQzI-A0D8vmNIekwIRKlflGw9xz3i/view?usp=sharing


I'm also having this issue. I downloaded the model you linked, but when I looked at the readme on where to put it, I noticed that the folder structure changed from what it was when the readme was written. I tried putting the model files in both sugoiTrans/patch/fairseq and in sugoiTrans/backend, and neither worked. I'm running an AMD rig with both GPU and CPU, and trying to run on CPU. Are AMD CPUs not supported?


In my case the servers won't boot up at all. Apparently I don't have torch installed, although I did install the 20xx patch thingy, which showed something about torch. Now I'm unable to either intall torch (dont know how) and still unable to use sugoi :/


Probably your GPU is not supported. You can also try to use YOJET server, here : https://github.com/dreamsavior/yojet-server