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Hello everyone,

Thank you for your continuous support for Translator++.

Firstly, I'm sorry, I can not reply to each of your messages quickly because of my tight schedule these past weeks.

I also apologize because I can't write a proper update news for version 3.5.30. So this post will cover both of version 3.5.30 and 3.6.9.


  • Fix : Cell info doesn't show scroll bar when the content is overflowing
  • Add : RMMV & RMMZ engine: Preview the original JS string on the raw javascript file.
  • Add : RMMV & RMMZ engine: preview the original string on JSON tree viewer.
  • Update : xUnityAutotranslator Version 4.16.1
  • Add : We can change the raw material path from the Project location window.
  • Fix : Tag selector is visually improved.
  • Fix : Layout of Addon manager
  • Fix : Some layout of the options
  • Add : Information about points and current level
  • Add : DeepL Translator (through addon installer)


  • Fix : (again) Tagging doesn't work when exporting/injecting translations
  • Fix : Various error on the second instance of Translator++ window
  • Update : BING Translator. Microsoft has updated their API. This will work with the latest version of BING free API.
  • Fix : RMMV & RMMZ engine: Unable to select destination directory on resource decryptor dialog.
  • Fix : RMMV : Unable to load javascripts when entry point is index.html file
  • Add : RMMV & RMMZ engine: Option to load scripts & plugins on project creation.
  • Add : RMMV & RMMZ engine: Now variable assignment and Script commands are loaded into project (be very careful with these)
  • Add : RMMV & RMMZ engine: Variable & Script Commands are automatically tagged "red" on project creation.
  • Fix : RMMZ : Inject handler doesn't worked

There have been some important improvements in Translator++ since version 3.5.30

Update for Bing translator engine

Among the many automatic translator service providers, I think BING is the one that changes the API the most often.

Since April this year BING has been using an API with a specific combination of token, key & target URL that changes every few minutes. This causes all applications that use the free and unlimited version of BING to be unusable in the normal way. But well… Translator++ has always been beyond normal. So, ….enjoy the unlimited and free version of the public version of BING on Translator++.

Support for DeepL

The following section is just my humble opinion. My opinion does not necessarily represent the facts. So, please don’t bash me.

-- start of my opinion --

Many say that DeepL is the best automatic translator. Some even say that DeepL's translations are as good as manual translations... to the point of causing many translators to lose their jobs. Isn't that exaggerated too much?

I think that is a heavily overrated statement and I would say... that this is the fine example of product evangelism done right (or wrong, depending on your point of view)... another fine example is Python.

Obviously, each automatic translator has its own advantages and disadvantages. The worst downside of DeepL is that it hides text that it can't translate. This gives the illusion that DeepL's translation results are better than other translators. This may be a good thing for people who just want to know the outline of the translation. But for those who want detail, this is a major drawback.

Another thing is, DeepL is slower than other translators.

In the end, in all its glorious claim, DeepL is just one of those automatic translation machines. And it never been better than organic translation (manual translation)

-- end of my opinion--

Due to the high demand for DeepL, and because DeepL is finally no longer Europe-centric (with the addition of Asian languages, including most importantly… Japanese). I finally decided to add the support for DeepL into Translator++

Support for DeepL is as an addon.

You can install the DeepL addon via Options → Add-ons → Install

This is a free, unlimited public version of DeepL. Although it is free and unlimited, please use it in moderation (just like the other engine). And… Please don’t expect fast translation result on the batch translation like Google / Bing.

Major Improvement for RPG Maker MV & MZ

Previously, many complained because some of the text in RPG Maker MV games was still in the original language even though all the text in Translator++ was 100% translated.

Actually, this happens because the texts are in Javascript format. And I really refrain from including those javascript scripts into Translator++ … with a good reason...

… because…. despite so many warnings given, there are still many users who translate everything with automatic translators, deploy, find errors in the game (as expected), and complain. That's what happens when we translate tags and untranslatable text by machine. Imagine what can happen if we blindly translate Javascripts with an automatic translator.

Translating strings in Javascript it self is a risky move, even when done manually. An interpreter needs to know the context of that string. Is that string part of a variable? Does it have any effect on the overall script logic? etc. Therefore, to allow one to accurately translate Javascript, Translator++ must have an additional feature that allows one to see the context of the string.

In Translator++ Version 3.6.9 we can see a snippet of a string in the original file in the Raw tab of the lower left window. And if the snippet is not sufficient, we can open the original file easily with the right-click menu.

Snippet is properly syntax-highlighted with a nice line number on it.

Raw tab can also display the original string of JSON data with a nice JSON viewer.

A fully functional JSON tree viewer.

By default, Translator++ does not process javascript files. But if you want, you can process the javascript file through the "Load Plugins into Project" menu. This menu will also appear when a new project is created.

I hope these new features can improve the quality of your life and the quality of your translations.

Javascripts are loaded and automatically tagged.

Since Translator++ 3.5.30 Advanced script & Set Variable command will be loaded into Translator++, in addition to that all Advanced script, Set Variable & Plugin command will be automatically tagged in red when project is initialized.

Please update your Translator++ into ver 3.6.9 using auto-update.




Thank You for bringing in DeepL. This engine is very accurate and human-like


Just a heads up if you sign into DeepL Pro while using this, the program will paste the untranslated text into the input box like normal, but will be unable to take the translated text out, unless im just doing something wrong.


This version of DeepL only supports the free version via web API. The pro version is yet to be released.